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Suggestion: Time Machine

Moe Overload

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I've been seeing lots of people complaining about not having anything to dump EXP into while they're waiting for the next scroll to drop. Also, if we keep getting new events, there won't be space for revival events.


There could be a Time machine side-quest. Have it take up a ton of EXP (and possibly money) as you gather materials, then build the machine. Once it's done, the player buys a ticket, and gets sent into the past. This could be a normal ticket that sends the player back to any random day in the past, rare that sends them back to any random past event that they haven't completed, epic that sends them back to an event of their choice, or legendary that sends them back to a random uncompleted legendary day.

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1 hour ago, Moe Overload said:

I've been seeing lots of people complaining about not having anything to dump EXP into while they're waiting for the next scroll to drop. Also, if we keep getting new events, there won't be space for revival events.


There could be a Time machine side-quest. Have it take up a ton of EXP (and possibly money) as you gather materials, then build the machine. Once it's done, the player buys a ticket, and gets sent into the past. This could be a normal ticket that sends the player back to any random day in the past, rare that sends them back to any random past event that they haven't completed, epic that sends them back to an event of their choice, or legendary that sends them back to a random uncompleted legendary day.

The devs have said there will be a new event and a revival event in every month going forward. Additionally, in July there will be an anniversary event for the game's 2 year anniversary. Last year many girls that were normally no longer available were available during that event. However this year the devs have said the anniversary event will be different. And then in August, we anticipate the next Legendary event with Charm's first Legendary event girl.

As far as uses for extra exp, I'll refer to Chthugha's post:

4 hours ago, Chthugha said:

With regards to alternative uses for energy: it's on their to do list, but not on a very high place, I'm afraid.

So it might take a while.


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