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Super Kai

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  1. Thank you! I understood the reason for the error, but not why the browser itself was doing what it was doing.
  2. I play this primarily on Firefox, but today I'm having issues getting the game to load. When attempting to enter the site, for some odd reason it starts to load, then reloads constantly until I'm hit with a "500 Internal Server Error". Don't know if this is a PC problem or a personal one, but it loads fine on a different browser, so that's my work around for now.
  3. So I'm pretty sure this is a bug, but overnight my koban reward for 2nd place was cut in half. Losing 1,536 kobans really sucks 😢
  4. I don't really see an issue with it; it's the first ever 6* character and the bundle deals they offer pretty much foreshadowed this with the amount of Combativity they offered. The shards remaining part was kind of surprising, but the quickness in which the first batch disappeared showed there's plenty of willing players out there. Also won't be surprised if the next batches go even faster, as they get released during different prime times. On a side note: I have no Kobans left, and the amount of gifts you need to level Bunna up? Hooboy lol, I was not prepared.
  5. I'd like to add that buying a new(er) Gold card worked for me while I'm also waiting for my own issue. So whatever was broken before seems fixed, there's just the isolated past payment issues to rectify at this point.
  6. I don't want to keep bringing it up, because then I feel like a jerk, but the fact remains spending real money and not receiving what you paid for with very little feedback on the why of it is a bad business model. If it's working as intended now, I'd think we could be refunded so we can simply repurchase the cards if we want and move on.
  7. I just hope it doesn't take too long. Hard to rationalize buying a bundle with 911 combat when right now it means going through the combat sequence 911 times lol. Time is money.
  8. Did my own ticket, really trying not to spend extra kobans on the stuff I was getting as a benefit of the card lol
  9. Super Kai

    Bad Form

    I'm kind of upset that they decided to immediately change the rewards of Leagues to give us orbs instead of Cash. Losing Tickets on Arena is a double whammy. I'm constantly in need of Cash for buying books and presents for the Harem (leading to leveling the girls up, which needs TONS of Cash), and now instead of the 4.8ish mil reward from the League I was due to win and make some progress, I get 2 Yellow Orbs, which will pale as a reward in comparison. Champions also take a lot of tickets to finish a level as it is once you've put some work into them, so with the downturn in tickets, you literally just ignore an entire portion of the game for weeks.
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