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Lady Al

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Everything posted by Lady Al

  1. Somehow it feels weird that an "important"/game positive ranking like mojo only gives XP whilst rankings which go counter to fun game play (save up as much as possible and stop 'caring' for your girls) get rewarded with mojo...
  2. And finally got my first girl this event, so yeah, will most likely be spending more kobans than I intended to this event . Oh well . It somehow feels worse to spend kobans on girls you don't really like... I wonder whether I will still be playing in a year and whether it would be wiser to wait for a revival event if those will still exist in a year.
  3. Having been a player for nearly a year now (I think) I can easily say that the drop rate is high enough that most of the events you get both girls without needing to spend kobans. The nature of RNG is just that sometimes I have a "lucky period" where for 2 or 3 events I get both girls within the first 3 days, sometimes I have bad luck (no girls yet for me either this event), but in the end over the course of many events it does balance out. The lucky people will have unlucky events, and the unlucky people will have lucky events. The drop rate definitely is reasonable enough, even if I wouldn't mind an increased drop rate after a certain number of battles if you didn't get a single event girl yet, but oh well .
  4. I start (!) worrying around the half way point when I don't have a single girl yet. Obviously won't sweat it, but nothing wrong with starting to worry a bit .
  5. Still nothing as well, starting to worry I will have to spend kobans this event to get both .
  6. For me the other way round, last 2 or 3 events (aside of leg days event) weren't that bad, but now with both leg days and this event I had to spend a lot of kobans. But yeah, not getting any girl 3 events straight sounds to me like someone isn't spending all his combativity.
  7. So not sure whether to just completely ignore her or not. Last event sucked enough that I wish I had ignored it, but not sure now...
  8. Unplayable in the sense of it not working/not opening? Or other builds being more effective compared to yours?
  9. They warned about this change ages ago saying that non-main stat will become more important, been slowly preparing for that (just very slowly though).
  10. Same here btw, though wasn't too worried about that part
  11. Not like a class change costs that much, does it? (I haven't used my free one yet, just in case big changes make it more useful to change class)
  12. Only noticed the addendum now: secondary stat refers to the stat you're strong against? Or what?
  13. Why does someone have harmony if they have only mono stat items?
  14. As far as I understand the crit chance isn't going down (it's still a 50% combined chance), it's just that you can now influence it more.
  15. The only thing I am wondering about is whether it might be smart to play Charm, but equally distribute your stats (rather than mono items). Not sure though, maths isn't really my thing.
  16. Yeah, this event sucks. Anyway, was discussing this with my ex (got him to play as well) and his guess is that the chance of her to drop over the course of two days is similar to the chance of dropping both girls over two weeks. The "problem" is that it's far from a 100% chance both girls will drop - often players only get 1 out of 2 girls - and add to that that this is only a 4 day event (wouldn't have spend kobans as early if I had known that it was 4 days rather than 3) which makes the chances look far messier (my ex-bf was talking about something tails of binomial distributions and I kind of got it... but not really) leaving a fair number of people extremely frustrated. Not even because the devs intentionally only wanted a short term profit, but because with a smaller number of tries the chances balance out far less. Good developers would of course account for this, but oh well...
  17. Exactly: https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Harem#Evolving-Haremettes
  18. The more girls you have, the more expensive each new girl is to upgrade.
  19. Well, I did end up getting her, 3000 kobans down the drain for something I would've given max 1000 koban for if I had known how much it would cost before hand .The sunken cost dilemma is a manwhore .
  20. Like honestly, this event is completely horrible to be honest. First they convinced half the community that legendary girls had animated poses (turned out they just wanted to lie in ads). Then they told the community that the drop rate was adjusted in the context of talking about the number of days... then it turns out that some people burned 6000+ kobans on it... for a single girl... how is that adjusted? Not to say there is nothing legendary about this girl for more than 2/3rds of the player base. The only people she's legendary for is those who 1) are hardcore 2) Play pvp 3) have a shit ton of money (as upgrading her is near impossible considering she's at the bottom of the list in costs) 4) upgrading girls isn't really worth it anyway (it's cheaper to just buy the stats)... so all you're left with is a normal girl with 5 affection scenes... which isn't a bad thing in any way, it's just totally not legendary...
  21. This exactly, spend by this point nearly 3000 kobans on this, just not enjoying it... it's repetitious, boring and doesn't give any returns at all ...
  22. I am at around 290 attempts, and still nuthing. Honestly by far the least enjoyable event or part or anything in this game. Like, bad luck in a normal event means only getting 2 (worst case 1) out of 3 girls. Bad luck in the rest of the game means that you simply have to wait pretty long. Bad luck here means that you get nuthing. This is just honestly no fun. I mean, if it had been at least on any troll it would have been super meh, but not a complete waste... like this it's just pure meh. First time I have stopped enjoying this game completely.
  23. I am at around 140 or 160 right now I think, really hope that somewhere around this amount is the average tries needed. That still might mean I end up needing 400 of them, but 150 would sound like a reasonable average. It's would mean half of people would get a legendary girl without refills given 100% use of their time.
  24. Do you guys btw seriously enjoy playing with multiple accounts? I mean, with a single account it's already a bit of a grind. An enjoyable grind, but a grind none the less. With multiple accounts the grind level seems to get even worse 😲.
  25. Just be ashamed of yourself for trolling and come back when you decide to man up and apologize for attacking people without reason. Nobody had a problem understanding what Dragonmux said, so yeah. Add to that, that 'nuthing' even makes it on wiktionary as a known variant dialect spelling and half a million people use it according to Google and it even makes your correction incorrect considering this is an informal English language forum which doesn't enforce a specific dialect of English.
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