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4-day Revival Events Reverting Back to 7 days

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Hi Admin and Devs,

I would like to know if there is a possibility to make the revival events going back to the original 7-day format from the current 4-day format. Based from my recent experience during my participation in the Gothic Mood, the current format of 4 days only significantly decreased my luck or probability to get an additional girl while challenging the Grunt and was not able to challenge Dark Lord due to time limitation despite my fervent effort to spend kobans in order to fully refill my combativity level therefore increasing  the number of times I can participate in boss fights with Dark Lord and Grunt to get both Gork and Mala joining my harem. I was only fortunate to get 1 girl, Barell, whom I cannot remember if she was really a part of or included in the reward girls list for the GM revival event  via spending kobans for 10 games in Epic Pachinko. To be honest, I, and may for other HH players as well, have better chances of getting additional girls captured by villains when revival events was then a 7-day format based from my previous actual experience participating in such events.

Please advise and have nice gaming day to all. Thank you.


Edited by $exgod69
addition of information
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