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  1. Come on , this is a joke right, i completed 5th stage and the same happened to me, refreshed a ton of times, switch devices and even loged out for a few hours and came back moved a few tiles back and forward even even swapped places, all it does it swap and wasting my moves nothing works, please help, it already on tight time scale before using kobans if this is exactly like the last puzzle event
  2. I must really have some terrible luck, I saved 15k kobans and use it all up in hoping to get legendary Sarah and still couldn't get her in the end
  3. Thanks for the reply, sorry couldn't log in to forums till now, I given the boost a go, but consider they cost kobans, i try to work on my base stats
  4. Abit late reply, but for some reason , I couldn't log on the forum until now, but i tried your suggestion and noticed the multi stats (rainbow stats, I beleive some call them) has improved my ego and defence
  5. Hi, wanted to check if anyone else has a similar problem, despite my level, I struggle to get any legendary girls and my stats are average, but I don't see myself that weak. I am quite active and play every day, but it now just a joke, My arena battles are always OP and not by a little, finally once every blue moon, I get one who similar level, for example, today player cccc And I still lose, its been 4 weeks now, and I still stuck on the same daily reward from 4 weeks ago, It happened before in the past and time again, but this is getting ridiculous now, I fallen behind on ranks, and losing out on the daily bonuses Any info or advice will be appreciated
  6. Count me in 😉 Ps,Do you need our discord account now? Discord account #5250
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