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Everything posted by Samaer

  1. Hey everyone. I'm a fairly new player of Hentai Heroes. First of all, apologies for the long post, but I need to say it all. I started my adventure on December the 3rd, and have played every day ever since. I was one day too late to get Santa Claudia on the christmas event, wich was a dissapointment, but understandable. In that event, I didn't get any of the girls, wich was sad but I was new and maybe didn't have enough time to get them. After that, the sci-fy event came and I was SO HAPPY to see Ripley from Alien in there. I have such a crush on her and wanted her so so bad. I payed the event pachinko, with the kobans I collected for the game (sadly, I can't spend money right now on this), and didn't get her, but an avatar of her, wich was dissapointing (i mean, c'mon!). I that event (very quickly) I got Fae and that was it, no matter how much I fought the other bosses. In the mean time, I only got two of the common boss girls. Then, the Legendary Days came and OMG I was so excited to see a legendary girl of my type. I tried SO hard to get her, spend all my kobans and all my available time fighting the dark lord (even when I needed the extra money the other bosses give me). At the end of the event.... nothing. Not the legendary girl, and I didn't even got any of the other common girls. 12 days have passed since the end of that event, the winter event passed too, and no girls for me in there. We have a new event on our hands, and guess what... I don't have any new girl. Not and event girl, not a common girl. The only new girls I have are the ones that the adventure mode gives you and i'm very very VERY frustrated with that. I see my husband obtaining new girls every now and then (he got three christmas girls, one sci-fy girl, two winter girls, and one shokushu girl) and I don't now if it has something to do with him being a more experienced player (he's playing since july), or what, but it's kind of ridiculous. I read the new announcment right now, and I hope the new sistem the planned to introduce will help players like me to get more girls more easily, as this is very frustrating and lead us to stop playing. There, that is my complaint. I'm sorry for the long post but I wanted to explain myself on here, to see if other players have the same issue. Have a great day guys!
  2. Yeah, I did the today mission already, and that is why I have 10 and not 9.
  3. Thank you Eman. I guess i'll just wait for the revival. Luckily, my husband did get her (both of them, actually), and I can still see them haha.
  4. Hey, they are really nice! Keep practicing and getting better!
  5. Hey everyone! I'm a fairly new player, and i'm so sad because I created my account just one day late to get Santa Claudia. I completed 10 out of 11 daily missions and i'm very dissapointed because I will not get her, no matter how much I want her. Do any of you knows a way to get her? I mean, in this event. Also, do you have any tricks to get the girls from the dark lord? I've been fighting him since day one to get Rabbi and it's been impossible. He gave me his other three girls, tho. Thank you to anyone who answer my questions!
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