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  1. Ok.. I only did enough on Silvanus enough to get all his items.. Guess I hit him hard core I do have all the girls from every other boss on the lower maps. Was just shocked I did not even get one from Donatien by the time out. Guess I steam along through the forest Thanks
  2. I have gone through this area, and have yet to get any of the girls from fighting Donatien. I am in the next area, and I continue to go back here to try to win the girls, but have yet to seen any. I tend to go 20-40 times a day on him, and been few weeks. Only time I have stopped trying in that time was during the events Has the drop rate for the girls gone way out? Had been getting the girls form the earlier area's by the time I leave that area. Any idea's?
  3. Do I have to wait for day 14 to get Captain Haremverse? Today I hit the 12 completed missions for her, and did not her yet. So was wondering.
  4. Did not realize I get penalized for having more girls, I was going for them as one person said "Pokemon, got to collect them all"..
  5. I myself am up to over 400+ attempts to get Hildr, this is day 8. So over half the event is done "14 days right?", which is a kinda bummer cause I would like to try for Viola as well, and if I have to go 400+ just for her, then I dont have a chance there. The drop rate is really low by how that is, and very frustrating if I have to spend a full event time to try to just get the one girl (well, will get two cause will end up getting Captain Haremverse , but is like a freebee there if you just at least log in once a day and do the event for her)
  6. Sorry for delay, thank you CharlesFrancis
  7. I have been playing each day trying to get Hildr from Dark Lord, she is the only girl I dont have from him. This events is 8 days in, I play roughly 45-50 matches each day (15 in morn before work, 15 when I get home, then off and on til I go to bed. It is a bit frustrating, that I have played near 350-400 times and never seen a drop. I use hardcore, does that keep me from getting her? I would like to at least see if it was just stupid of me to try for her if I have no chance to get her. I want to eventually try to get Viola as well, but if I spent my entire time of this event on Hildr then I dont have a chance with VIola. I had seen there was a drop issue at the start of the event, but even then .. 40-50 fights a day for 8 days kinda becomes frustrating and would make some decide not worth the effort. Understand not to make it uber easy, but.. I will update if I end up getting her and how long it finally did.
  8. How do you change the look of your toon? I have seen other peoples profiles, and see them in other clothing. So trying to figure out how to change mine THanks
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