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Everything posted by Goobernuck

  1. Kinkoid is the studio that created Hentai Heroes.
  2. Here's one of those offbeat things that some people may look over (although, I'm possibly not the first to notice this): who knew that Kinkoid was 149 years old? Their birthday is 12/24/1867.
  3. I wasn't born early enough to experience the SNES. The oldest console I had was a Gamecube. Brings back memories.
  4. Definitely, although, I don't know if hard rock or metal would really suit the sexual mood of this game.
  5. I must say, for a game that is centered around porn and all-around sex, the music that plays in the background is oddly soothing. I imagine I'm not the only who was surprised to hear this the first time playing this game. Kudos to whoever composed the music and/or decided to have this be the musical theme for the game.
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