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Posts posted by maxafax

  1. any one have details on the new ninja girl signer event?


    Tomorrow will bring a very special event to your doorstep, healer! 😍

    🌸 Megumi has graciously agreed to introduce you to the guest of honor: a well-known dazzling performer who will leave you breathless, speechless, and all together transfixed. 💖😘

    😋But you’ll have to wait for that just a while longer! 🤭


    🤫😘Shh, don’t tell anyone, but I’ve heard Megumi has met her at a concert not long ago and was so impressed and...excited herself😉, she couldn’t wait to invite her to meet YOU. 💋

    🤩🥰I bet you're eager yourself to meet this new star!



    💗 Megumi is as noble as they come!

    🥰📈Her negotiation skills are legendary and she's been known to seduce and enchant any man who has crossed her path! 💋😍

    😏 She's a tricky one, healer! 💖


    😘 Gentle like a sakura🌸, and sharp as the blade of the infamous katana!🗡

    😉 Will you honor her accordingly? 😋

  2. On 6/4/2020 at 5:49 AM, Sev said:


    Hmmm... I always thought that the most frustrating thing in Gacha is when you get anything but the girl... Honestly I don't really care what I get exactly if it's not my new girl. If the result's not a girl, those 9k kobans are always wasted.

    (If it's not a girl, I always hope for some affection at least...)

    I would say It depends upon your progress for me yes anything other than a new girl would add very little value as I am already end game, but if you are a newer player then boosters and enhancements can help you reach a new zone potentially unlocking an additional girl (on average a full booster set will add around 1k stages) possibly more since introduction of enhancements, at least you get something if you don't get the girl believe me there are games where you spend hard earned currency and get literally nothing in return WOW being a prime example of that 3 special coins a week you used to be able to get to allow you a second roll on a raid boss which in itself was a challenge to to defeat and the vast majority of the time all you got as a reward was gold which you could make more of from just selling trash or a 2min trip to the auction house so yes though I agree its not why you play gacha at least you are getting something though personally I would rather you got shards of a girl like you do in HH then at least you would be guaranteed to eventually get a girl especially once you where down to just having a few more girls to get.


  3. I think there waiting for a new SDK to be realised that fixes the problem for them. Or at least they don't appear to be trying to resolve the issue them self given that it has been apparent from day 1 that there was a problem when numbers got too high.

  4. Kinkpoints are spent in Harem (Contacts, box below where it says girls)

    Inventory Items (Candy, clipboard, Nail polish) are spent in Harem girl skills (the 2 arrows on the right side of screen)

    Affection is spent in Harem (Mizuki etc) to fill the Hearts on the right side of screen.

    Mojo is spent in crafts (Office, box above shop)

    Boosters are automatically activated and appear in the office girls at side of the scroll bar



  5. @Baspu Your English is fine easily understandable. The problem is than many players get annoyed when there are a lot of click to confirm messages popping up all the time, unfortunately the only way I can think of that they could do what you ask without adding a popup is if there where two buttons on every mission "Start" and "Finish". But I suspect that people would still press the wrong one.

  6. @zero7 I'm afraid what mission you get are randomly generated. Gacha also awards enhancements but to be honest its not worth the cost and even if you could buy them directly they don't really have much affect on the main game, yes they will make leveling a little easier but within a few months with a little patience and the odd purchase you can reach max level without them, so there only real value is in events which they have made a lot harder because of adding such additions so really your worse off now than you ever where. Just be patient and make sure you leave spaces for the new missions you will get them eventually.

  7. On 5/27/2020 at 9:24 AM, Houghten said:

    On top of which, I just rolled and got two of the same booster, making one of them even more useless.

    I kind of agree with you there it can be quite frustrating when you get multiples of single buffs when what you really want is multiple different buffs, especially when you get several of the affection click buff which you know is going to run out long before you get any value from it. I think overall I'm with @SpinelesS here why not just allow users to choose when they want to activate them, you could even give them the option to be able to use them on events if like he suggested they where stacked in the shop. :)

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    @SpinelesS Just a little update I have been playing a new game over the last few days called cunt empire and they do in that exactly as you have suggested there set up is a little different but basically when ever you click buy or buy from the promotions the ability you bought becomes 1x free or 2x etc you can click it again at any time you like and it will activate the ability as well as add a timer to the top of the button so you know that one of the buffs are active. I think in HC this would work also the you have: is how many of that ability you bought timer is at top and the buy button changes to use x1 when you have some in your stash.

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  8. 42 minutes ago, nelson29 said:

    But you can't have everything scaling with the player's level, or it makes no more sense to progress in the game.

    I'm not suggesting that they scale everything, think of it more along the lines of a ranking system based on just a few main game stats. This would allow you then to say for example for those that are in the top end 8 hours of play is sufficient to complete the event, for those in the bottom end 20 hours will be required and design progress curves around those requirements.  In my opinion everyone that do's the event should be able to complete it without having to spend money to do so. Else do not give people false hopes where they believe they will be able to get something that for them is impossible to gain unless obviously they where to spend huge amounts of money buying gacha rolls etc for enhancements. By using such a system you could give all players the chance to get rewards just as you can now just those rewards would change depending on your stats, it would also mean that even new players just starting the game could get rewards, you could even cater them to what would be most useful for players at different progress levels. Adding new rewards such as boosters for main game, enhancements, forge levels etc for new and low rank players while high rank players get more currency, affection etc. My point is only this that I really feel for a lot of players that threw no fault of there own and despite there best possible reasonable efforts are not going to manage to complete the event, of course there are always winners and losers in life but in games its down to the programmers no one need loose out.

  9. On 5/27/2020 at 12:09 AM, Bardi said:

    Hey guys

    After the first 3 charm (IDLE CLICK YEN) the rest are random, unlocking them all is not always necessary as a result. I find that IDLE amplifying charms and those that add critical and increase critical %value have the most effect on progress. Other charms such as Yen, reset level, boss timer have less of an effect but can help speed up forge mojo gain, unfortunately this particular event is a lot harder than previous ones have been in the past especially for newer players who have not had the chance to build up enhancements on key girls like Keira or Felicia. Using the boosters can help you push a little further especially towards the last 500+ levels but of course that means using the free currency you get in the event so is not ideal. You can slowly nudge levels up using the sex powers if you have unlocked them but this can be a slow process and is only really worth doing when you are close to the end or just before a forge reset. The amount of mojo you get from the forge will increase substantially the higher you get, increasing the forge craft charm can help to reduce the amount of times you have to reforge however as the charm becomes more expensive to level you will reach a point where the gain is greater than the loss I usually level mine to around level 200-250. The biggest hurdle you will face I'm sorry to say with this even is if you have a low enhancement level if you are lower than around 10x you will be unlikely to make it threw the event, I'm not saying that it would be impossible but you would certainly have to spend many hours of play. Buying forge mojo is a waste of currency as the gain you get is very small and the cost very high. Perks and Contracts are not active during the event so will have no effect on your progress. Adding levels to girls other than your chosen dps will have very little affect on your attenable level as having them at the same or greater level than your dps uses currency you would other wise be able to spend on the dps girl (though personally I level all the girls to within 100 levels of my main dps but that is only because I do not like uneven numbers).

    So to recap.

    Enhance your DPS / DPC girl (Felicia is preferable) when you can.

    Level charms to compliment your chosen girl (Click to Idle, Idle Critical Chance, Idle Critical Damage % for example)

    Use sex powers before a reforge to maximize your Mojo return / Reforge when your progress slows to around 40-80 sec a Mob or when you keep getting stuck on boss stages

    Use boosters if you are close to being able to complete the event and don't mind loosing the currency

    Only add Levels to your chosen DPS / DPC girl (Though some like to use 1 of each I could not say if that gives an advantage or not for the reason stated above)

    Good luck I hope you manage to get the girl :)

  10. On 5/26/2020 at 5:26 PM, Wort said:

    the first times, with abrael and sa-lee, they were used. Making them active would probably make it even more difficult for new users to reach the finish line as they should put higher arrival levels to give a minimum challenge to longtime players.

    Sry for bad english ^^'

    I don't think it should really be a problem for them (programming team) that is as you could set the events to scale with the ability's of the players main game reset level, highest level achievement etc as many games take this approach. Obviously some players would still be able to complete events much easier than others but it would at least allow for some degree of "fair play" you could even have different value rewards depending on the for want of a better word ranking of the player.

  11. 5 minutes ago, trunks2585 said:

    Welp, shot myself on the foot a little bit on this one.  I didn't notice a new event had started till yesterday, and now I'm seeing it's not just me noticing it's hard to progress on.  My felicia is only at 6.5 and kiera at 3, so this isn't looking good.

    Got mono ring and sex tape as well as jojo shocker.  If I could get the one that  boosts crit damage I might stand a chance.

    On my basic alt account I only have Felicia with 2x self and Notka is my best click girl has no enhancements, have no buffs active other than sex powers but have managed to get to stage 3500 over the last few days just popping in for a few hours here and there so you should at least be able to get most if not all the extra Ryos etc, but getting to the girl at the end is really difficult without the higher enhancements or buffs if not impossible.

  12. On 5/23/2020 at 1:16 PM, nelson29 said:

    And another crash...

    This time the game reached 57Go of memory usage before crashing !!! (my ram + swap = 58Go)

    It would be nice for devs to acknowledge that bug and to work on it.

    They never acknowledge problems and "almost" never refund players when you loose stuff due to there poor programming, it took months for them to refund people when they messed up monthly card and even then a lot of people including my self did not get all the missing currency while many other issues have just been blatantly ignored as evidenced by the fact that this is just one of many complaints posted here and directly suggested to them many times spanning multiple issues regarding game integrity, yet nothing appears to get fixed. Shure they add the occasional UI improvement and new events but these are pointless if fundamental elements of the game constantly fail or if users can't even get into the game in the first place. I played WOW for over 15 years and was very active in there community and when players had problems they always admitted that there was an issue and told players what they where doing to try and address it. Granted that they do not have the same kind of resources or man power but its hardly a big ask for them even if just once every few weeks they actually read what's posted on here and responded, they wouldn't need to even respond directly just a few notes in the locked patch section would be nice. Alas however they can't even be bothered to do that...

  13. 35 minutes ago, GeorgeMTO said:

    I didn't say it was your second language or that you were any better at another language. The issue there was not spelling, it was sentence structure. It was a poorly constructed sentence that made your point be missed, that has nothing to do with the dyslexia I didn't remember you have as far as I understand the condition.

    do your self some good try learning about conditions before making sweeping comments, https://dyslexialondon.org/assessments/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=dyslexia_symptoms&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrYCX3LXH6QIVRrDtCh20XAnYEAAYASAAEgLmIfD_BwE

    Dyslexia is a neurological condition that affects both the mental and physical capabilities of an individual, in many ways its a catch-all as the symptoms can vary dramatically between sufferers. Difficulty in formulating sentences, spelling errors, a lack of the use of punctuation are just a few of the effects that sufferers can exabit. In the most servicer cases it can cause significant physical problems with hand eye coordination, orientation and even tremors similar to DTS.  

  14. 3 minutes ago, GeorgeMTO said:

    Their bad English is obscuring what they're trying to say. They're a giant whale, they have everything already so they have no reason to spend ryos on gacha. They're also not very good at the game, but just wallet their way through it.

    I am not bad at English I am dyslexic as you are more than aware.

  15. Bearing in mind that I have already completed the event and all my boosters have elapsed I thought I would test to see how far I could get just leveling Felicia.

    I have all charms lowest at 117 (critical charm so = to 224 of a normal) Highest 322 increase critical value, average 225 all other charms.

    All girls have 3x self multiplier active (reforge level 1175) Felicia is on 4x

    at stage 3960 Felicia at 10414 it takes 10 sec to kill the boss

    at stage 3990 Felicia at 10511 it takes 13 sec to kill boss

    am gaining between 1-4 levels per stage average 2

    4030 = 10sec boss 2sec per stage

    4040 = 14sec

    4060 = 16sec boss Felicia level 10695 average level gain per stage 2

    4080 = Boss 24sec Felicia level 10740

    4081  mob level 2.22 I3  /click 20.09 I2 /s 386.40 I1

    stage 4100 Boss Exactment 107.43 I3 Player /click 30.94 I2 /s 5.29 I2 Felicia +5.04 I1 level 10794

    Based on my current data by the time I reached the boss there would be around a 3 letter deficit and it would require over 2min to kill her as such I suspect that @test_anon

    is correct and you would need a charm level of at least 300 and possibly 400 to complete this event if you have a lower rank of enhancement.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 6 hours ago, test_anon said:

    They used boosters.

    Without I reached level 4.2k with all charms, but it starts to be difficult. I need some few more hours to upgrades my charms (and yeah I went to sleep and will have other things to do today).

    EDIT: My charms are now level ~240.


    @Sev could you confirm you used boosters ?

    @maxafax you have the Gacha to spend kobans on.


    unfortunately no I don't have all the Gacha girls to spend RYOS on as I already have them all, only thing I could spend them on is enhancements and Kinkpoints but as I get these free anyway and most kink are max most girls have at least 3 to 12x wouldn't be much point its not like I need to level faster or anything and it already gets buggy as hell due to all the GFX when I reforge.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Sev said:

    Just finished it! Wow, it was A LOT harder than all those similar events in the past. 

    That said, I managed to get my reward using the same strategy as before -- it was again codenamed Felicia, obviously 😍 She was enhanced this time though up to almost max level possible. 

    Some 200-300 last stages were really challenging -- combos & crits worked there best, and Mojo Blast was my most valuable asset...

    EDIT: Oh and I just checked on Lyka stats: she's the new best Click Girl now, she easily outperforms both Keira and Cupid.

    Probably once you get her to the same enhancement at the min (11755)

    Keira has 1.20 I8 (12x self) and costs 206.30 J5

    Lyka has 117.18 I7 (0 Multiplier)  and costs 278.51 J5

    which I think would make her 1.40 I8 with the 12x

    I suspect that her cost vs dps would still make Keira the better girl over a longer range.

  18. 3 hours ago, test_anon said:

    You used boosters to finish ?

    ye have nothing else to spend ryos on and didn't want to spend another 3 hours doing it.

    you need round girl lvl 13500 and crafts at 200+ to finish it with boosters. may be slightly less or higher with lower or greater enhancements. (I was 12900 with 12x multiplier.)

    what's really crazy is the event mobs require a higher DPS than the main game stage 13001 game is 43.32 J8 event is mid  j9 area

    I think a lot of players will really struggle to get this girl even with the long time they have less there playing for 8h + every day.


    • Thanks 1
  19. 4 hours ago, Esios said:

    Thanks for the reply!

    Clearing cached files and trying another browser didn't help, and I don't really see how disabling addons can help with the situation (I'm far from being an expert, just curious)

    Addons load in the background and use up memory, they can have unforeseen consequences when playing web based games causing anomalous unintentional interactions. Though with the exception of web protection addons and download managers it is rarely the case it is still worth trying disabling, it also makes it easier to track down where a problem is originating threw the debugger console as there is less stuff loaded as well as freeing up some memory which can help for smoother operations. 

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