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Everything posted by YoyoHH

  1. Bumping this thread for those who haven't seen it. An absolutely fabulous idea for the community to help each other! I have recently run into two players in the arena with garbage girls, allowing me easy, much-appreciated victories. Props go out to Hentes, a top global mojo player who would be a challenging fight for me if he were to run his A-team. I've run into him probably 5 or 6 times over the past few days and love seeing his under-leveled girls. Props also to NathBleedda, another top global mojo player who regularly mops the floor with me every time I see him in the arena, which is often. But today, he was running with unleveled girls and I got a little bit of cash and affection as result. I sometimes forget to swap out my girls after the arena, but after seeing these generous fellows I am going to really try and remember to. If you see me in the arena, you should expect an easy win. Hopefully, this continues to spread! Good luck all!
  2. Bumping this thread to remind the development team that we are eagerly awaiting their promised response to the tremendous amount of feedback we've provided them. Since a new legendary event is only a couple weeks away, we are excited to hear about all the improvements they are making to the event, now that they've learned so much from the first one.
  3. Your harem level does give you bonus ego. If you go to your harem screen, you will see your harem level in the top left corner. This is the cumulative level of all the girls in your harem. So, in your example, Arcana's affection level will have no effect on your harem level (affection is for increased battle stats and increased money). Only her experience level will add to your harem level. If you look next to your harem level there will show an ego number. That's the bonus ego you receive. I don't know the exact calculations as to how harem level equates to increased ego. My harem level is 3,179, which gives me +2,819 ego. That's about 90 cents on the dollar, which seems an odd number. But whatever, ego is ego.
  4. This. Jessie's posts are political non-statements. I don't know how she can put that many words together and at the same time say nothing at all. Kinkoid spits out a few small answers here and there to direct questions. However, the lack of any real response to the community's feedback (on a wide variety of topics) is pretty ridiculous. We have seen suggestions that have been universally agreed upon by the player base, simple to implement, and that would have had a positive effect on their model. Not only are these changes not made, but we get no response regarding them at all. Go look at the "Ideas - Main" thread. It's like 10 pages long. Look at how many dev responses there are. I'm of the opinion that they legitimately do not care about our help in making the game better. On a good note, there is an excellent community here. The forums are not for interacting with the devs, in my opinion. The forums are for us to help each other make some sense of this crazy game. Players answer each other's questions. Players help each other with strategy. Players can rant and rave together each time the devs screw us over. The only person in any official capacity who posts here who I care about reading is Chthugha, who is just the moderator. At least he comes across as legitimately caring about making the game better and does actually interact directly with Jessie. I would LOVE to be wrong. I would be ecstatic if Kinkoid were to read this and write a lengthy response talking about much they care about the players and want to make the game great for everyone. How they listen to all the feedback and how together, we're going to make a super fun game that also can make them some money. But somehow I just don't see that happening.
  5. Dark Lord = 3 possible girls. I have all 3. I had all 3 of his girls very early in the Ninja Village. At that point of the game, I think a drop rate like that is too high, especially considering you have 4 brand new starter girls when entering Gems Kingdom (hell, I hardly even had any combativity at that level). If you have nothing to work for, the game becomes stale. Ninja Spy, Gruntt, Edwarda, Donatien, Silvanus, Bremen = 18 possible girls. I have a TOTAL of 4 out of 18. That, I believe, is just too low. I know it's RNG. And no, I do not want stupid high drop rates. I like that girls are rare and I do think it is exciting when you finally get a girl. But I read 5 new posts every week where people are asking if the game is broken because girls just don't drop. I believe that the combination of hidden drop rates and excruciatingly low drop success significantly frustrates the majority of the player base. A revealed drop rate would help a lot, even if it's super low. At least players could see their drop chance slowly increasing with each failure (so they know the game is at least working correctly).
  6. I think whether or not he was directly breaking a clearly written rule is irrelevant (for the record, I do not believe he was). However, his situation was, in Chthugha's eyes at least, a unique problem. Chthugha respectfully asked him to post with a single account because of the confusion it might be causing. This was a reasonable request, whether it was prompted by a specific rule breach or not. Zorba ignored the request. Chthugha then went up the chain and got permission to follow up. He then respectfully asked again and explained the reason behind the single banned account (which meant nothing, considering he had 5 others). This prompted the rage quit (well, maybe more of an abrupt quit). What's listed in the posted rules shouldn't matter if a unique situation presents itself. Chthugha certainly appears to have handled this situation in an extremely professional and dispassionate way, so props to him. I don't see any reason for Zorba to have quit over this. Just post with a single account, it's not that hard. I'll also add that I hope he's reading this and I hope he comes back. He was an excellent contributor to the forums, helpful to new players and insightful on some of the more detailed discussions.
  7. Both of these comments are extremely important, and exactly on point. Your first comment is about the disparity of girls that this new "girl rarity" system exacerbates. You ask why wasn't this problem considered by the devs? The answer is - not only was it considered, but it was likely the reason. Legendary girls and epic girls are bought with kobans, while rare, common, and starter girls are "free". This is a move towards a more P2W model. That point is undebatable and I'm surprised more players aren't bringing it up. Every legendary and epic girl listed is a pachinko exclusive girl, with the exception of Levitya, and we all saw how likely the 'legendary" girl is to drop without using refills. There was always a disparity between strong girls and weak girls, but only now is that disparity purely based upon spending kobans, or as Jessie put it, "harder to get". Your second point reiterates my biggest problem with the update. Players have invested a tremendous amount of time and money into top tier girls who will now, overnight, become low tier girls. Major overhauls like this really screw people. Refunding cash and affection and allowing players to re-level their harem post-update would solve this, but I'm not holding my breath.
  8. That's not really accurate. I believe everyone understands that it's "not totally clear how many fights you have to do". Nobody asked how many fights you have to do. The question (technically, a statement) was "So I'm curious what is the base drop % and how much does it increase after each battle?" I'll add to everyone else in this thread (and throughout the forums) that I'm also curious about the base drop % and the rate of increase. More importantly, I'm interested to hear why these rates are kept secret. I can't think of any reason why the devs would not share this information with the community. We are a community of number crunchers, and it seems a completely reasonable request from the player base. So, there IS an answer to the question, the answer is just not being provided.
  9. Mojo is not a thing. And even if it was a thing, it's something you should be trying to avoid. The only thing mojo does is make you rise in the tower, which is terrible. Rising in the tower means you are matched with increasingly more powerful opponents in the arena, which means you lose more (and lose out on the actual rewards for the arena). Every time I lose an arena match I pray I lose 30+ mojo.
  10. Kinkoid has said they are looking at potentially some change to Pachinko, including addressing the issue of event girls on Pachinko being hard to get. Possibly an "event-only" Pachinko option or something. No details on what the devs are planning on this, but it does look like they are aware of the flaws in the current system and will hopefully have something viable to address it.
  11. Lol, game is NOT working fine. The lags, freezes, and errors have been reported by dozens of players over the last few months.
  12. This. Perfectly said.
  13. Lol, this is toned down. You should have seen the first draft...
  14. Wow. Just wow. You once again have completely boned your loyal player base. This is game-breaking if not accompanied by a reset. When this goes live, all girls should be reset to 0 stars and all previously spent affection and cash refunded to the player. Then let the player redistribute the affection and cash according to the new system. Players made decisions on how to spend their affection, money, and KOBANS based upon the system you designed and implemented. Affection and money that took months to acquire. Now you are saying the system is going to be completely turned upside down, yet the players are stuck with the decisions they made based on the old system. If the dev team had any integrity at all the girls need to be reset. That's the price of this obvious money grab update. You think I'm overreacting? Ask all the players who spent 20 million dollars upgrading Abrael and Samane to 5 stars. But they won't reset the girls. Affection and money have been effectively wasted on common girls, and the dev team has proven time and time again that they have no integrity. This is beeeeeeeeeeeep of the highest magnitude. Beautiful new aesthetic changes and an excellent update to the harem setup. Too bad these are 100% irrelevant in comparison to the complete beeeeeeeep on the girls' affection and power level. Maybe if you EVER read the players' feedback you'd have some clue as to what the community wants out of the game.
  15. There have been dozens of very reasonable suggestions, mostly involving exchanging energy for something - usually combativity, affection, or money. I've never seen a dev response to any of these ideas or even a dev acknowledgment that this is a problem.
  16. I agree with Ady. "Nobody cares" I don't think is a valid answer. There are enough numbers in this game that are not shared with the community <cough> <drop rate> <cough> so the numbers that ARE shared should actually be representative of how the game works. I'm not a number cruncher, but I do appreciate the people who do crunch numbers and post strategies. I would also like to see these numbers add up correctly.
  17. You're not going to like this, but I think you're out of luck. I've seen posts like this before and I have yet to see an answer on how to reverse it.
  18. Thank you, Chthugha. You should show Jessie your post above, because it illustrates almost exactly what the community wants and deserves from the dev team regarding these forums. 1) You read the forum, saw a post that you felt needed a response, and responded (within 20 minutes! That's above and beyond the call of duty). 2) You addressed the problem and explained the reasons behind it. Now, the community can choose to accept the reason or not, but at least you addressed the concern. 3) You made it clear what you were going to do to try and help the problem. You didn't say "that" you were going to address it, you said explicitly "how" you were going to address it. 4) You made it clear in your post that you gave a shit. Jessie's posts often look like they are written by a robot. If these 4 points were addressed by the dev team, most of the issues that the player base have will go away: 1) Pay attention to what we post 2) Address problems and own mistakes (everyone makes them) 2) Be transparent (SAYING you are transparent is not BEING transparent) 3) Give a shit.
  19. Totally. It's not like this forum is freaking blowing up. I logged in to the forums today after almost 4 days of inactivity. It took me about 30 minutes to read through ALL of the new posts. I don't care how small your team is. If you can't spare 10 minutes per day for someone to look at the forums, then your priorities aren't in order. If that's the case, you should shut the forums down. Hell, Chthugha doesn't seem to be overwhelmed with monitoring the forums, and he is so damn on it that he has the whole community pissing themselves that they might post a wrong picture or say something off-topic. Here's an idea - hire Chthugha to be the public relations rep, at least he's shown that he gives a crap, which is more than we've ever seen from the dev team. By the way, dev team, that's all we want. Just to know that you give a crap.
  20. This. A thousand times this. The fact that a new legendary event is already on the schedule and the developers have completely avoided the problems with the last one is a slap in the face to the community. It's money. Only money. Introduce the strongest girl in the game and watch the kobans roll in. I hope that the players learned their lesson. You spent your money on an event that was flawed and designed to take your money. Your feedback was ignored. Your valid complaints were ignored. Now the event is back and the devs are laughing all the way to the bank.
  21. The developers need to follow up on this statement. The patch has been out for a week, and the community still has a ton of questions about it. The harmony system appears to be broken (special attacks not firing at the correct percentages, special attacks firing when the class girl isn't present). The 20% class bonus appears to be gone. A lot of conflicting information and opinions throughout this thread. The FAQ should have been prepared before the patch, and the fact that we're still waiting is ridiculous. The Legendary thread had a ton of feedback, concerns, and questions - and the developers ignored it and just moved on to other things. This thread, likewise, has had a ton of feedback and is overflowing with legitimate questions and concerns that deserve answers. I'm wondering where is FAQ that we were told to wait for?
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