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  1. Thanks Hotless, that does seem to be the way it works. The fact that it works that way makes absolutely no sense, and the fact that there's no tool tip to explain the wonky contribution math to the user makes it certain to confuse players. Thanks Windia for checking the Patch Notes. I can't find any referenced to Contributions in them either.
  2. when I contribute kobans to a club, although the club receives full credit, I am only credited with 1/6th of my actual contribution. I suspect this is what led to my getting kicked out of a club I was making my required contributions to. I don't know that for sure, I was booted without warning. see below. I contributed 60kb 2x, and have a credit of 20kb. That's not possible, the smallest contribution that can be made is 60kb!
  3. Ok, I was wrong. Did some Internet research. My unusual spelling of an unusual name had a huge leap in popularity some 20 ish years after my birth. It wasn't on the charts until some TV show had a character by my name. The name's still quite uncommon where ever I've been, -in half a century I've run in to 4 people with the name and just one person with the same spelling) . I didn't screenshot the account that I was confident had the same creation date as mine and I can't find it again. The two I did get a screenshot of are almost the same creation date, but off by a digit. And I'm not the only one who could have played the lottery until they got a full max matching legendary outfit and selected the optimal girls for my player type. I'll just go soak my head in a bucket. @Chthugha Thanks for listening. Feel free to close or delete this thread.
  4. Thanks Chthuga, I appreciate the sincerity of your request. I'm happy to comply. However, methinks if I post a screenshot of a character using my [real name] here in the blog under my [player name] it would constitute a public confirmation, by me, of the linkage between my player name (Playher) and my RL identity, when so far as I know, at this moment I'm the only one to have connected the dots. Can you suggest a more secure method of transferring the screenshots to you?
  5. @ Ben9 Thanks, but can you please tell me, exactly, what email address I should use, or how to contact them on discord? I thought this was where I should post something that they would read. I've kind of exhausted my interest in investing further effort in this issue. Heck, if you know a better way of contacting them, feel free to send them a link to this thread. Y'all have a great day!
  6. @ Hotless Good to hear you're honest about your age where it comes to age verification. FYI (and if you already know, then for anyone else reading this thread), even when you put in a fake name when you get that email address for your fake account, that hardly keeps you anonymous. When gmail (etc.) sends that verification text to your phone, your cover is blown. (for example see https://veratad.com/solutions/age-verification/) I know Google knows more about me than I do, but without my explicit permission, I don't expect them to publish my name and recent purchases for public viewing. I expect spectators to watch what I do when I play Fortnite, etc., but even though I don't read the E.U.L.A.s (like everyone else) and I know they have my real name -certainly after any credit card purchase- I don't expect them to publish my RL name in association with my PvP character. It's uncool and bad for business. And that's what this issue is. What's the advantage to Kinkoid, the player community, or me, of a public linkage of my RL name to my account activity? I'm just going to assume it's either a goof by Kinkoid, or the mischief of some hacker not associated with them, and either way they'll want to address it. But yes, I concede your point, even though it's not much of a barrier to the skilled, I should probably use fake accounts to prevent the misuse of personal information. Maybe read a bunch of E.U.L.A.s and General Statutes to make sure I don't violate the any laws when I use them... Or, I could find other games to fill my Trivial Entertainment needs.
  7. Respectfully, Without pigeon holing myself, let's say my folks were very creative. I suppose my name could be popular somewhere else, and indeed it is, I checked with Mr. Google, and he said the name suddenly got popular in the generation after mine (he didn't say where), my bad. I can't possibly have certain knowledge that it isn't. Or I could have checked with Mr. Google in the first place. But all the accounts had the same creation timedate, so I'm skeptical of your alternate explanations ( I know, my bad, I should have stated so in the original post, I was miffed at the moment) I leave it to Kinkoid to verify my assertions and address the issue, and I anticipate a timely and professional response from them. Nope. I read it wrong, off by a digit on one, and I can't find the other account again.
  8. @_shal_ Sorry to have been unclear in my first post. My name had to be pulled from my email, which is required for age verification. No, I did not use my personal name for my account name. I clicked on the name of the "player" I was facing and it brought up a profile of a player (presumably in another country, that was changed) with an item configuration I was pretty sure I recognized. I typed in my name in the Tower of Fame and found another "player" with an item configuration and player profile (outfit, girl chosen) I definitely recognized as one of my past configurations. Again, they were listed in different (now 3rd) country.
  9. @hotless If you'll remember your account creation process, you don't enter your name. It had to be pulled from my email, which is required for age verification. Are you suggesting that to play adult games we're supposed to violate the verification process by using fake accounts with no association with real names?
  10. Today in the Arena battle, my game character faced another character with the same name as my personal name that I signed up for my account with. I have a very unusual first name, unusual enough that it can easily be used to identify RL me personally, so I did a little digging and found multiple characters in the Tower of Fame all using my first name as their character name. Not so bad yet, so maybe someone or a few people liked my name and I should be complimented. But then I looked at the character profile. These "players" were all snapshots/copies of my character at different points in time, only now with my name attached to them. When you guys do stuff like this, it not only puts your own game at risk, it damages trust in the whole genre.
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