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  1. I have only seen you claim mythic girls to be easy, i have not seen the scores of players with mythic girls that you are talking about. I did see a lot of players that got yhe mythic girls i did ask them how they got it but with you as the exception, they all had to spend several thousand kobans and all complained that its too expensive
  2. Well my friend in my club had to spend 40 thousand kobans, another got it at 18,000 and another at 31,000 so your also one ran out of kobans after 23,000 "less then 1%" claim of failure possibility doesn't sound accurate at all. Its possible to get it with less then 23k but you need extreme luck and it still costs thousands.
  3. Sorry but mythic girl is impossible to get without paying hundreds of dollars in other words its a rip off. Even with 23 THOUSAND kobans you have high chances of FAILURE and to make things worse there is a limit to how many shards that are available. Solution: Do not even try to get mythic girl. Its a waste of time and money and besides mythic is only 10% stronger then 5 star legendary, with a few boosters i beat mythic users all the time.
  4. Dude, i have grid view and even with that it takes over minute to scroll all the way down because i have over 300 girls and grid only shows 16 at a time. The scroll bar needs to be 10 times thicker then what is now.
  5. There are already shemales in the regular hentai heroes in the ninja village quest, altho i do think there could be a lot more.
  6. I kinda like the affection gifts because you just need to spend 1 ticket to get it but i do want free market restocking obs as well and we could earn from mythic pachinko or place of power or seasons or from sothing else. I made a new thread specifically for market restocking orbs as well as a poll on it to see who is interrested in it and who is not. This way kinkoid will know if this is something the players wants in advance. If want to please place your vote or add your own suggestion in a quote.
  7. We have plenty of ways to earn a ton of in game cash but never enough things to buy especially when it comes to books and gifts. We can spend 42 koban to restock it but with so few kobans and some many better things to spend them on, we end up not restocking. So this give an opportunity for kinkoid team to add a new reward for completing daily missions, defeating the villain or champion or even from mythic pachinko: The Restock Orb which gives you a free restock for either books or gifts. Lets do a poll to see who likes the idea.
  8. Wait till you get over 300, i have to wait a full minute each time i open harem and as i get more girls it just keeps getting longer.
  9. Whenever we open our harem, we need to wait a long time for all the girls to load. Especially when you have an old computer. So i suggest harem be reorganized into 3 pages with different sections on each: The 3 page should be charm, hardcore and knowhow so you only load girls of the page's categorie. Example: On hardcore page only hardcore girls load. Should also get the option to disable/enable the locked girls and the unlocked girls. Lets make a poll for those that wants it or not.
  10. GeorgeMTO could you close this comment threat please? I've see moderator closing threads before and this bug report has been solved. Sadly i seem to be unable to do it myself and it looks like i can't delete my quotes either like on youtube. This why i am asking you.
  11. jelom, stop accusing my browser, edge works perfectly fine and again you yourself have shown a pic of a missplaced button. Face the fact you lost the argument. LET IT GO! ITS DONE, CONVERSATION OVER.
  12. Thank you kinkoid for fixing the scrolling issue in my club server, see guys i knew it wasn't me that was at fault here. Now i will stay quiet on the whole crime thing but i do recomjend you guys to stop doing false before someone else notices that its a crime in the UK, Canada and Australia.
  13. I will wait a month, if there is no change then i will be reporting the false discount to the government. I suggest kinkoid to fix this issue before then, i am giving plenty of time. After this I will not be replying anymore, i said needed to be said. Kinkoid its your game, you decide what happens to it, you can fix the problem which would only take a day OR you can wait until government lawsuits comes after where you to fight for your cause for several weeks. Bethesda, one of the biggest video game publishers in the world, though they could get away with false discounts but they were wrong. In the end Zenimax the owner of Bethesda ended having to be bought by microsoft because couldn't handle the blunder that Bethesda costed them anymore. Kinkoid has way less assets then bethesda did, i dont think their company would survive as company after getting found guilty of the crime of making false discounts. But if they fix the little button problem, they wont have to deal with any of these lawsuits. jolem everything that does something when you click on it is a button, they are all made the same way. Making buttons is one of the first things you need to learn when making a website and only the owner of the website can change things on it. Chthugha When you get a certain number of people all visiting your website at once from all over the world you start getting lag: Things starts loading slower because of the stress all the users are putting the server and eventually the server (computer that make the website work) gets overloaded and shuts down. This is what we call game crash. To avoid that from happening and to decrease the lag, the users are seperated in different servers based on the region of their ip location. To update the game for everyone you must go on all the servers one at a time and add the change. If a mistake made on the updated version, you must verify every server one at a time. I am guessing kinkoid has a few hundred servers and probably only has 1 or 2 guys in charge of updating the servers and they try to do it as fast as possible. Too fast thus overlooking a few servers where some mistakes have not been corrected. I know what im talking about, i did one year of programing learning at school. I know how it works and this is why i know its kinkoid thats at fault and its also how i know that only a few people have the problem. That said, only kinkoid can fix it because no matter what device i use or browser i use, my profil of hentai heroes will always be on the same server. I would have make a brand new profil and new club with a new ip location from a vpn to fix the button issue on my own but if i do that i lose all my 403 levels, all of my harem (317 girls), all my story progress (currently completed until kinkoid adds new chapters) and a maxed out club of 39 active members all high level that i had a hard time building because i removed all inactive players until the button problem occurred a few days ago. OBVIOUSLY I DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT! So its either kinkoid fixes the affect server or report their crime to the government. i will not reply anymore so dont bother trying to tell me the problem to be on my end when it obviously isn't.
  14. jelom, your own screen shot shows a missplaced button stop blaming microsoft edge, it works fine it. The problem from an update that the kinkoid team did on there game site thus it cannot be the broswer. By the way theres another issue i could use against kinkoid if they refused to fix such silly mistake: In the PoA the price appears as 27,000 koban barred and with 7,200 koban on the side as if it was a special discount but in reality the price has always been 7,200 kobans thus this is a fake discount. In Canada, Australia and the UK fake discounts is a crime, Bethesda got sued and was found guilty for doing the same thing. If i report this to the government, the same thing will happen to kinkoid, they will lose a lot of money and if kinkoid refuses to remove it, their website and game might get banned nation wide. jolem I dont think kinkoid wants that to happen, so j stop defending the guilty and instead help them repairing their mistake before i run out of patience.
  15. GeorgeMTO the game was working perfect fine before the champion challenge update and if Microsoft Edge didn't support www.HentaiHeroes.com it would say unsafe website in red on the top left of the screen. But it clearly doesn't. I have been playing this game for nearly 5 years on the original xbox one and never had any problem until now. My guess is the kinkoid server that my club is on happens to be missing the scrolling bar because the kinkoid team made a mistake when added the new feature. And i must mention this is NOT the first time they make a mistake such as misplacing a button: They did that a lot with the arena battle button, the villain battle button but i could always click on at least a part of it. Now the club scrolling bar is completely gone, so cant make a work around. Oh and the number display for how much energy, combativity, etc. is also missplaced: The half of the numbers are not even visible. So this is nothing new, kinkoid always makes mistakes because when they add stuff to their servers they work too fast resulting in a sloppy job. I usually don't care as long as it does prevent me completely from doing things but in this case the scrolling bar being gone it really does stop me from doing things. Oh and by the way, the fact that the scrolling bar on one of the screenshots that jolem kindly providing is half hidden is by itself proof that the Kinkoid team have a tendacy of missplacing buttons. Because you are a moderator, i hope you can ask the kinkoid team directly to verify their servers and correctly place all the buttons this time and if they do a good job, i will spend some money on the game. jolem i could reprogram my xbox to allow it to make screenshots of microsoft edge but that would be a direct violation of the term of use and i'd get locked out of xbox live, i do not want this to happen. I can take screen shots and record videos of xbox games and only xbox games, microsoft edge is not a game, its an app. To take screen shot you press big white X button followed by yellow Y. To record video you press big white X followed by small blue X. But as i said those do not work on microsoft edge. jolem before you say it, not the right click for screen shot does not work either, the way to share a pic is by copy pasting a web address that leads to an existing pic but thats it and if i tried it would only lead you to your hentaiheroes home page. Finally obviously i tried using a mouse and it doesn't work, it cant work when the scrolling option is not present.
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