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Please use programmers who know the game


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The recent changes have both been ham-handed, programming-wise, and have made the game much less fair.

Programming has been done in a way which shows that the coders did not care about breaking the UI, keeping to the stated in-game documentation, etc.  Doing major changes in the midst of an important event was a very poor choice, esp. when done with no testing from people who play (or ignoring their input).

The worst part is the "explanation" for the ridiculously Byzantine new fight system.  The notion that "it was felt that stats were too much influenced by the Alpha girl" no more leads to the new contraption hastily shoved into place than the existence of mosquitos implies Rubik's cube.

The reasonable & obvious solution would be to try having the stats be determined by, say

60% * Alpha + 25% * Beta + 15% * Gamma

The lie of the given "explanation" is supported by the other statements about "Gosh, we really don't know what we're going to do with this" (which I completely believe).  A bunch of levers were added with no clear plan.  Sounds like a winner.

So my suggestions are

1) use programmers who actively play the game (no barely familiar, etc.); this would prevent all the many errors in the new fight UI.

2) use programmers who are willing to get to know the code so that they understand how to touch ONLY the part which they intend to change (changing fight *mechanics* shouldn't result in

a) taking the payment at the END of the fight, rather than upon purchase;

b) revealing the result before the end of the fight (when a contest award is involved);

c) having the ego value go negative;

d) charging the additional multi-fight premium BEFORE checking to make sure the player has the full amount of "fight tokens" to even do this...etc.)

3) Don't arbitrarily change the character of the game.  Had I ever spent money, I would feel ripped off.

4) Make the game fundamentally fair.  I.e., let non-paying players get the same things, over time, as those who pay to get ahead.  But don't continually throw obstacles in their way (as noted by another, the Mythic items in the Market just slow down progress & offer very over-priced items; the "shards" of Mythic characters with fixed limited distributions should be changed to continuous, probability-based distribution during a Mythic event; and continuous, probability-based distributions should be the norm for percentages of girls, special items, etc.).

Having a fair game would encourage ppl to buy kobans here and there; some would convert to monthly subscriptions.  Arbitrary, large changes in the fundamental nature of the game, fairness--and breaking what works in favor of what does not--only decreases confidence.

I stopped playing a long time ago because there were no more episodes/regions to go to, then.  I picked back up and found that I could gain girls, etc., and got better at the standard ebb and flow of play through the month.

Now I am going to cease play due to the incomprehensible, nonsensical changes & obviously untrue explanation for them.

I won't play any Kinkoid game again, because I don't want to invest the time only to have that investment treated as it is being treated, now.  Of course, I can always find far more productive things to do, so thank you, in an odd way.

I played on the Nutaku server.  My browser was just recently flagged as "unsupported", but the changes were obvious & the old system did not have the same flaws.


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