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Everything posted by Pimpen

  1. What math is it just took me 623 fights to get Val Red Battler. If was not on sale to buy villain attacks would never have got her this event. I pretty sure will not get the other one cause spent way to much Koban on first one. I spent 3000 Koban to get one "f"ing girl with new system never spent half that much in old system without the sale.
  2. It is worst then before. If do the math will take 3-4k battles to get one event girl at the current drop rates. So we went from having a chance to get them, to if you don't spend 5000 Kobun you will never get a single event girl. Even revivals witch has 3 to 4 times the amount drops as other events now you going to have to do at least 500 battles to get one.
  3. I got to agree this new attraction system sucks. I thought could get the girl easy for this Rival event that just started. Since got lot of Kobans saved up and they have chances to challenge villains on sale right now. Yeah 340 attacks later do not even have one. Val Red battler is up to 42 attraction. At this rate will take about 1000 times to get one event unit in other words it is worst then use to be. It is now impossible to get the event girls if your not spending some insane Kobans. At least last 24 events I got at least 1 of the event girl most time at least 2. With new system don't see myself getting many if any event girls if takes around 1000 battle for revival event witch has 5 times the drop rate of epic event.
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