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  1. No you don't understand it is expensive compared to the income you make.
  2. I can't argue w/ that logic but I can't help but feel discouraged to play the game in its current state.
  3. I don't see the point in being a collector when the game has been changed from get girls and make money to get on every 2.5 hrs or less get off repeat and then sink your money into a girl that won't benefit you anyways.
  4. This wouldn't be a problem if ppl had cash to blow but as I said the problem is the income who wants to blow a weeks worth of cash on one thing, I know a lot of ppl are putting spending cash and selling stuff on hold hoping for a another re-balance.
  5. Grindy as in not enough money can be made unless your on super often, getting on once or twice a day is no longer viable for making much progress.
  6. Pre-update cost was 1*=1,000, 2*=10,000, 3*=45,000 for a total of 56,000
  7. While the cost to get 1*-3* in aff items and upgrades isn't particularly large when your a newb the higher collective amount of girls you have (the longer you play) the amont money it takes gets unreasonable you used getting a 50th girl 3*; the money in aff items and upgrade is ridiculous for the small amount you get back and the easily calculated average a dedicated player can make in one day. I'm not saying you should be able to max a character in a day if you don't have a large amount of money stored but at this rate that large amount of money stored would spend too quickly and refill too slowly. Really you could store up a 5mil and blow it on one character if you have enough characters, and it's not like those characters are the main source of income anymore.
  8. I'm not trying to say the old way was good or w/o flaw but the game is ruined now due to the time and effort a.k.a. grind it has been turned into. I suppose I should also add I don't want the game to be effortless but it's way too grindy now especially since it's supposed to be an idle game.
  9. You included that Harem now gives 60% income. You also said you could buy aff items (rare panties) from market or do pachinko, however you seem to not take into account that monetary cost. You mentioned the cost of aff items is higher but they are also more effective so it shouldn't matter. Pachinko costs more when you lvl up (1,000/lvl) and the items you obtain sell back for much less than base value. The cost of aff items, pachinko, aff upgrades (which you seemed to exclude) to lvl aff from 1*-3* is much higher than the income that can be raised w/ current resources: Harem, Combativity (15 max), and Missions. The real problem is gaining the money necessary to increase the aff of characters, which should always be a problem since the cost raises per character. The affection system has become inefficient and a money sink; seeing as it takes months (in extreme cases over a yr) of constant efficiency gathering characters donations to make any profit from your purchase. Take sleep and other reasons to not be able to collect donations and it could easily take years for a character to gain back the money spent in aff and aff upgrade costs. It could be argued we don't lvl up aff for monetary profit but for the scene, character model, or stat boost, but may a remind you can see 3* scene w/o paying for aff upgrade and the models can be seen elsewhere (I think a wiki) so those shouldn't be the reason to ruin yourself financially in the game. The stat boost really is unnecessary especially if you can beat all trolls because PvP is still as useless as ever. In conclusion, it may take much longer much more pointless grinding on what should be an idle game than you think to get characters 3*.
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