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  1. Okay so, pretty sure something gone wrong (but it might not...) Just logged in to find the Space Girls Event running at 23:30 GMT, was not there last I looked today (14:00'ish) and they don't normally start till 04:00 Count down for getting the girls is at 11 days 23 hours and a bit, so this is suggesting day 1 of 12 has started, but when I check missions its showing I've still got all mine completed (finished them earlier and grabbed my bonus,) the question is what happens at 04:00? is will the system give us the day 1 mission or the day 2 mission?
  2. Music Sylvia Career says 'Chef' in stead of 'Chief' (Note: not sure if this changes at star levels higher than 1)
  3. Event / level 72 / 26 girls now in harem / Ninja spy (lvl 50) / 10 girls had been from normal boss drops (6 girls were dropped by bosses in events) / 2 battles / Norou I would like the apologize for being that one guy who had it really easy for this event.
  4. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the fact the event was on, some kind of temp drop rate nerf on the normal drop girls to encourage event drops. Will post results on Edwarda 's other drops as I get them.
  5. Boss / level 70 / 24 girls now in harem / Edwarda (lvl 100) / 9 girls had been from normal boss drops (6 girls were dropped by bosses in events) / 595 battles / Jeanne
  6. Event / level 59 / 22 girls in harem / Gruntt (lvl 70) / 9 girls from normal boss drops (+5 event girls dropped by bosses) / 190 continues battles / Lemia
  7. Event / level 55 / 21 girls in harem / Dark Lord (lvl 30) / 9 girls from normal boss drops (+4 event girls dropped by bosses) / 74 continues battles / Nuladva Edit: Tower of fame was linking to wrong account so total villain number of battles won was wrong, said number minus the number of battles prior to event (recorded at start of event on notepad) and we have the correct number of battles at 74.
  8. Event / level 46 / 15 in harem girls / Dark Lord (lvl 30) - 7 girls from normal boss drops (+2 event girls) - 126 continues battles - Hari + ~50 odd battles before I choose to exclusively go after Hari and stop splitting my battle points attacking Gruntt as well. Note: Refills were used
  9. Well, 42. The answer to the meaning of life the universe and everything. To get it however you have to both include the egg the bunnyy is holding on the Pachinko building and two eggs you can see less than half of on the very bottom of you screen. Eggsept I was wrong after typing 'screen' I zoomed out (Ctrl + -) to see if I could see the two eggs in full, and the number now up to 57. Edit: just realised I forgot to add the 42 to the 57 *face-palm* 99 eggs found but properly one more hidden behind a button cause 100...
  10. As someone with less than a month on the game (showed up 1 day to late to get Captain Haremverse ) I'll all for re-runs but at the same time I can see how the events 'could' get a bit draining. Still what can be done other than merging events (have other bosses dropping the older girls) in which case the event length or drop rates would need re-balancing if players were to be able to 'catch them all' in one event.
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