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Posts posted by Haile

  1. 29 minutes ago, fartooch said:

    girls drop rate is bull$hit 8 refills and all i got was 3500 from dark lord every fight... Clubs makes leagues load like 5 secs each friggin time after a fight put thos uselles feature to harem not goin there since u made it "cool" ... Srsly cba wait 15 secs to collect cash from girls well spending 12kobans is a way to go

    This is a freemium game in a Capitalist economic system.  That requires either your patience or your money.  RNG can also fuck you.  I don't like the latter bit either, but deal with it.

  2. I doubt it too, just found it interesting.  I did look into buying refills by the minute.  Because the cost in Kobans is rounded to whole numbers, I couldn't make a more straightforward equation, so I went with the refill cost the second after the combativity hits 0 with 30 minutes remaining.


    I've always been a bit of a numberphile.  The other day, when I went to figure out just how worth it paying an upgrade was for a girl versus the fighting the upper limit of Fredy, I discovered something interesting (spoilers: if she's under five stars fight, otherwise save Kobans).  Shaving off the thousands, I found that one Koban is worth about 2,731.4814...k each relative to Fredy's upper limit, or in other words, 590/216.  That number looked oddly familiar to me, so I tried adding one to the denominator.  There, I got about 2.7188940092165898617511520737327.  That was looking VERY familiar to me, since e -a very important number in math- is about 2.7182818284590452353602874713527- less than 0.0225% of a difference.  Hence, I propose that with some simple rounding errors added into the mix, the internal equation for Koband to in-money conversion is y = 1000e(x+1), wherein y is money and x is Kobans at the optimal rate of mob fighting, while x is not equal to zero.

    • Thinking 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, jjjincx said:

    But while my level increases ı feel like my equipments wont be enough for battle otherwise wasnt the game main idea to make a biggest harem ? So I'm planning to buy kobans after I hit 200 level or etc. what will be u'r suggestion.Or shoul I just do my daily missions any move on.

    I've never lost an NPC battle.  Just pick your team based on who has the highest stats in your specialty.  Daily missions are always a good idea.  Money, items and pretty much the only way to raise your level, which makes the girls stronger when you raise them with you.

  5. 8 minutes ago, jjjincx said:

    So it will just take some time? I'm currently 60 level -I know ı am a little bit rushing- to make the Norou 4 star I need 22,101 points how many times will it take and another question, Do u recommend to get kobans with moneyi if u recommend which level will be most efficient?


    Yeah, each NPC starts at a base level which increases by one every five battles, as does the money you get from winning.  You should hit the max well before you finish the story in any area.  Max out the stars for each one.  That used to be a return on investment of about 11 years if you wanted to get to five stars but this update has made that a lot better.  It's not fast but it's good for the long run.  If you want to buy Kobans, spend them on star upgrades.  I don't recommend it though.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Oliver66 said:

    So basically unless you have a legendary you can pretty much stick with Bunny, Julliette or Red Battler? They're all 3.7 in their main stat which means you need a 5 or more to be better. Until you unlock the 3.8 5-star story character. Unless there are other other 5 stars out there besides story characters and the 2 legendary.

    Pretty much.  Five-stars come in different rarities (I've seen a legendary one specializing in Hardcore) but that's basically accurate.

    Edit: you know about the legendary five-stars, that was redundant.

    6 minutes ago, jjjincx said:

    hello, I'm a little bit new to the game and ı got lucky and win Norou. The problem is to give level up to Norou because of the affection it take too much time.Can anyone give me some advice ,tips about get money ?

    NPC battles will make more money than the harem if you fight them enough.


    4 minutes ago, sentinel003 said:

    Abrael had a 3.7 with 5 stars and Flight Attendant was over 4 with 3 stars. I didn't see them move either way.

    I have no idea why that is.

  7. 14 minutes ago, syst0rm said:

    Doesn't the spreadsheet just display stats at 0 affection at level 1? I have no clue how chracter growth works here.

    You can use that as a base guide if the level is equal for each girl you're comparing it to.  If the difference is less than 1.3, your five-stars will be better.  If it's greater than, your three-star will be.

    Edit at below: yeah, and you're wasting a lot more money on books and affection items after those got patched.  You're screwed.

  8. 8 minutes ago, syst0rm said:

    So, how do rare/epic/legendary 3* compare with 5* of lower rarity? Not sure how to make a team, since my levels are not evenly distributed and I certainly won't level up every candidate to 210 just for the sake of comparison.

    My rare Flight Attendant has a lower Charm stat than my Kalissa and Lenaelle, and the latter would've taken ages to upgrade from three to five stars before.  I did it easy just now.

    Edit: My legendary Beach Samane's Charm stat is only slightly higher than Kalissa and Leanelle as well.  Five-star legendaries are going to dominate.

  9. 2 hours ago, PyramidHead said:

    Your saving up virtual currency, and not spending real world money on outrageous prices. Your opinion and your effort does NOT matter one bit. 
    This game is going more and more to the road of making you feel forced to grab that wallet. That is extremely wrong way to keep players playing. Putting pressure on players that want to get girls and level them up. Making those who do not spend real world currency feel like second class citizen, and like they cannot achieve anything, or keep up with money spenders(which is true in booth cases). 
    You don't have legendary girls which absolutely dominate and dwarf all others, no problem. Grab a credit card, spend your hard earner 100 euros to get almost three spins on EPIC PACHINKO. Get nothing of value for your money. It's pure, straight out planting the seeds of gambling, and making them sprout. 
    That kind of attitude will cause exact opposite effect to the most of it's players, which won't grab credit card, but instead will straight out refuse to even use minor cost things such as monthly card, as no one enjoys feeling pressured and constantly behind.
    I suppose that few that do spend big amount of money will keep it going, till the time comes when they are the only ones playing.

    I've made a few posts before defending the fact that this is a freemium game and this is just how Capitalism works.  I think my idea of non-random girls on ten spins would incline players to spend money so it'd be in Kinkoid's best interest to try that out.  Most of them still wouldn't pay to win, but this isn't exactly a AAA console title with professional sponsored tournaments so it's not a terribly big thing to get upset over if we get crushed by the few who do.

    Edit: I don't know how much work actually coding my idea would take.

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