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Everything posted by nrp

  1. As it turns out, you *don't* need to burn kobans to get into the League. Rules on the test server are different: 1. anyone gets added to League, you don't have to be level 20 -- I was added at ~16 2. League resets every 24 hours, not every 2 weeks Your drops may have just been luck, not a different server rate. I'm at level 18 and mostly done with ninja village and no girl drops yet -- none from Dark Lord, and none from the Ninja spy. That included several energy refills on each. Seems pretty normal so far.
  2. Also, FYI it looks like seasons on the test server are 48 hours long, rather than 14 days. [Edit: actually, they are 24 hours long]
  3. Okay, so the twist -- it looks like Level 20 is *not* required on the test server. Too bad about spending all those test kobans on unneeded energy speedups.
  4. Ah, yes, those buttons don't work for me either.
  5. Got it. That makes a bit more sense. Still, odd that you have to grind on a second account for ~4 days just in order to help them test a feature.
  6. I'm a bit confused by the test server. The News asked us to join in order to test Leagues. Leagues require Level 20+. So when we joined, we got ~5000 test server kobans to fast forward through the grind to Level 20, so we can test. Except... that is only enough to get you to ~level 14-16, even with grinding all day. So now the test server has hundreds (?) of new accounts at those levels and below, none of which can participate in Leagues. And the Leagues are starting in ~4 hours -- after which we have "missed it" for some period of time until the next start. If I'm understanding right, a season lasts 2 weeks as per the Patch notes -- so does that mean we will have missed it for two weeks...? Am I not understanding something about the plan?
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