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  1. Exactly. There is also the case of active members, who may have been active today, and have donated 0 Kobans, but have been a member of the club for a year or more. We have a disparity of members who have donated ~30K-~50K and are active daily, dragging along members who have donated 0 and have been in the club for quite some time (longer than I have at least).
  2. It would also be nice if your lifetime contributions were tracked, as some may need to switch clubs, or come back after a long break and find they were kicked, but should be able to still get credit for their contribution.
  3. I love and hate that I can see how many days since a club member has been active. I agree it would be interesting to see when they last donated. You can already see how much they have donated (1 point is 6 Kobans). I wish there was a way for members to vote to kick players who haven't been active in ages, or haven't donated ever or for a very long time. Kobans are very hard to earn, and used for a lot of different things, but it isn't really enjoyable to watch have the club be filled with members who are either inactive over 200 days, or haven't donated ever.
  4. Do you have to complete the tasks in order? E.g. daily missions before anything else starts counting?
  5. As said before, your ego is directly related to your main stat and Alpha girl. I am pretty new, but found a pretty good battle strategy. I have found it is best to focus on both main stat and attack. I look through my harem to find the girl with the highest stat matching my main, Know-how for alpha and maximum ego. Then I click through all girls for my beta, watching my different stats go up or down to see how they affect my attack, and pick the one who gives the highest attack, then click through again to find my omega watching attack again. It depends on your mix of girls, how you give them experience and affection. I attached my current top stats below. I have higher level girls that aren't my main stat, but they don't give me higher stats even in their specified main, or attack. That could be because Mizuki is Legendary, and Rumiko is maxed out currently. I use this team in the tower of fame battles, and I use girls that I want to earn experience and affection in the arena battles.
  6. Thanks! Also is there a way to unequip your gear so you can see what your base stats are without a bunch of math? :D
  7. I'd love to know what the maximum stat purchase amount is.
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