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  1. log out just don't work. stop bullshiting us.
  2. sorry, it's not a true random 'chance'. no one random algorithm in this world can count out zero 800 times in a row ;))
  3. mostly useless crap, only 5400 10x game makes sense
  4. sorry, but is no place to "luck" subject in computer technology
  5. it's true, pachinko drops crap also, last 2 weeks
  6. agree, looks like drop chance has changed to 0 about 2 weeks. this can be useful for squeezing $ from lemmings
  7. Probably my alpha is ok, but your coders suck, or maybe it's not a _game_ at all, but another scam.
  8. ok. now it's time to fix the ladder. my opponents got much less of the primary, got crappy gear, but still got much greater ego then i. why?
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