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  1. i stayed up till 5am so i would be able to spend the 15 starting energy of the new season just to get this message and i don't know why, i mean i was constantly checking the leagues screen... so all in all the leagues keep getting more more frustrating, first you're matched up with lvl 200+ players while being well bellow 100 (with not even the slightest chance of achieving anything) now i'm getting excluded from the leagues for no reason at all, so i'm all for getting rid of that unfair and bugged mess and revert the game back to no leagues but full daily quest rewards...
  2. well, for me it's around the same, except that i only have 2 multi stat items and 4 of my own class plus millions spent on stat improvement and still, as a lvl ~70 there's simply no chance to win against lvl 140+ (even if they didn't spent much money on items and stats) what my cluster mostly consists of, so all in all it really is pointless in any way you're looking at it. if it's really meant to be just a pampering of the upper 1%, then keep it that way, but if it was actually meant to be fun for a bigger audience then there have to be some limitations levelwise.
  3. just take a look at martial arts, tournaments there are usually grouped up by either age or belt-color, would be the same as levels here and you know why that is that way? because that way everyone has a chance at achieving something instead of there being just the upper 1% getting pampered
  4. so all in all it's no league but simply a way to easily farm stuff for the upper 1% then, congrats, you definately understand what leagues are usually used for /facepalm
  5. that's just plain stupid, because according to your reasoning low levels are supposed to stay low, so literally there wouldn't be any need to take part at all... there should be a simple filter that puts players together according to their level, like lvl 1-50, 50-100, 100-150 and so on, that way everyone partaking has a chance of achieving something and not only veterans that keep dominating everything while newer players won't achieve anything ever, because they'll always stay behind, even more so because the high rollers keep getting more experience through the league than the newer ones. best example would be my new cluster, there were a total of 8 players that i was able to barely beat, everyone else is around 100 lvl's higher than me with like twice as much damage so i'm already doomed to end up at the bottom
  6. i wouldn't mind writing about it if it wasn't that bad for me, but around 80% of my first boss battle attemts after a while (like 1 hour or so) lead to that error message and keep there for at least another 5-10 sometimes even more tries after a browser restart and reload of the entire game >_< i mean the game concept and story are quite nice and the humor is hilarious but whith error messages popping up more often than the game is working as intended it's simply no fun and i definately won't pay a single dime ever if that won't get fixed...
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