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  1. Currently the Night-Club doesn't load properly. It says that the issue is reported, but I don't know if there actually is a notification send to the CxH team or if they know about the issue. Anyhow, I thought since there is no report found here in the forum, I'll open up this category to see if anyone else has this issue.
  2. Yes, I am certain it's the right email since I use it to log in. And as I said, the same thing used to be an issue for me on HH.
  3. I had the same issue, but it worked for me when I logged out of HxH, then clicked on the banner (the one in 'Sex Friends') and logged in HxH again. Hope it works for you as well, good luck
  4. Hey People, I seem to have a Bug with my validation email, where it just doesn't appear in my mails. (The same Bug occured on HxH and it was only resolved through manual validation of my mail-address) I already clicked on re-send numerous times, but the mail can never be found. (it's definitely the right mail-adress and I also checked my spam) Also, i can't open a support ticket on the issue, because you need a validated e-mail to do so. I would appreciate help on the matter, if possible ❤️ PS.: If it helps, this is my ID: 18107
  5. It worked, issue resolved! I opened a ticket with my dupe account yesterday and included the information on my main account just like you suggested and it worked perfectly. Thanks so much for the help ❤️
  6. Alright, thanks for the response. Unfortunately I didn't just begin playing, so starting over is not an option, but I will give the "worst case" idea a try. Thanks for the suggestion
  7. Hey People, I seem to have a Bug with my validation email. I already clicked on re-send numerous times, but the mail can never be found (it's definitely the right mail adress and I also checked my spam) Also, i can't open a support ticket on the issue, because you need a validated Email to do so. I would appreciate help on the matter, if possible ❤️ PS.: If it helps, this is my ID: 980664
  8. Well that's impossible, because you can only use the support once your e-mail is validated.
  9. Hey People, I seem to have a Bug with my validation email. I already clicked on re-send numerous times, but the mail can never be found (it's definitely the right mail adress and I also checked my spam) I would appreciate help on the matter, if possible ❤️ ID: 980664
  10. I seem to have the same problem, no matter how often I try to re-send the validation, it's in none of my folders. Would it be possible to manually validate my account aswell? ID: 980664
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