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L.S. Larry

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  1. Erogames.com fails to load, bringing up box wanting you to relaod to create a data session. Following all the prompts leads right back to the same problem and unable to "create the data session". Still having the same issue with accessing HH through erogames using google chrome, however was able to access using microsoft edge.
  2. The eroges site works, but seeing same thing on HH site.
  3. On the eroges site the banner present at the top of their site prevents seeing the exp/energy/fight/money/koban information and cannot use the menu to move between areas. Tried resizing and reloading with no change, no option to hide their banner. Noticed at the bottom of the page on the eroges site there is a gap roughly the size of the banner at top of the page, but unable to move the image to show the upper information bar.
  4. Log in through eroges.com and hentaiheroes.com, found that in arena fights on eroges that the same 6 opponents are cycling constantly while at HH site there is more to fight against or at least the names vary with similar team builds. Opponent levels are closer to my own on HH while eroges are well above with rare even.
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