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Posts posted by Asherandai

  1. 31 minutes ago, Some other guy said:

    As for missing money from going darklord vs finalwhatsherface. Sure if you are REALLY unlucky and needed 1000 combats [I needed 391 and that seemed to be fairly high on the suck end] you would be out about 25 million. However if you didn't use those kobans there you would have probably used them on epic pan and gotten some crap girl and some legendary items most of which would either be useless rainbow or not your stat. Also in the greater scheme, 25 million will only get a 20th level girl half way to 5 star if you have to buy affection items and at the end of the day in my case having avoided getting girls I will get only 4 plus 20 level girls [5 with legend] to have to level up to 5 stars.

    Sure it's not so bad for this one 4 day event.

    Now add on the 7 days for revival events.

    Now add on the 14 days for regular events.

    Now repeat that for every month of the year.

    Do you get the picture yet, or is it still not obvious enough for you?

    • Like 3
  2. 55 minutes ago, Chthugha said:

    the only problem with this 4-day event the players really have is the promotion.
    "she might not return" and "the very first legendary girl".
    players got hyped, and took their past experiences into this event, only to get shocked that it didn't go their way this time.
    they fooled themselves into a false sense of security regarding event girl drops, and paid the prize with their kobans.

    now what is problematic is when players paid real money for a lot of refills, and then didn't get her.
    those are the real complaints, and I'm sure Kinkoid will take that very seriously.

    all the rest is just a biased salt mine spouting all the salt into the world.
    they let their emotions take their decisions, and that's never the right way to go.

    On the whole I agree with you on the topic of people who didn't get her. However, it should be taken into account the vastly increased number of people who didn't get her. (I'm not going to keep repeating myself on the topic of "rarity" so if your response includes that, please refer to my earlier posts)

    I am aware that the forum posts are not a reliable method of determining the percentage that didn't get her, they are generally indicative though. And the only ones that know the true percentage are the devs... I doubt they will tell and definitely won't admit fault.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Shidou said:

    I'm not a dev or anybody in their team, I'm merely a player too lol.
    I just happened to enjoy the trill to farm for rare items. I don't get bummed out if I don't get it tho.
    That said, we're going off topic of the actual content of the thread. xD

    Getting bummed is  a part of RNG. It's the flip side of elation when things go your way (I wonder what that feels like...). I agree that people should not be flipping tables over not getting her.

    However you are completely 100% wrong about "rare drops" systems in MMO's. Limited time content is never so rare that less than half of people get it, and those that really grind and utilise every resource and opportunity available to them almost always get it. That's not even including the consolation rewards that generally come with said events. Regardless, the comparison is a poor one, and does not paint this event or game in anything even resembling a favourable light. If Levitya was set to return at some point you might have a case, albeit a very shaky one, however it was stated from the outset that she is a one time opportunity. For such a thing to be unobtainable buy paying players is just a no no. As much as I don't like it, you look after your paying players above all others. Without them you have nothing.

    All that said my issue, and the main issue for most others, is not with the fact I didn't get her. With my god-awful luck I expected to not get her. No, its with the continual abuse of loyalty from Kinkoid. Every single event caters to new players, while long term players (AKA loyal players) get shafted, and not in a good way. It wasn't so bad when there was only one event per month, then it was manageable. But with what looks to be now 3 events per month, all of them catering to new players, we have 80% of our time taken up by Dark Lord, Ninja Spy, and Grunt. They had a golden opportunity to fix it when they did the boss levels update, but instead they made it worse. And that is the pattern we are seeing, constant abuse of loyalty by catering only to new players. When are they going to do something for us? When are they going to stop ignoring the issues of putting every single event on Dark Lord? When are they going to stop denying there is a problem and grow up? You may not be one of them, but you are closer to them then most of us, so maybe you are hearing something we aren't which is why you aren't pissed off. Either way, this is the real problem and the real cause of loss of paying customers. They don't appear to give a shit about us.

    • Like 12
  4. 12 minutes ago, Chthugha said:

    I've heard things about them looking into it on how to make battling DL less of a burden for the long term players.
    Right now I just have bad news for you... next event is Dark Lord and Ninja Spy -_-

    Well that's news to me. I had a quick look through the discord comments and responses (albeit a quick look, not in any way comprehensive), and the responses I saw there were about the same I've seen here. Denial that anything is wrong, denial that they have made mistakes, denial that income is an issue, or anything negative just being completely ignored. Honestly what I've seen gives me very little hope that things will ever get better.

    I know about the next event, and I pretty much expected it anyway. As I said, they have done nothing to reward loyal players. I have been considering quitting for a while now, and I'm not saying that to be melodramatic or as a threat or anything. Just that I get a strong impression the devs don't give a shit, and that's not something I want to stick around for or support with my hard earned cash. Maybe I will, maybe I won't, I'm undecided and holding out hope for change right now.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Testerosa said:

    Well, I didn't get the Legendary girl.  I didn't really expect that I would get her.  I see this game now divided into the haves (who got the girl) and the have nots (who didn't).  Since a random number generator has decided that I should be a have not, I have decided that I will be a will not.  As in, I will not continue to play.

    To those of you who got the girl, congratulations.  To those of you who didn't but are still willing to continue playing, good luck.  To those of you who didn't and aren't willing to continue playing, I'm sure you'll be able to find a game that you like better, I know I will.

    Limited time events with lousy drop rates and mind-numbingly boring grinding have consequences, I hope the developers are happy with the consequences of this one.

    I am a have not. This is the 4th event in total that I have received absolutely nothing for my efforts. Shit happens.

    Not getting the girls doesn't bother me so much. Sure it's disappointing, but it makes the ones I do get feel all the better. The part that pisses me off is the blatant lack of care for long-term loyal players. Every event is DL and one of the other low level bosses. The devs have given literally fuck all to loyal players, and haven't bothered even remotely trying to fix any of the issues these events cause to said long term players.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Chthugha said:

    we do laugh about certain forum posters, but not regarding these kind of things.
    it's more about blatantly stupid posts xD

    Given my reputation I imagine I must be quite popular in that regard :P

    (I don't really mind either way. I know I fly off the rails sometimes.)

  7. I saw a bunch of people saying that the discord response was fairly positive and that they have been laughing at forum posters. So I decided to go to discord and check it out for myself... It's total bullshit. I couldn't see a single positive comment in the discord feedback, if anything they are even more negative than here. Also no mention of forum posters, let alone laughing at them.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  8. 13 hours ago, ShadowHaamu said:

    Well, I actually have partial solution to low lvl boss fight and less income. They should add a system, where hitting certain account lvl gives money boost to bosses. Like every 100 level adds 3k money total boss income. So, starting players get no bonus income, +100 lvl players get extra 3k per boss, +200 lvl players get +6k per boss and so on.

    This way long time players would be rewards and even doing low bosses wouldn't feel total waste like it's now. And because this is complete player level based system, then everyone has a chance to get same bonus overtime.

    I've already given them 2 options for fixing it, and others have given their ideas like you. They have never to my knowledge even acknowledged the existence of those ideas, probably they never even read them.

  9. Reading through the comments, aside from those with bad luck complaining that they have bad luck, I think there is one thing Kinkoid should take from this event that the majority of posters seem to agree on

    Stop with the shitty fucking Dark Lord cash return!!!

    I get feeling the need to make it accessible to newer players, but honestly most new players don't expect to be able to get the best of the best right out the gate. Those that do are total morons. Using accessibility as a reason for screwing long-term "end-game" players is the most piss poor excuse possible. It would literally be better to outright say "we don't give a shit about our loyal players", because at least that would be honest.

    Sticking all the events to the low level bosses needs to stop.

    • Like 11
    • Thanks 2
  10. 17 hours ago, Tristelune said:


    Chthugha gave the amount of affection some posts earlier.

    They are not big. But it's normal, because they are stated by Kinkoid to be calculated to fit the reworked affection system that should land in the game within a few weeks.

    So, wait to have the whole picture before to fetch the forks and torchs :D


    See above :)

    I literally just read them and replied before reading your post xD

    I never expected them to be that big, neither did I expect them to be that small... or should I say I hoped they would not be that small.

    I've not heard about any rework to affection, but assuming that's true it would be no problem to use a larger figure now and adjust it when the new system is implemented. That makes me doubt it is any better for the new system... if there even is one in the works.

  11. 23 hours ago, Chthugha said:

    for the ones interested in the gains from Arena battles:
    as far as I could tell, it will be a good amount in xp (enough to level your battle girls to max level again before the next level up), but the affection will be small right now.
    as far as I could gather from the test server, it's:
    lvl opponent           affection gain             xp gain
    1-50                         1                                   1
    51-100                    2                                   2
    101-150                  3                                   3
    151-200                  4                                   4
    201-250                  5                                   5
    So the xp should keep your girls leveled, as you don't need that much anyway, but the affection isn't all that much.
    However, if you have girls that need to be upgraded to the 5th star still, then every 5 affection gained is a reduction on the total cost of 2085.
    If you do the 16 won battles thing a day, you gain 80 affection per girl, which is worth 33360.
    You can do similar things for lower level players. It's a small amount, but every little amount helps.
    You can just keep your good Alpha and put girls in need of affection on omega or beta and omega.
    Their stats only matter when they enter battle, which in most cases doesn't even happen.

    If its that small I very much doubt it will be worth using other girls to increase their affection. I currently get around 5,500 from a win, and using weaker girls will likely increase losses quite a bit depending on how many people are training girls. So overall it would be a net loss... unless... do we still get the affection for the girls if we lose? I assumed it was only on win, but I could be wrong. 

    Also once rewards for ToF are introduced (assuming that happens) the loss in rankings, and therefore rewards, could easily tip the balance further away from training girls. I was expecting something in the region of 10-25, likely the lower end, for it to have value alongside all the other factors of the game, these figures make me doubt it's worth and I feel it's going to be just another good idea that quickly falls to wayside because it has too little value. 

    But as always, I'll wait to see it practice. This is just an impression I get from the figures.

    As a note, to go from 4 star to 5 star would take a whopping 7000 battles! That's not counting the 1 star to 4 star cost, and assuming you're in the range to get 5 affection each time.

    • Like 2
  12. Finally the part I know everyone has been waiting for (including me). I hope the affection gains are not going to be too small to bother with, otherwise it'll be another waste of a good idea. Of course I'm not expecting them to be huge either.

    The free trial I think is a good idea, and its good you included existing customers.

    New pachinko girls doesn't interest me much as I'll probably never get most of them.

    Incoming complaints about charm girls yet again... even though its pointless.

    • Like 3
  13. On 24/03/2018 at 7:13 PM, Stud_xXx said:

    why when u won a fight u get 2, 3 , 5 or even 10 mojo, but if u lose u'll lose 20-30 mojo !! this is sucks !!!! that means u need to win another 5 -8 fight to get the lost mojo back !

    Mojo is like a reputation. Think about it for second.

    If you go around picking on weaklings, are you going to gain much of a reputation for being strong? No, that would be stupid. That's why you only gain a little bit of reputation which you can accumulate by winning often. And if you beat someone who is strong, then you gain a significant reputation boost. Those 2, 3, 5, or 10 Mojo gains are based on the relative reputation of your opponent compared to your reputation. If you never see anyone who gives more it's because you are already the strongest, or at least have the reputation for being the strongest, for your level group (+/- 15 levels from your current level). You are literally complaining that you are doing really well.

  14. 11 hours ago, Crimson scale said:

    Stop complaining, I've played games where they give you way more money than you can hope to spend and I think its way worse than always having things to buy. If you could max out a girls stars right when you get her it would be kinda anti climatic...to me at least.

    As I very clearly stated, I don't mean to sound like I am complaining because I am not. I have also played games that give away too much, this game was one of them quite a while ago. When they made the changes I was one of about 3 people in support of the changes. What I am saying is that they have gone too far the other way now. It's not fun if its easy, but it's also not fun if it's impossible. I am sorry that you don't understand that.

  15. 1 hour ago, vampirash said:

    So nutaku version has been down for more then 10hours,  not even 1 topic regarding this.. who gonna give us back the lost time?  Not to mention  the 503 f.....kin error that keeps popping up every time you click something ...it is very very very frustrating

    Terrible service



    The entire of nutaku is down. It just gives me "bad gateway" when I try to access it. That's nothing to do with this game though.

  16. 3 hours ago, fap.titans.gra said:

    the same is with the level and amount of experience, how can someone have a higher level and less experience than me?

    ToF experience is shown as at the time of last update, as is everything else that you are ranked by. Your level shown however changes immediately when you level up. So you have gained experience and leveled up since the last update, but the ToF shows how much Exp you had 1-4 hours ago when it updated.

    Additionally, this bug has frozen some peoples scores in ToF, which is compounding the confusion. The last time your score was updated might have been days ago.

  17. Attempting to not be an asshole for once, I would just like to voice my objection to this entire so called issue. There is nothing wrong with the rock, paper, scissors format, and all these ideas people are throwing out are a million times worse.

    That's it, I'm not gonna look at this thread again else I end up insulting more people.

    • Like 2
  18. 2 hours ago, YoyoHH said:

    The developers should be conscious of their goal, which is to satisfy their diverse player base while not alienating too many people when including rare fetishes.

    Depending on the region, and the size of the sample taken, the percentage of men that enjoy pegging is estimated at between 20%-70% as of "official" surveys done in to 2016. Even taking the lowest result of 20%, that is not by any stretch rare.

    Note: I have no idea what makes the surveys official, or what the distribution by region was. That information was taken from an article published by a "sexual health" website/magazine that i saw 2 years ago. Make of it what you will, all surveys are subject to question anyway.

  19. 2 minutes ago, dirty harry said:

    Just a little off topic I just have to share.

    An 1/2 hour ago the market updated and as per usual worthless; all rare items.

    I just visited the market and "Kablouah!" out of the blue there is a legendary items boosting my primary stat by 600. Nothing to sneeze at. :D

    Lucky bastard....

    • Haha 1
  20. 6 minutes ago, dirty harry said:

    Thx for your pic. Indeed the pic is old, here's a current one. They differ by about two days.


    And no, in my visual others aren't updating as well, that is: their scores don't change. Just the current mojo and trophee.

    Yeah it just updated again and i checked against the screenshot i took. There seems to be a large group of people who's scores are not be updated, but at least in my portion of the leaderboards everyone is updating just fine.

    So your ranks are falling because other peoples scores are being updated. The people directly around you though are having the same problem you are, so they fall with you. Which is why it looks to you no one is being updated. 

    Well this is a confusing and bizarre bug. At least we know exactly what is happening now though. I wonder how many peoples scores are stuck?

  21. 3 minutes ago, dirty harry said:


    I see the current mojo displayed correctly and the ranking update clock ticking down correctly. However the ranking table display seems to be stuck and doesn't update. The trophee on the town page does change so that might be working correctly as well.


    Right, now I think I see. 

    What you were saying was that the leaderboard wasn't updating, when it fact it was updating. From looking at your image and looking at you in ToF, what is actually happening is that the leaderboard is updating other peoples scores but not yours. That's a different thing altogether. 


    I am assuming that pic is old, is this where you are seeing yourself now? And is it still showing your Current Mojo as around 2,606 (+changes)?


  22. 2 minutes ago, YoyoHH said:

    This is a good explanation, but it still boils down to the drop chance being higher.  In the above example, the drop chance is the same for someone who uses the maximum amount of combat points over the full duration of both events, but the drop chance is higher for someone who uses the same number of combat points during each event.  If you're using significantly fewer combat points but have the same odds of a girls drop, then that means the drop rate is higher.

    No idea why they didn't just say, "Yes, the drop chance will be higher because the event is only 3 days long."  This "it isn't higher or lower, just different" crap is purposely confusing and, as someone stated earlier, just doesn't make any sense.


    That is because of the question that was asked: "is it going to be harder to get or will the drop rate be raised?"

    In the question they are asking both overall and individual simultaneously, and so the answer appropriately responds to both simultaneously without giving any incorrect information. If the answer had just been "yes the drop rate will be higher" it implies to the first part of the question that it easier to get, which is false because it is the same chance to get just over a shorter period. If the answer had been "no it is the same" it implies to the second part of the question that the drop rate is the same and so it is harder to get, which is also false. 

    The answer given is exactly what was needed with the question that was asked. It's only misleading if you formulate your own question and apply it to the answer.

  23. 8 minutes ago, dirty harry said:

    In that case we can rule out it's a national glitch cos Chthugha and me are of the same nationality.

    If this is true it might be purely visual. It still bugs me tho.:D

    Any word on this on discord?

    I'm really confused. Just what is it you are seeing? Does the leaderboard update or not? If so, does it show you in the correct place for your Mojo at the time of the update?

  24. 4 minutes ago, Habi said:

    i thought about that possibility too. either way i think it is bad formulated. the question is if that is on purpose to confuse us. wouldn't be the first statement of this kind regarding the legendary girl.


    The drop rate is adjusted to the period of time that the event will take place.
    It's neither higher, neither lower. It's adjusted.

    Jessie Kinkoid"

    Are you saying this is badly formulated? Because it says exactly what I just explained, only it doesn't use an example.

    What other statements about the legendary girl have there been? This is the first post about her I've seen.

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