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Everything posted by jyepie

  1. thats a good point, im just bummed at losing my kobans, my love for android 18 ruined me lol
  2. should have never posted this... sai stopped dropping completely.... im out of kobans.... how horrible
  3. im at 80 shards with sai right now.....spent 2500 koban refills, please please please please please game fully drop her now please please please
  4. sometimes the RNG drops more if you change wifi, it might be coincidence but some FB friends tested it out. use different internet, RNG drops faster and higher call it superstition or confirmation bias but more than a few guys confirmed. dont know if its related to cookies
  5. i have never gotten a 100 shard drop. please game help! i really want sai but have no kobans. help please
  6. yeah i had to go to lowest boss but it was annoying glitch. it was a clear win that got the win reward but the contest didnt count it
  7. i am on the DEFEAT VILLAINS part to win piper (0/60) and the game has not count 7 different wins. i literally won the fights(not in a row, separate) but the contest did not count the wins, glitch? so horrible...
  8. i hope it is at least optional, i hope transcend is optional to play, i dont wanna lose progress or stuff, dont wanna lose what ive done so far a story mode sounds fun but transcend is gonna hurt
  9. i was not attacking your post my friend. this event is pretty unfair and is an event only a few people can win, my point is that hentai heroes can still give you girls getting girls in hentai clicker is literally impossible
  10. to be fair the game has given us much more girls to win im not trying to defend greed or anything, but in regular events you can win 4 girls now, before it used to be only 2 the orbs also helps win girls, plus the 6 girls in champions, this new event is elitist but hentai heroes is still nice, wanna talk about greed, look at hentai clicker lol. hentai clicker events and puzzles are literally impossible
  11. has this change yet? are there any perks for getting the last picture?
  12. whoever said that the events were too easy before, they ruined this game. im not even gonna talk about the event anymore. i said what i said. whatever, it is over. but holy crap, whoever complained that the other events were too easy before, those complaints destroyed this game for now... ruined.. im not sure if the devs will make future events easier, but im too scared to try again.
  13. but do you understand that some people had to click this game 12 hours straight? do you u derstand how crazy that was for a simple clicking game? do you understand that our fingers hurt from so much clicking? index finger actually hurting..... feels bad do you even understand how crazy this event was? do you even think about what you are saying? ive played hentai heroes for 3 years and ive loved it. best porn game i ever played. i have more than 230 girls. hentai heroes is fun. hentai heroes is really amazing. theres so much to do.... so much customization and different achievements this clicker game? it gets repetitive and the only cool thing is getting some girls in events. but between the super hard puzzles and this event. it becomes impossible to play. i dont think you understand.
  14. i spent my Ryos and got 8 boosters in the course of the event EIGHT... EIGHT BOOSTERS... OKAY? i had mojo ring and sex tape at 299 and 300.... im not gonna be able to win the girl. okay? i did spend my currency... okay?? i wasted days of my life in this awful horrible event. my fingers hurt. i wasted my weekend. i am NOT spoiled. this is the worst event in both hentai heroes and hentai clicker history. this event wasted our time and wasted my ryos and hurt my finger. hentai heroes has never been this awful i really do love the art of these games and i love hentai. but i would be afraid to ever try another event. this event punish you for playing i have a life. i was busy with the yard. i dont have an entire week to click a game for 12 hours straight.
  15. very very sad event, not even making you angry, just sad and tired, what an annoying and terrible event, very annoying and depressing it is basically impossible to most people, people with a job, people with a family or kids to take care of, not everyone can click a phone for 12 hours i played every day of the event. not even buying boosters work. i bought 6 boosters and only reached 4000. i got mojo ring and sex tape souvenir and leveled them up to 270. nothing works this game punish players
  16. i got lola and opened all her scenes and poses, shes pretty and sexy, but the new art style is still too clean and the faces dont have the kind of detail they used to have before, shes still pretty but the new way they do faces is too clean and the noses are off (before drawings had more detail and more shadowing) thats the other problem with newer events, you dont even know how the art work is gonna turn out.
  17. same here, i thought i prepared, had 30 or so tickets saved, saved gifts and items for sale, and it wont be enough to win second girl, too many tickets required, i can win the first girl, but no amount of preparing will help for second girl... how can you get 80 Champion tickets, where from? how is it possible?
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