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Posts posted by jaybee

  1. Has anyone noticed that 1-2-3 shard drops are less frequent than high drops? Maybe higher shards have a bigger drop rate than smaller shards?

    Four days is short time but as of now on two accounts (I have also been maintaining Nutaku to test the drops) I have not had a single 1-shard drop.
    There have been a few 2-3 shard drops. Right now in the account that I keep track of there have been 25 shard drops.
    2 shards 2 times
    3 shards 2 times
    4 shards 4 times
    5 shards 6 times
    6 shards 5 times
    7 shards 3 times
    8 shards 3 times
    I have not kept track of Nutaku that well but I am 100% sure I have had zero 1-shard drops.
    Otherwise the ratio is about the same: 2-3 shards have dropped about 15% of the time, 4-8 shards 85% of the time.
    The average should be about 30% for 1-3 shard drops.
    (I don't want to split 1-4 and 5-8 shards because if they really varied the shard drops, I somehow feel that lowering only 1 or 1-2 or at the most 1-2-3 shard chances would make more sense - as we know from champion award drops, the game already practices lower RNG chances for some awards (champions) and higher for others (grimy pictures)

    Just good luck on two accounts or has someone noticed something similar? And yes, I know 4 days is really too short time.

  2. Congrats!

    By the way, you can forget about the connection of "new players" to "Dark Lord".
    I tested the new XP distribution and it takes an active player around 2 weeks to reach Donatien and level 150. An inactive player can still reach Edwarda and level 100 very easily in that time. Getting past Dark Lord to Ninja is about 1 hour of clicking. Ninja to Gruntt... maybe 1-2 days if you are lazy. The start of the game just breezes by.

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  3. I think the difference is that in the beginning there was a limited pool of girls and I fully understand the need to keep things interesting and difficult, so that the whole server did not get all of the new girls at once.

    Now there are hundreds and hundreds of girls, they release 10+ new ones every month and even the most committed players are unable to keep up. There is a huge glut of girls, there is no danger of running out anymore and really no need to treat every single girl as someone über-special.

    It seems that the danger now is that those who attempt to collect all/most of the girls will give up because they see they won't even get half of the new ones and are falling more and more behind every month.

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  4. It is difficult to find a balance to satisfy all players - those who have been playing 3 years and those who just start now, as all of them play by the same rules, at the same events, but with vastly different opportunities.

    But I agree that we did not really need another format where free combativity gives you around 60 shards for one girl, unless you are very lucky.
    There are Legendary Days and Epic Days where you know you have to spend to get anything at all, and now another event like that.

    Any new event formats would need to give at least one girl for free, practically guaranteed.
    Foreplay would work with 1-6 shard drops, meaning that most players would get one free girl in five days and unlucky ones would have to refill 1-2-3 times.

    Luckier players would get one girl and be at 15-30 shards for another, encouraging them to refill for the remaining amount.
    Now most of the players will be at 60-80 shards at the end of the event and will only refill that. Most will be too unhappy with shard drops to get a second girl with 100% refills.

  5. OK I stand corrected on Nutaku :)
    Free gold options are 100 gold for getting "a friend" (i.e. your other e-mail) to play, five times
    . That's enough for early bundles. Juy Sea cost 349 Nutaku gold, Invaded Kingdom was 199, cant remember Ninja but maybe 99? Plus the option to buy... was it 500 Nutaku gold? for 1 dollar (can be used once per account).
    In the other server you have to buy the bundles with the credit card right away.

  6. Whatever you get from sex friends won't make much of a difference - or you need to make dozens or hundreds of accounts. Your final maximum boost is still 10%. In many browser games, a pro account that you can get for money (real or in-game) gives you a 25% production etc gain, so the 10% that you would get here after spending tens of thousands of kobans and in-game cash... well, it's really insignificant compared to the huge effort needed. The main strength/money growth in this game is levelling up, so it's not enough to set up hundreds of new accounts, you also need to progress each of them, identically, over weeks and weeks. And you still would not make any impact with your one person/100 account club because you will never catch up with players who have the advantage of starting the same server years (or just months) before you.

  7. The start of the game is very easy now, especially on Nutaku. I picked up an abandoned account Begin City account there and it took me two weeks to click to Admittance of the Dead and level 150 (for that you need to buy the new world bundles but they cost so little in Nutaku gold that I only needed to spend 1 dollar to buy Ninja to Juy Sea bundles, the rest of the money came from free Nutaku gold options). Then the game finally slowed down. It won't be possible to progress that fast in the main server or you need to buy the bundles for real money.

    And it is actually not good for game mechanics to progress that fast in the beginning, cash and upgrading girls is a real issue. The sow-down that starts in Juy Sea already really comes as a sort of a shock because you are so used to progressing at least 2-3 levels every time you have a full bar. New features (leagues, champions, clubs) open up so fast that a new player does not have any time to learn about them, so it's quite possible to be level 100+ now and still be a total noob.  And yeah, at level 150 I have only two girls maxed out (and I think less than 20 girls altogether, most of them Level 1 and one-two stars) and I'm completely cashless.

  8. I don't really get the idea of Event girls being available at every tier.
    I thought the purpose of this could be during revivals: e.g. in January 2020, the January 2019 girl would be available in Dark Lord's tiers 1-30. January 2018 girl would be available in tiers 31-80 and January 2017 girl in tiers 81-130. (Just an example, yeah, there was no event in January 2017). So the player could choose which tiers to fight and there could be just one five-day revival during the month, leaving room for a more interesting Orgy Days format and something else new every month, so that all months would not look depressingly the same. Also some very old pachinko-locked girls could be placed in different tiers.

    But it seems that there will still be just one event girl per boss.


  9. Yeah, the only way to fight this is never to buy those deals that offer the standard price for kobans with this 300% 400% value crap.
    Remember that it's the standard price, if you really need kobans that much, you can buy them deal- and bundle-free at any time you like.

    • Like 1
  10. Legendary Event

    Gruntt: 467 fights - 101 shards (3,331 kobans spent on refills)
    Dark Lord: 395 fights - 102 shards (3,627 kobans spent on refills)

    Was too lazy to do those fights one by one, so no reliable drop information, it took enough time to keep track of the total fights and kobans :)

    • Like 1
  11. This far I see only one use for the Mythic Pachinko for an active player.

    E.g. I have a legendary girl with 92 shards - was supposed to make it to 100 in the final hours of the event but missed for a number of reasons.
    So now I have to wait for years for a revival (if it ever happens for legendaries) or I can wait for Mythic Pachinko to get that girl as the only available option of 3.
    I will then gladly spin once for 960 kobans to get my legendary.
    Would I do it if the pool has another girl I don't have? Probably not. Certainly not with 3 girls in the pool.

    So I see an extremely limited chance for Mythic to be remotely useful. A number of things have to click.
    The cost of a girl will quickly climb into cosmic levels for even the most unthinking player.

    The only way to make it a better money grab is to increase the chances of a single spin (but also its cost)
    or to somehow increase the chance of partially sharded girls to appear in the pool for individual players, to make the 10/25 shard spins more attractive.

    The current cost will only attract a handful of whales but will deter everyone else.
    It's likely that with a cost of 600 for a single pull and a 1/15 chance to get a girl, it will be a better way to get stupid money.

    • Like 2
  12. Yeah, RNG. There are players who have pulled more than 10 times without getting any girls, just like there are those who have pulled two times and have got two girls.
    The very average luck is 4 pulls for one girl, so your 7 is still perfectly average luck. I would say more than 10 pulls without a girl is bad luck and 15-20 pulls without a girl is very bad luck but still entirely possible. If you are still without a girl after 20 pulls, you can alert the authorities :)
    The advice of 100% of long-time players is never to use Event Pachinko, unless you are ready to accept serious koban loss.

    • Like 1
  13. Yes, they have created a way to send support tickets but they forgot that this is usually not enough and that you should actually have people to answer those tickets.

    It is better for all players to assume that support does not exist in this game. If you have a problem, you are alone with this and nobody cares.
    What the game can do is solve global issues that involve all players but they do not have the capacity to deal with individual problems.

    Everyone should know this before they make a decision to buy anything in this game, so posts like this help players to decide and calculate the risks.

    • Haha 1
  14. Here's a sample of my completed revivals as a free player for Pelinor. While 145 fights can be the average, the divergence  can be pretty big, ranging from 62 fights per girl to 212 fights. With around 250 free fights during five days, you will see that usually you need to buy some additional fights. If you are lucky, just 1-2 times (216-432 kobans), if you are unlucky, around 5 times (around 1,000 kobans). Still cheaper than any other method of getting girls.
    And three times since the system started, free fights have been enough for me to get both girls during a revival. Still, the most popular option is needing 20-40 more fights.

    128+105 (233), 212+194 (406), 90+185 (275), 151+163 (314), 175+175 (350), 145+130 (275), 156+62 (218) fights


  15. Indeed this thread attempts to analyse the whine statistically. Based on that analysis, Finalmecia is a 5% drop rate boss, so 180 fights will give you an average of 9 drops and an average of 2+0 shards. 100-150 fight streaks without a single drop are very common at 5% level. You will also find out the average number of fights that Finalmecia needs for 300 shards (3 girls) to drop, it was around 1,700-1,800 if I remember correctly (with a divergence of a few hundreds fights at that level).

    In any case, doing 180 fights and hoping to get 34 shards would be extreme luck, almost two times better than an average player can expect.

    • Like 1
  16. 49 minutes ago, GeorgeMTO said:

    The last anniversary (initially) featured only mission girls, who no players could have any shards for since they're an all or nothing objective. You seem to have confused yourself over what occurred and why there.

    OK maybe, I just remember I had absolutely nobody to fight at the anniversary because all of the trolls only featured the girls I already had.

    Mythic Pachinko seems to be the first facility in the game that would allow to gain partial shards for girls without waiting for a full year for the revival. Especially for epic/legendary girls for whom there does not seem to be any revival room in the calendar. If it works - depends on how the rotation of girls is handled and if partially sharded girls have a preference to appear.

  17. Mythic Pachinko will have to solve the current problem that if you manage to get partial shards on a girl, there is actually no place for you to increase your shard count to 100.
    The girl may be in Epic Pachinko but it makes no difference is she is there with 0 or 80 shards, you still need to spend 5,400 kobans to get her.
    The same with Event Pachinko during anniversary.

    There's definitely absolutely no room for events where you could continue fighting trolls to increase your shard count to 100, except for anniversary once a year.
    And when they put all of the recent girls there, so that players could complete their shards, the backlash was horrible. Everybody hated the idea and nobody wanted to see recent girls at trolls but something different.

    So Mythic Pachinko will have to tackle the issue that there needs to be a place, outside of troll fights, where you could spend less than 5,400 kobans to get a partially sharded girl. I guess the free pull option will have less than 1% chance of giving you a girl, so the 180 free pulls a year are likely to give around 1-2 additional girls for free during one year. This should be good enough for players who refuse to spend kobans.

    The other pull options for kobans are for players who are willing to spend and would have spent on troll fights but for various reasons were not able to, so they were left with partial girls. The system encourages you to fight until the last day and buy troll fights at the last moment to complete girls, so you can fail to get a girl you fully intended to get due to various life reasons (or maybe lack of kobans during the event).

    If Mythic Pachinko also includes free event girls, many players might be willing to spend 8,000 kobans to get those they have missed. Because there's currently no room for sexy calendar events either to give a chance at those girls. Anniversary is again basically the only event to get those girls.

  18. Work fantasies
    Ninja - 109 fights until lucky drop - 162 shards
    Donatien - 67 fights until lucky drop - 162 shards

    Two lucky drops at that event, both at 62 shards.
    First lucky drop was after 4,500 fights without one.

    All in all 4 lucky drops since February when the shard system was launched.
    4-5 lucky drops during one calendar year seems reasonable for one player.

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