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  1. I know this isn't a place for questions it was meant to make someone realize that it doesn't make sense, so a suggestion by question I guess you could say. My suggestion would be to make a maxed out rare, epic, legendary girl have stronger stats than any maxed out girl of a lower category. This only makes sense bc of the amount of affection and time it takes to star up with "higher rarity" girls. Why go through all the effort and resources to max out a epic girl if the common girl will be stronger in the end? Another question I know, but I've found it very effective to get someone else to say what your thinking on their own.
  2. I'm trying to figure out why epic girls that cost way more to level up are not as strong as common girls when both are maxed out. Just seems they should give you more than a different colored background and a word saying they're more rare...
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