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Everything posted by Karishi

  1. Karishi

    Ideas Main

    I'd like if the level cap of ALL the villains were based on either your level or your place in the story. For example, I didn't take part in this last promotion at all, because I had to choose between (small chance of points toward new girl, large chance of tiny amount of money) and (guaranteed large pile of money). I picked money. If the Dark Lord's level cap raises, so that his POTENTIAL level is as high as whatever zone you're on now, I'll always want to take part in the promotions in earlier areas, because then I'm both leveling up the villain (which feels like a kind of player progress) and getting chances at points toward the promo girl AND eventually getting almost as much money on the "bad" rolls as I would if I did my current zone.
  2. _Shal_'s response is exactly what I'm talking about. On some of the characters it can make them look outright deformed. I hadn't considered the possibility of the error originating with the browser I'm using. The pixelation occurs in Safari but not in Chrome. This is good, because it means the bug can be way lower on the devs' priority list, and also that I can solve the problem on my end by only playing in Chrome.
  3. The single most annoying thing in the game right now is the Error HH_1 Error, which occurs if you click fast or...kind of weird, I guess? Like if I click and my mouse moves a smidge before I let go? It fails to do whatever you were attempting but also locks down the button, so you have to back out of that page and reenter. I don't know whether this is to prevent botting or to promote use of kobans on multi-click tasks like collecting money or what. Hopefully it really is an error you're working on fixing - something that will stop happening. Because at the core it makes the game feel unfinished. It makes collecting money take about 4 times as long as it should, it makes leveling up your stats this tedious chore, and it even slows down use of the arena and enemy battles. The sooner you can stop that error from happening the better.
  4. Not sure what would be involved in resolving this, but in the harem view the images I have for the girls are all really pixelated - doubly so on their icon-buttons on the left side. My computer is pretty high-end and I don't see any settings options for messing with resolution. On the one hand it's kind of a minor thing, but on the other hand this is a game that is all about aesthetics, so I'm worried it'll cost you players.
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