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Posts posted by Cholly

  1. Completed Activities, got zero potions from main server. It worked on the test server, got several(and I didn't even complete Activities there, just got three done), but I received NO potions on the Path of Valor from the main. Still sitting at zero.

    Correction: Daily Goals, not Activities. No way that I'd ever have enough kobans to complete Activities in one shot in the first hour, especially during an event, lol!


  2. Having issues in the test server Club Champion Challenge. It HAD been giving ridiculous impression numbers for a single challenge with 6 or 7 position matches(1000M+) knocking the champion out in a single shot. If I was the only challenger, it would give me 7 shards, with 3 more for each additional challenger. 2 challengers, 10 shards, 3, 13 shards... 
    I managed to NOT knock out the champion for the end of January, and just let it be because the club challenges would have been insufficient for me to get enough shards for the girl anyway.
    Now, impression is back to being consistent, but I'm stuck at 2 measly shards with two other challengers, both under 1M impression and me over 50M. Something is seriously wrong.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Gotaku said:

    Click on the Friends thingy in Comix. You will be redirected to HH. Then.


    Very important. You're welcome.

    Technically, it's the Sex Friends thingy, but that's picking nits, because it actually worked. 😝 
    Thank you.

  4. 14 minutes ago, JoeEl85 said:

    Click on the banner that should take you to HH and just browse through.  You should get a messagee in CxH that you got her.  You may have to use a different browser if you you're VPN/Ad Block (Had to use Chrome instead of Firefox myself).

    Browse WHERE? I'm using Chrome, not VPN/AdBlock, but no message.


  5. Observer_X, I went back to school for my degree not much younger than you. That's when I was introduced to Linux, Mac and got into depth with Microsoft, Home, Professional and Server variants. Server is the only version of a Microsoft product I would ever willingly install. I have 10 on my current laptop, but when I got my previous laptop, 8 honked me off so badly that I wiped the HD and installed Ubuntu at least 3 months before the 6 month warranty was up. I liked Windows 95, 98, 98SE, XP and 7. Current builds of Ubuntu install and operate in a manner that would be highly intuitive to an XP or 7 user. And like Kenrae said, Linux is still free. Places that charge, charge for materials(disks or thumb drives) or support. Still a lot of enthusiasts out there willing to help for free. And there are user groups consisting of misfits like me who like to meet face-to-face over coffee and donuts on occasion. Age range is huge, 18-70+(we used to have some even younger, but with COVID concerns we've had to limit it to adults)

  6. On 8/8/2021 at 5:36 PM, Kenrae said:

    And I don't appreciate people insulting me when I'm just trying to help them. That's all from me here then.

    Kenrae, it is entirely possible that we just got off on the wrong foot. I have since read several of your other posts elsewhere on the forum where you sounded not only helpful, but likeable. Not sure exactly why we seemed almost instantly antagonistic. Maybe I wasn't clear enough in an earlier post(s), but I felt attacked by responses, yours especially.


    On 8/11/2021 at 11:25 AM, Peaches said:

    And this makes the impression of being very thin-skinned.

    Peaches, while I appreciate the show of support(At least I think it was a show of support), it's not necessary. I was being a rather grumpy old man. 

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  7. I'm sorry FinderKeeper, it was aimed at Kenrae, and no one else. I probably should have clarified that. Methos2 was just particularly helpful and appeared to have read my posts more thoroughly. Re-read Kenrae's posts and see if you wouldn't feel condescended to. 

  8. Nope. Still weird, because I still had an advantage in level, ego, harmony, attack and defense even while I was losing. All the girls I use are maxed out, 90% of my harem is.

    I switched back to multi-stat equipment the same day it gave better results. Had enough 10 orb Great Pachinko orbs and cash to do so.

    I'm not nearly as stupid as you seem to think I am. Methos2 has read my FULL posts and offered good possibilities. You have not. You are coming off as condescending whether you realize it or not and I do not appreciate it.

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  9. Just under 22000. I am not even close to stupidly high rank. But I went back and fought in Seasons. I had stopped fighting in Seasons for about a day and a half, I am now no longer having issues. Weird. Maybe it was my non-stop fighting? It never happened before though, and I've always fought any time I had 3 or more kisses since Seasons were introduced. That includes doing refills.

  10. 20 hours ago, Methos2 said:

    How often does that happens? If it is occasional, that is just RNG. I have lost many times to players with lower stat and I have won many times over players with higher stats. That's normal.

    Once in a while I could accept. Random Number Generators aren't perfect, but most are MUCH better than back when we programmed with punch cards(Yes, I'm that old) I'm not sure exactly how many times, because I wasn't keeping track at first, but what put my tail in a knot and started me complaining was when it was happening to me consistently, so I started keeping track, and it happened 5 times in a row immediately.

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  11. I am a strong player. While there ARE stronger players, if you missed it I am level 419. I did not get there by being a weak sister. I've been grinding DAILY for over 3 years. Accept losses?!? The system makes ZERO sense. I have gone in with an advantage in Ego, Harmony, Attack, Defense AND Level with at least one of these being overwhelming and STILL lost. Unless I'm missing something that is NOT on the screen, something is wrong.

    Done arguing. No one is listening and I'm starting to have trouble mustering up the will to care. Taking a break from the game for a while until I decide if I still even want to play. I had a lot of fun up to this point.

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  12. 3 hours ago, FinderKeeper said:

    Did you use a lot of kisses in this new season? Like you had a large stash or bought them to try to advance in season this early?

    If I can't win, why on earth would I buy kisses to lose even MORE mojo. Losing large amounts of mojo while attempting to figure out the new battle system is my greatest annoyance. If I could quit hemorrhaging mojo I might be interested continuing to experiment. It's the massive loss of ground that's putting my tailfeathers in a knot. Think about it, who wants to PAY to lose? It lacks even the slight hope of massive payout a slot machine offers. The best you can hope to do is grind. No thank you.


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  13. YES. Did you notice how often I've posted in three plus years? This was my second post. And first unqualified complaint. This is not a complaint made lightly. In my time playing, I have adjusted to several rule/game play changes. I have attempted several adjustments this time too, including the google.docs. One of the first things that I noticed on my own was that girls with blessings stats are green instead of white. Didn't help much. Went from 10 out 10 losses to NINE out 10 losses. Still a huge net loss of Mojo. Not willing to experiment in Seasons any more at this point, it's a kick in the face. If it wasn't for the losses of ground, it wouldn't be such a sticking point. Losing hard won ground is just WRONG especially while you're having to learn so many new rules.

  14. I can't seem to get a win in Seasons lately no matter how I arrange things. Losses in Leagues are bad enough, but at least you don't end up worse off than when you started. I am a level 419 veteran, I should not be unable to win, yet I certainly seem to be. My frustration level is beginning to far exceed my enjoyment level in the game because of this.

    If they're going to increase the difficulty level this much, they need to remove the penalty for losing.


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