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Everything posted by Samenschleuder

  1. @jaycee: [slapping forehead] Alright, my bad. Thanks for the reply . As you can see from my vanilla avatar, I don't really care about them to say the least. Therefore the option of winning a new one was not on my screen at the time. @devs: I would suggest a better distinction between new additions to the harem and avatars. Simply slap a banner saying "Avatar" on top of the image in the prize display and everything should be clear to all.
  2. The Hildrs seem to really like me. I already had one in my Harem, so what I was just told to have won in the Event Pachinko must have been a clone of hers!? Fun aside, how can I win a girl in EP which is already part of my harem? I guess the present girls ought to be locked when the RNG strikes. Plus, since I obviously do not have two Hildrs in my harem now, one of the four prize slots was effectively empty. Hrmpf. Addendum: Now I won Lady Meta and... she is nowhere to be seen in my harem! Consider me pissed.
  3. As most players will find out sooner or later, the vital stats (Level, Energy, Combativity) show a more detailed value when the mouse pointer hovers over them. However, these are never updated while you remain on the same page. For example, go to Activities, check how much you need to gain a level, then fulfill a mission and claim the reward. Now have another look at the level requirement. No change. Until you go somewhere else - Harem, Battle, whatever. Now the updated value is shown.
  4. According to a older post, the contests are built with blocks of 50 players each. Unless that has changed along with the introduction of the donation system, something is wrong here. Some others have seen the same effect, but since nobody else officially filed it, I'll do. A total of 1006 participants? And I am not even mentioning that the "Donate" buttons I saw on the wiki do not appear here, either.
  5. Comments acknowledged. I'll go with Fapfox.
  6. Yes, I know know about that wiki, been there, done that. I just don't think that you should have to consult external pages to ensure proper gameplay.
  7. When the new economy was introduced, part of the reason was "that players have to consider which girls to raise and which rather not or not yet". Alright so far. But how do you expect me to make a qualified decision when needed facts are lacking? I know the current income per hour as well as the sum needed for the next affection level. But the final payment for the raise remains hidden until all those gifts have been spent on the girl. Would I have spent the gifts to raise Ankyo from 4 to 5 stars if I had expected a final payment of 8.71 millions? Probably not. But I did not know better in advance.
  8. What exactly are the progress bars on the Harem page trying to tell you? Let's take the Cheryl I have here right now. Level 122, experience at 1229, 8 left for the next level. So the entire container represents the whole sum for the jump from level 122 to 123, I guess. And yet, a bar at around 50% just looks wrong. 1229 present, 8 remaining suggests a total of 1237. Affection is at 2990, 6900 left, the bar not even visible. Whereas common sense would expect it at ~30% (2990/(2990+6990)). Better no progress indicators at all than confusing ones. IMHO.
  9. Ah, I see. But honestly, do you think it was obvious to anyone? [No, don't answer...]
  10. Uhm, what? (Nope, not made up with GIMP, received just as seen.)
  11. "You have to scroll once with your mouse and then it unlocks." Maybe using a scrollwheel. Holding an item and moving the mouse pointer down does not. Which means it remains inaccessible when you are on a notebook (Touchpad!). Not that it was important to me, but hey, you ought to know.
  12. Maybe others don't pile up items like me, but the programs should at least be aware that it is possible to collect more than eight types of boosters. If you have more than eight, right now the ninth is inaccessible due to a missing scrollbar in the inventory. Including epic items, the same may be true for the gifts storage as well, so please check there, too.
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