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Mr LokosS

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Everything posted by Mr LokosS

  1. T'as essayé de mettre des armures poches aussi genre des grises et des vertes? 😋
  2. Already try it, but nothing happend I will try several times. I sended a ticket
  3. Pachinko quand il aura un autre event. le violet est dispo que pendant certain event donc patiente au prochaine pt pour debut mai
  4. Same for me, I bought the special 5400 kobans and 1320 kobans, but It's not unlock. I thinking on buying the silver monthly card
  5. Yea, Now I have upgrade my stats It's much better It's true Oupsi, but I just used the boosters I dropped on pachinko, so It was easier to win True for arena, veteran have more legendary girls than news players. But still how they do to stay in low lvl even if they are far in the story. Progress in story give you xp, it should have a min lvl to be in each story. Or maybe I played too much in arena and ligue. And when their is the challenge to kill trolls in contest they win easily.
  6. Can someone explain me why there is a considerable difference between me and a veteran? I mean this dude has reached the archipelago, but he is still level 165. I am not in the second part of the story. But I have already reached level 170. I can't even beat this man in the arena or challenge him in the contest like beat trolls because I'm disadvantage. This is very nuts. An example of veteran, there is worse like him vs me: (if you are newbie share your opinion too to let me know if I am alone or not that piss me off)
  7. J'ai le même problème, j'ai cherche un peu pour le résoudre moi même et j'ai envoyé un ticket aujourd'hui. La solution proposé consiste à aller dans le menu puis cliquer ''Sex Friends'' pour accéder au crosspromo. Mais voila, sur l'image on voit bien que j'ai pas cette option... Je me demande alors si vous avez cette option de ''Sex Friends'' ou cette option était disponible dans une autre version?
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