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Everything posted by cheftig

  1. its an error message on here
  2. Is anyone else having trouble buying Kabans? I keep getting an error message saying its a fraud expense.
  3. Been playing for about 18 months now. I've saved kobans and used almost 600 on the last day for nothing.
  4. Anyone else feeling discouraged with how difficult it can be to get new girls? Doesn't matter which team I put together, either strong or weak against the boss' type, I can't get the girls to drop. For a free game, this is a bit of a negative. Would love for the odds to increase only a little because after trying 100 tries to get the Golden Bunny and winning two legendary items is disappointing
  5. With leveling up all the girls in our harem we only get to see these incredible artworks once. I would love to visit these again but there isn't an option for that. I spent the time and money to upgrade to get them, shouldn't I be able to view them as often as I want? Had a library to the Harem tab on the main page
  6. cheftig

    New girls

    Can we get some girls that are curvy? We have plenty of thin and busty. Why not get some girls with thick thighs and a huge ass? Still could have huge tits, that does come with being curvy. Thoughts?
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