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  1. I can only follow this statement..;doubt that this make any difference.
  2. 1) I doubt that it is ad random to get a girl. Could you give me the probability of every girl to get her? I doubt you could. Where is the logic of this algoritm? 2) Can you give me the overview of how many players get the twins on day 1 without using kobans...how does that work...How many at day two and so on? Can you also give me the numbers of the players who finally recieved the twins and how many players tried to get them. That is open communication. 3) Comparing some issues I doubt that the algoritm is not driven by commercial indicators that is constantly manipulated. I did not tried to get the twins at all (I'm not interested in the number of girls in my harem)...but I'm only to hold my level of experience but the manipulation on the PVP makes me that I'm not able to compete...and that is not ad random but manipulation - rules constantly changes, 'coming soon' is to much an issue. I was playing several months ago to try to hold me in top 100 but with the changes I became suddenly an top 25 experienced player...why? Taken that into account I see some mechanisme to stimulate using paid kobans to increase your position. This has nothing to do with emotion...I guess your reaction did...rofl.
  3. But there is a big problem in the way it goes now! The fact that there is a huge uncertainity how to get this (by chance ...i doubt) makes this speculation high; Open communication could be a solution and properly working algoritm too.
  4. At the moment my rate op winning PVP is between 5 and 8%. I changed girls without any succes. I better watch football than playing a high manipulated or bad constructed game, rofl.
  5. It seems that this game is manipulated when you have some profound comments. unless you paid for the Kobans. At the moment our analysis (comparative study) suggest that there is a strongly manipulation at the moment. PVP were you can win less than 25% of the fights...very strange...except you want to get rid off those who have comments on the way of coping with 'nasty' problems.
  6. In my opinion it remains a very stupid 'game'. Good luck who plays this nonsense.
  7. Today I got the third girl...I guess after 2500 fights.
  8. At level 283 I've got the first girl...the second at level 500...??? No problem with that. more problems with the PVP-fights who remains problematic. @ Daniele and others...Do I understand well? If you find something problematic just leave because we don't like critics and we can't cope with other views... unless we make it you problem...we call it your personal history? This is a cheap and worthless reaction imo. If you have that fun...why not to try to make it even better. This game could improve a lot, that's my statement. If I'm not able to post this on a forum...why do we need the forum...?
  9. I don't understand why sometimes you win without any merits but you loose a lot against an opponent that is logically really weak... The PVP remains unstable...and certainly without any logic. Sometimes you win, sometimes you'll loose. I can live with that principle but not when it is assumed to be based on some indicators... In a casino you can gamble...but in a fight you have to fight and to calculate but in the PVP it's not possible...unless you spend a lot of money? It's just a guess, lol.
  10. Oh Daniele, A game has to be a game, not a manipulation and change all the time... But i understand you ...no critics or you better leave... IMHO...You like dictatorship or SM, rofl?
  11. Roko @ lvl 272 (means nearly 1.150 fights!!) and still no girls won! The PVP fights are a mess...sometimes logic sometimes a mess without any logic. This game is a pain in the ass rofl...not worth to pay a eurocent at all...
  12. at level 259 with Roko and still nothing...May I be a little jealous now for those who have already one girl...or two and...wtf...three girls already????
  13. But it remains ridiculously high for the benefit you'll get.
  14. Has anyone already one a girl from Roko Senseï... I'm around 1.000 fights (level 246) without any girl won. It's nearly even ridiculous as the PVP-figths that is unpredictable...what is wrong with this stupid game, rofl...More than two weeks ...coming soon announcement at the university area...soon?????
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