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Everything posted by Caladley

  1. Can´t log in for 24 too, i use Firefox Version 85.0. I tried to clear all Cookies, Cache and everything that came in my mind. Still can´t log in, the Site continue to reload and reload and reload, i cant klick something or have a chance to log in. On my Smartphone i can log in but cant use the Market for some unknown reasons.
  2. I am too impatient Have tried again, now the purchase worked, was probably really just a server problem. This topic can then be closed, thanks.
  3. Well, i'll wait until Monday and then try it again, if it still does not work I will write here again. Thanks for the answer.
  4. I never had any problems, I've also bought Kobans in the game, even if that's a long time ago. Other 18+ stuff works too.
  5. Hello. I tried to buy Koban with my valid credit card. The data was entered correctly and i made the tick in the "Terms of Use" but when pressing on Confirm I get constantly error messages such as "ERR # 807745". Anyone an idea or solution? The credit card is not blocked and still has available amounts.
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