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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Pretty sure I didn't get the levelup from level 253,I mean I did the exp need it's shows me that I'm on next level,I can upgrade the stats,all ok but still on level 253. on game : Light7
  2. Light17

    Ideas Main

    1) Give us the option to create tournaments between players,like you pay an amount of money or kobans to enter and then fights of best of 5 ,then then half of money that players pay being in the rewards for best 4 + gold,silver and bronze medal for first 3 . In my oppinion will be more interesting to see who is better,who understand the game and a way that you really need to use boosters,by the way i like the ideea that you need to pay kobans for booster so please don't drop boosters on arena fights. 2) I would like to see the fights reports when someone is challange me and win mojo if I win and lose mojo if I lose,this rating of best of tower of fame is not cool I mean i need years to be rank 1 even if I can beat the one who is rank 1. to stuff more competitive and I say that because I want to fight others and be fun not gust the story mode or adventure or how you call it. 3) I wanna see legendary items,being legendary, I mean put the in licitations ,let them there for a 7 days and who pays the most get it,some of them on $ ( money game system) and best of them on kobans. Let us make you rich , screw the balance. 4) Items for girls . 5) Girls with abilities to collect money from other girls as time you're not online and when you log in she will give you just half of she collected , like a tax. Again put us to buy kobans to buy this kind of girls. And have a lot of ideeas I just wait your answer .
  3. Give us the option to create tournaments between players,like you pay an amount of money or kobans to enter and then fights of best of 5 ,then then half of money that players pay being in the rewards for best 4 + gold,silver and bronze medal for first 3 .
  4. few days not even 2 weeks ago the game change , probably in a better way,but not in my oppinion . First of all now the adventure section start to be super slow , I mean now you need like 300k-500k to solve an scroll and you need like 2 week to end one scroll witch is to much . Contest are unrated , you need to spend a lot of time and resources to take the first place and the prize is so damn tiny , for example "Show of in the cassino" you really need to spend a lot of money to take the first place and the prize is 30k $ and 82 kobans + a random item I win 2 contest and that random item was litterly 2 white items ( 600$) . In Pachinko is worst , you pay 40k (depend of your level) and get like 7k back and same low prizes and if you take an epic item is useless because you need your abilitty item but never get it. for me before update I use Pachinko to level up my girls,now it's stupid you need 1 xp per level but you got books with 100 xp , I don't see the point . Good parts , new items,better items, every level have better items but they are hard to find. You can't buy that purple items and I want to buy them instead lossing 2-3 millions $ on pachinko until I get one . put them in market at the price of one milion or more,in this way I can keep playing to know I can get something instead of trying my luck to find that items,or better put them one week in some kind of licitation ,will be nice . Ideeas : Licitations for one week on that purple items , better prizes on contest (like first place a purple item) , contest where that 50 players can fight one against another ( but select them on power,I mean if I have 15k ego you give me same kind of opponents) , an reroll system where if you have 10 rare items you reroll them in a better item, another system with exp for girls , do a limit of 10 pachinko games per day or something like that ( I feel like I play at las vegas lucky machins ) .
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