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  1. So now that the update has applied......all of the progress on my Harem members has been lost. I realize that I was given a very generous amount of hearts to reset my progress, but it still doesn't come close to how much progress I had. The leveling has just exploded instead of becoming balanced? The dialogue is a nice addition, as is the pictures. But I'm still curious as to what the icons are when you click on the "head" icon on the right. It gives a bio and a stat progression per unlock list, which is nice...but what's under that? Video clips that have yet to be released? Although I like the added photos, some of the drawings look kinda....rushed. You seemed to take a lot of time and pride with the regular artwork that's poorly animated (still good artwork, though), but now these drawings are a bit below par and desire.... Oh, the opening story is also pretty swell. Looks like baby steps are being made. Keep it up!
  2. So I've been playing the game for a bit now, and I just wanted to give my feedback to see if there's any direction it may spark for future updates/changes. 1. In terms of game play, it's simple enough. The interactive bits work well enough, but it would be nice if there was a little bit more present to instigate the interest of actually playing the game. 2. The art is good, but the animation is pretty terrible. I like suspending my disbelief to a degree, but this bouncing is outrageous. Perhaps the animation can be worked in a different direction. Small subtle things can go a long way. Like a girl changing positions, or just small facial expressions. 3. This may be an odd detail to point out, but I think it's worth mentioning. It bothers me when some costumes show nip, but then when they go into lingerie, it doesn't match what outfit was being worn at all. That lack of consistency is weird. If the girl wasn't wearing a bra, then let her not wear a bra in the second phase of undressing either. 4. I'm curious as to who these girls are. Where did they come from and who are they as people? Like the more we visit them, it'd be nice to get some lore or some photos or something. It's not like they're aliens or zombies or something (although that might be interesting for various holiday events). 5. The way to progress with the harem is pretty stale. Getting 100 heart clicks is nice...but then it's pretty much pay to speed it up and not much else. I was hoping for some more interaction that might either speed up or slow down the process. Maybe a gamble system, or power ups or something. Or maybe even hidden items/icons. 6. For some reason, when I move the mouse while the "girls" tab is selected, in the right place, the scroll starts bouncing up and down between all the girls I can level up. 7. None of the boosters really interest me for progression (except the extra hearts). 8. I see no point in leveling anyone other than Bunny, Estelle, and Mizuki. Everyone else's help is pretty useless. 9. It's a little upsetting that the girls are semi-animated...but then when we get the "bonus" picture from reaching the next level of girl, we only get a hardcore picture. Reward for time invested is pretty low. 10. How does Estelle shrink like 6 inches between her first pose and third pose when is standing up straight in both poses? I think this is most of my thoughts. I will add more as I continue to play. It's got a good base with decent potential....and you guys have very good art skills. It would be a shame for it all to amount to naught if the game doesn't "hook" us any further. Thanks for your hard work and sharing your creativity!
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