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  1. So - are there any news about this situation? Has anyone's progress been reset?
  2. Hi, I've been affected by the multiplier stack bug during the Abrael event, so now my restart stage is unreasonably high (around 8K). It took me some time to figure out what happened, but after asking people on Discord channel I've decided to write to support to notify them about my problem. Trouble is that I can't seem to reach support through e-mail - I get an automated response that says that my e-mail was not delivered with an error message: "554 5.7.1 <support@hentaiclicker.com>: Relay access denied" I have a gmail account and never had similar problems with sending e-mails. Is it a problem on my end or something else? Also, are there any other channels though which one could reach support? Anyone else had troubles with mailing support?
  3. That's great, what are the ways to notify support that I've been impacted by it? I've tried writing an e-mail about it, but it wasn't delivered - with a message "554 5.7.1 <support@hentaiclicker.com>: Relay access denied". Not sure what that means.
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