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Test Server Bugs


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Current Date: September 15

Bugs or issues found on test server (PC):

Issue: Login screen: Pressing tab once you have imput your loginname doesn't put you in the password field.

Bug: Accessing your harem and pressing a girl brings up the wrong one (Mizuki), untill the game has had a tad of time to work, it then changes to the right one.

Issue: There is no way to dump all your affection onto one girl like there is in the current version, clicking the same girl for 300+times in a row with nothing happening feels like bad game design.

Bug: Going to chat with a girl sometimes doesn't load the dialog and only the "phone" image, this image doesn't go away there is no way to turn it off as it blocks most of the gui.

Bug: Pressing the lower edge of the Chat button takes you to the story-map screen.

Bug: Spamming chat options sometimes softlocks the game as the "go buy more" option doesn't load.

Bug: Reseting the game gives you full affection, 2 times a day, sometimes.

Bug: Mojo energy skill doesn't have a cooldown, allowing you to buff all skills. (Can be a bug searching feature... not sure.)

Bug: If the game is running as daily missions become available, the game crashes. (sometimes, does give an error, but to lazy fiddle with print screens and stuff)

Issue: Not sure if girls obtainable on certain levels, Example:Mary, are bugged, or simply only has a chance to join. Either give affection like in hentai heroes or dialog that says they didn't want to join this time around.

Bug: LvL-Max button only levels 500 levels on the girl, not MAX.

Bug: Dialog options means "Jack shit", feels useless and cheap, not to mention that what is said isn't reflected by the girls answer. (That said, the new system will allow people to view last image without wasteing 2000+ affection, which is nice.)

Issue: Touch of neptune lags the game something wicked, especially if you use it early on a run. (I believe this can be fixed by changing the way "stages" are loaded. No point in showing a girl for 1 frame, so don't load her untill the stage is fully loaded. a simple if:NepTouch=active && Click dmg/20>=Dmg needed for level clear) {CurrentStage+1, cash=+Rewardcash} could in theory fix some of the lag.

Issue: Gasha rolls are still to expensive to be worth while, especially with all the crap rewards you can get instead of what you are after (the girls)

Issue: Party system is mostly irrelevant and the girls feels meeh. There is no strategy, no way to affect you game play. Why bring 2 idle girls in a party? Or 2 clicker girls? Or are the perks only active when girls are in the party? Can't be, since there are perks that affect max affection and things not related to a party. Add something to the girls, synergy, or a 100/1000 level bonus that changes their dmg curve, or boost them a bit. Else it is going to be the same as before every one leveling just 1-3 girls and ignoring the rest of them. This is only made even more true due to the Echantments. Why bring a new idle girl when my old one has x20 self bonus?

Bug/Issue: The Bunny Tutorial button (top right) doesn't go away, or if it should be there, doesn't allow you to go back and read old tutorials, it only shows you the latest one.


I bet there is more, but since I don't even know if the devs are going to read this I will stop here.

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16 sept.

Bug: Can no longer generate Mojo on stage 2. Currently on lvl 800/1300 and Reset is 0/0/0 Edit: Applies to Story lvl 1 as well as 2.


Also saw what Moesin posted above, Feature or Bug? Can't tell. But I don't like quests that are that long, despite the huge mojo bonus. But that is just opinion.

These wouldn't be reported as bugs if we had a page here on the forum or a splash screen telling us about the latest changes... (Just saying.)

Edited by DuoIz
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can confirm the mojo energizer bug/issue



Can confirm Bug: Pressing the lower edge of the Chat button takes you to the story-map screen.

pressing anywhere on the redline i have highlighted will gray cast the story button causing it to engage that option



Can Confirm Bug: Can no longer generate Mojo on stage 2. Currently on lvl 800/1300 and Reset is 0/0/0


Edited by moesin
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In addition to a reset giving no mojo, the mojo giving by rewards after a random point also becomes zero

When I 1st started to test this after refreshing my page, it became 0 between 1150-1160 the rewards became zero, resetting it after doesn't  change anything as the rewards are still 0.

After refreshing the page and resetting, the rewards become 0 around 800-900 

But after the rewards become 0 refreshing the page gives you shows the mojo rewards


After reloading



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