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Everything posted by Kalrash

  1. How can i leave a club to join another or create a own?
  2. Kalrash

    Heart drops

    The droprate for the event girls are really to small. even i fight with gold (the 10 fights) i dont get 50% of a girl. and if i try it with the normal fights, the rate is even smalleer. In some 4 day events, you can get 3 or 4 girls. How can you get all of them in 4 days, if you cant get 1 in 12 days, because girls in a 12 day event are to become as hard too. Sorry my english is bad, but i hope you understand. If you make a event with girls, make the rate, that you can realy get all, whitout the luck of a 100 heart price. The chance to get this is nothing. In all the events with the heart system i have just get one girl. I have get more girls, before the heart system are invovert.
  3. remember it. i fight 6 month again and again versus filma and dont get the thirt girl. and you need many luck to become one event girl at the last day. How i say, my english is terrible, but i hope you can understad it.
  4. My english is very bad, bud i hope you understand me. The droprate from the girla is very shit.in my last post i said i have spend many gold for fights and dont get the thirt girl from filma. i try it more them 6 month. And the last event.. Wyh issent legendary bunny there? if i cklick her, she said she come back in the legendary quest, but no is this event, but she is non there.and Mr.Goodfellow. i said its the only game, where it chrashes. i use a pc with a splendid rate.And how i said, this is the only game, where the server crashes.no other browsergame or mmorpg do that. so it cant be with my internet or everything.
  5. If you use the peform 10x you never get a girl. i have try it. and unlucky? i fight 5 month again and again with normal fights, not the peform 10x shit versus Finalmecia and don´t drop the 3.th girl.Thats not unlucky,just a very shit droprate. Perhaps it is, because the server crashes again and again, too, by the fights. I mean the crashes corrupt the droprate. at Lucky days without crashes its not easy to drop the girls but you get there, with the crashes...you see 5 month without a drop from the normal girls from boss.And after the last events, i think its by the event girls,too. i have in the last three events pay many gold for more fights to get in the first,no girl, in the second 1 and the last all two. And i mean it it, because the server crashes. they do nothing to repair it. And its realy the first browsergame in the world, where i see, that there doing nothing versus the crashes. all what they do. Event after event, with the hope that the players stay. Sorry my english is very bad.
  6. from 20 fights this shit comes by 18 fights again.
  7. How long will you do this again? Its a nice game, but if this come again and again, it makes not fun.My English is not good, but i have to say. Stabilisize the server or let ist.We need a server that is stabil. Not this shit again and again.
  8. Over tree years and still the same problem. Sorry, my English is very sad or bad. But all the people have telled you the problem and you make just events but not to make it better. And you realy think that player buy kobans if this problem exists? I dont think so. Quality is very important. Server quality is more important. With this problem, the server i haver lost 12 kobans for this 10x fight. so repair it or dont take kobans for this. i dont pay for nothing.
  9. Kalrash


    Use the people to translate,because my english is terrible, so i write in German. Die droprate der mädels ist viel zu gering. ich brauchte beim letzten 7 tage event allein 5 um eine zu bekommen. Davon mal abgesehen ist die serverstabiltät verdammt scheisse, denn bei fast jedem fight bekomm ich die message server dont answer oder so. Es ist nen tolles browsergame, aber wenn der server permanent so instabil ist, dürft ihr euch nich wundern,wenn die user einfach wegbleiben.Stabilisiert erst den server, danach setzt die droprate der mädels höher, sonst vergeht einem echt die lust.
  10. I think the Droprate for the Girls is too less. I haven´t become one Girl in 4 weeks and and have 20-30 Fights per day against him. Sorry my English is not so good.
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