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Lady Al

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Posts posted by Lady Al

  1. And finally got my first girl this event, so yeah, will most likely be spending more kobans than I intended to this event :( . Oh well :) . It somehow feels worse to spend kobans on girls you don't really like... I wonder whether I will still be playing in a year and whether it would be wiser to wait for a revival event if those will still exist in a year.

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  2. 6 hours ago, kjnjkjnk said:

    Still no luck, how is it even possible after 9 days and lost count on how many battles not a single girl, I am just saying that in any other event the result for me would have been not winning a single girl, I know that some of you are going to jump at me by saying that the event have not finished yet but still, knowing my luck in this game, I know for sure that maybe even spending kobans I will only get one girl. And then I see a lot of guys saying that they got both girls in under 40 battles, this makes me sick, how is it even possible for some guys that most of the time got the girls with the first tries and then some others like me cant even get them after min 200 battles. The drop rate in this game is clearly ridiculous, thats why the ones knowing the actual drop rate are never going to tell us. 

    Best regards to all, and I hope that you dont have the same luck as me. Hoping that my luck changes in this last days 

    Having been a player for nearly a year now (I think) I can easily say that the drop rate is high enough that most of the events you get both girls without needing to spend kobans. The nature of RNG is just that sometimes I have a "lucky period" where for 2 or 3 events I get both girls within the first 3 days, sometimes I have bad luck (no girls yet for me either this event), but in the end over the course of many events it does balance out. The lucky people will have unlucky events, and the unlucky people will have lucky events. The drop rate definitely is reasonable enough, even if I wouldn't mind an increased drop rate after a certain number of battles if you didn't get a single event girl yet, but oh well :) .

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  3. 1 hour ago, Hollo said:

    Do what I do: don't sweat it. Absolutely zero fucks given until half an hour before (or more if I'm out at a party or something, naturally). Set an alarm if it's important enough to you to not miss it; otherwise, there's no point in stressing over it for the several days preceding. (I only post about my count above in order to convey some sense of the waiting process.)

    Only once have I had to make a koban decision, and that was on a short event with three droppable girls. And at that point, at T-30min, I asked myself how many kobans I was willing to spend for one more girl, given that it would likely reappear in a revival the next year, and given that those kobans form some fraction of a guaranteed drop in epichinko. I ultimately decided to pass. No regrets. No stress.

    I start (!) worrying around the half way point when I don't have a single girl yet. Obviously won't sweat it, but nothing wrong with starting to worry a bit :) .

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  4. 1 hour ago, dsfs said:

    It is for me. Had a hard time last event, got them pretty easy this time.

    For me the other way round, last 2 or 3 events (aside of leg days event) weren't that bad, but now with both leg days and this event I had to spend a lot of kobans. But yeah, not getting any girl 3 events straight sounds to me like someone isn't spending all his combativity.

  5. 2 minutes ago, trunks2585 said:

    You know I recently started to get rid of my legendary equipment to focus on just going for my main mono stat.  I wish I could go back in time to change that now.  Lost all my fights but I was outclassed from the onset so I can't say much about the battle.

    They warned about this change ages ago saying that non-main stat will become more important, been slowly preparing for that (just very slowly though).

  6. 1 minute ago, Ady6 said:

    Had my first three fights as Charm now. Despite having 40/10 in crit ratio I still lost 2 games due to being outcritted. Charms defense multiplier is crappy as expected, and due to the need to switch focus from main stat to off stats I lost about 10% damage and ego. So can't do the damage, my crit is borderline useless and crit is still an RNG asshole. Also, the length of the battles changed immensly in the patch. Took multiple orgasms before fights ended.

    Can we get a free class swap from patches like this? Since it royally fucks up certain classes.

    Not like a class change costs that much, does it? (I haven't used my free one yet, just in case big changes make it more useful to change class)

  7. 1 minute ago, SpermDemon said:

    I won't be doing any pvp after this patch for sure. Crits are only thing allowing me to win anything as it is.

    As far as I understand the crit chance isn't going down (it's still a 50% combined chance), it's just that you can now influence it more.

  8. Yeah, this event sucks.

    Anyway, was discussing this with my ex (got him to play as well) and his guess is that the chance of her to drop over the course of two days is similar to the chance of dropping both girls over two weeks. The "problem" is that it's far from a 100% chance both girls will drop - often players only get 1 out of 2 girls - and add to that that this is only a 4 day event (wouldn't have spend kobans as early if I had known that it was 4 days rather than 3) which makes the chances look far messier (my ex-bf was talking about something tails of binomial distributions and I kind of got it... but not really) leaving a fair number of people extremely frustrated. Not even because the devs intentionally only wanted a short term profit, but because with a smaller number of tries the chances balance out far less. Good developers would of course account for this, but oh well... :( 

    • Like 4
  9. 1 minute ago, Lorienen said:

    Yea, i am hardcore i started as one so i guess i'm double lucky haha, but what do you mean she will be less expensive to upgrade? Do prices to upgrade increase as you rise in levels? I'm still new and dont know how things work, thanks for any tips or info in advance ^^.

    The more girls you have, the more expensive each new girl is to upgrade.

  10. Like honestly, this event is completely horrible to be honest. First they convinced half the community that legendary girls had animated poses (turned out they just wanted to lie in ads). Then they told the community that the drop rate was adjusted in the context of talking about the number of days... then it turns out that some people burned 6000+ kobans on it... for a single girl... how is that adjusted? Not to say there is nothing legendary about this girl for more than 2/3rds of the player base. The only people she's legendary for is those who 1) are hardcore 2) Play pvp 3) have a shit ton of money (as upgrading her is near impossible considering she's at the bottom of the list in costs) 4) upgrading girls isn't really worth it anyway (it's cheaper to just buy the stats)... so all you're left with is a normal girl with 5 affection scenes... which isn't a bad thing in any way, it's just totally not legendary...

    • Like 6
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  11. 1 minute ago, brassygirl said:

    Thank you for the positive vibes. I'm not saying I don't feel them.  My eyes kind of glassed over.   Not only me, so many good players on this thread.

    I am well over 600 chances.  It is just so 'repetitious'.    My re occurring thought:  Why am I doing this?  I was so excited: 

    Dark Lord?  Full holster, timed right to open.  you know?  Kobans = 2 atm.

    Dark Lord?  600 and nothing?  Dark Lord?  "Not higher or lower, just adjusted"?    

    I don't think we have any idea how the system allocates wins.  It appears to be "other than random".  Why am I doing this again?-   

    More vibs!  More vibs!!  hehehe.  how many hours left?????   Thank you for your kind words.



    This exactly, spend by this point nearly 3000 kobans on this, just not enjoying it... it's repetitious, boring and doesn't give any returns at all :/ ...

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  12. I am at around 290 attempts, and still nuthing. Honestly by far the least enjoyable event or part or anything in this game. Like, bad luck in a normal event means only getting 2 (worst case 1) out of 3 girls. Bad luck in the rest of the game means that you simply have to wait pretty long. Bad luck here means that you get nuthing. This is just honestly no fun. I mean, if it had been at least on any troll it would have been super meh, but not a complete waste... like this it's just pure meh. First time I have stopped enjoying this game completely.

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  13. I am at around 140 or 160 right now I think, really hope that somewhere around this amount is the average tries needed. That still might mean I end up needing 400 of them, but 150 would sound like a reasonable average. It's would mean half of people would get a legendary girl without refills given 100% use of their time.

  14. 22 minutes ago, nbgv said:

    Actually no - the only Tard in here is You, with mind of like 3 years old girl that don't like the feeling that someone pointed out what exactly letter you spelled wrong (so you wouldn't be lost), so now you try to point everyone away from illiterate yourself while calling names and trying to elevate your endangered self esteem and thats is working only on someone who have IQ of your level, don't know about it or is spoiled brat - good luck achieving anything worthy in life with such attitude. (btw. there is auto-fill/auto-correct of wrong written words, maybe try to use it sometimes)

    And no, I am not attacking you, just stating facts so don't start some epic battle in the name of your hurt feelings that I don't give a f**k anyway, just use your brain more:

    Confucius: The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.

    Just be ashamed of yourself for trolling and come back when you decide to man up and apologize for attacking people without reason. Nobody had a problem understanding what Dragonmux said, so yeah. Add to that, that 'nuthing' even makes it on wiktionary as a known variant dialect spelling and half a million people use it according to Google and it even makes your correction incorrect considering this is an informal English language forum which doesn't enforce a specific dialect of English.

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