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  1. It's been a while! Few changes in life. But thought I'd stop in and say I'll probably be getting more into the game again. Any issues with the guide let me know!
  2. every time you level you get 10 energy. as you progress later into the game you'll have a larger energy bar maxing out at 100. early on you level rapidly so it fills rapidly.
  3. so oddly enough all classes (your domination style) have the same goal. fist lets take a look at how each stat effects your combat stats. Know-how: know-how stat: health and attack charm stat: health defense domination stat: defense and crit Charm Charm stat: health and attack Domination stat: health defense know-how stat: defense and crit Domination Domination stat: health and attack Know-how stat: health defense Charm stat: defense and crit So it's usually best to maximize 1 than 2 and then 3. now to select your girls, go here and click change team once there you are going to try and maximize these stats, your alpha girl effects the crown (ego) and the excitement. focus on making your ego as large as possible. note: Ego does not update until you click on validate. for your beta and omega you want to balance attack (flame dabber) and the defense against your opponents class, not their girls. Generally the higher the attack the higher the defense across all three stats. swap all your girls around until you max those out and you have your strongest team! I've found that all my girls have matched my class when totally maxed out. Your results may vary.
  4. updated the guide again with images. most are hyperlinked to their respective places. not to happy with the formatting of it all 🤷‍♂️
  5. Oh! yes we can both agree that the super sexy variants typically offer more value than their counterparts. I'll probably add that to the market section. I was commenting on your post where you said, "What helped me a huge amount is when I started to fight the champions and the rewards they gave, all rewards are legendary items with a rainbow colored orb." I was just clarifying that to a new player not ALL rewards are the super sexy variant. Thanks for your input. It good to challenge and confirm what we know.
  6. I believe @Zteev has the right idea. the hepius sign can only be earned through the champion rewards, so having the above shown item would be an impossibility if you are correct.
  7. took a little bit of break from updating the guide but i'm back! change: added @Zteev's clarifications. (Thanks for the help!) change: title changed from "Strategy Guide For low-mid levels" to "Strategy Guide For Beginners" to add clarity. change: with consideration to the boobie wars event, changed the amount of ymen on hand mentioned in the ymen section from 2mil to 10mil. to-do: still lacking the write up on the second method of energy manipulation outlined above by @Rysiek17. plan to change the adventure category to "Energy" so that it can integrate the second method with more clarity. to-do: wanting to add hyperlinks to guide. the "compare all haremettes" wiki page is super helpful, as would be a forum link to the finding clubs forum posts. to-do: develop a tower of fame (what's the best team) section that would focus more in depth with primary stats, secondary stats, how to tell who your current best girls are vs who will be your best, and boosters. (fun fact: did you know that your avatar class changes what each stat does?)
  8. crazy that you found the second method. I'll see how I can add that in.
  9. checked myself; can confirm exact energy usage does indeed cause refund. haven't confirmed if naturally leveling during story has same effect so we'll call it "inconsistent" for now. amended: glitch -> Feature
  10. Is there a wiki page on stat costs? When i go to the market page on the wiki it doesn't even mention purchasing stats. just curious what the formula would be
  11. @Antimon you are correct my intent was to simplify details but obviously this lost too much clarity. Change: "If you start a champion and wait more than 24 hours you will lose 10% progress equal to 1-3 tickets depending on champion and harem ability." this post with this photo was intended to help someone understand progression in the champion fights, not part of the guide. for @Rysiek, @blaa, @_shal_ I was unaware of this glitch but will add a note about it. As there is no concrete set-up for this exploit the following will be added, Added: There is an unknown glitch that occasionally refunds the story cost and gives you the standard 10 energy when you level up. Right now the most consistent method to abuse this glitch is to use the exact amount of energy required (so that your energy would have been 0) when leveling up in the story line. Again, this will not work consistently! @Rysiek will amend the kobans section however this will take some more time. change: early game strategy is to use Kobans to upgrade girl’s affection as money is often sparse and Kobans frequent. The higher the affection level the better the koban to ymen ratio will be. That means if you have the cash to upgrade your girls to 2-3 stars without Kobans you will get better value. ... Typically, you won’t need more than a 1000 5000 kobans saved to act as a safety net. ... By using Kobans to upgrade affection you leave your Ymen to purchase books, quest items, and affection if needed as well as increasing your base money generation so that you have a very strong economic base later in the game. to-do: rewrite Kobans section to reflect importance of spending for top tier girls. question: (not that anyone gives me an answer to any of my questions 😋) what do you do with excess (greater than 5000) kobans? change: Don’t have more than 7 tickets. If you more than 7 tickets you will not get the free daily 3 tickets. When you go below 10 tickets a silent 24 hour timer starts. If you have less than 10 tickets once that timer ends you will get a maximum of 3 tickets or enough tickets to add to up 10 tickets. For this reason it is a good idea to keep your tickets near or below 10 tickets between the beginning of daily game sessions.
  12. @BBQ69 I'll amend your additions shortly! anyone who has that strong of an opinion on kobans surely must want to explain a better usage 😀
  13. @Bruce Buttfucker @Chuck Nutz I await the great @GeorgeMTO 's wisdom! in the meantime i'll add a section on clubs and a new section on money management that should integrate stat purchasing, minimum holdings, spending priorities sections are now live!
  14. you are not supposed to beat him in one attempt. each ticket is like 1 round of fighting. it often takes many rounds to beat him. i added the color to make it easier but each color is the progress from 1 ticket. you "win" when you fill the bar. The blue number beside it shows when you will lose some progress so its best to win within that time frame. so to answer your question you should not stack those tickets, there is nothing else to do with them!
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