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Posts posted by UnwrappedGodiva

  1. The "money" issue is one of the main reasons why it is not so simple to rely on backups for online games.  Players make new purchases all the time, they spend what they have bought, and some of the items that can be purchased are only valid for a limited time.  So it is not sufficient to have backups; it is also necessary to have a full transaction log covering all purchases so that they can be repeated or reimbursed when the game is restored from a backup.  However, even that would leave some players frustrated, because some of the items that can be bought include a part of randomness... so those who are less lucky the second time would certainly complain that they have lost something important.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Bomba said:

    The solution I see for that is an in-game rating survey which pops up after you unlocked the last pose of the girl and can truly rate her based on all available information and not only on the first pose.

    This x1000 :)

    The surveys never specify what we should rate:

    • The stats of the girl?
    • The art of the first pose?
    • The art of the other poses?
    • The art of the upgrade scenes?
    • The text of the description of that girl?
    • The text in the upgrade scenes?
    • The backstory of that girl?

    Only the first two criteria in this list can be evaluated without obtaining and upgrading the girl.  Having a survey in-game only after unlocking the last pose would delay the votes but would make them much more meaningful.  Ideally, it should even be possible to vote separately for each of these criteria.  I would like to be able to say that the first pose of a girl is great but I do not like the other ones, or that I love the description but I was disappointed with the art.

    Alternatively, please give us an option to skip any question in the survey, so that we can only vote for the girls that we have obtained and upgraded instead of being forced to vote semi-randomly based only on the stats of the girl or on her first pose.

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  3. The title says it all. but a picture is worth a thousand words so the attached mock-up should be easy to understand.

    The idea is that when the player clicks on a chapter in the story map, the pop-up window would show the number of skill points obtained so far and the maximum for that chapter.  It would be a quick way to check how much work is still left in each chapter.  There is more than enough room to display that information below the "Play" button (or "Continue" when selecting the active chapter) so I hope that it is not too difficult to add if the information is available in the game client.


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  4. Similar problem here: login failed several times (not because of incorrect password, but because the login server did not respond quickly enough).  After several minutes, I finally managed to get in.

    I suspect that the new bugs that cause the game to crash so often are forcing players to reload the game and reconnect frequently, which is probably overloading the game servers.  The developers should really focus on making the game more stable because they are going to lose a lot of money if many players cannot play the game anymore and if those who can play require more servers to handle the extra load caused by the bugs.

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  5. Do not despair: it took me 40 attempts to get Demetria (chapter 4 stage 100).

    But do not do it only with remax.  It is much faster to switch to another chapter and then back, as soon as you see that you did not get the girl.  For me, I did remax 14 times and then I switched chapters 26 times (total: 40).

  6. I had already reported this issue yesterday, both here and on Discord a few minutes after the update was made public.  So the developers are aware of this problem.

    See my message "Weird issues with Sabrina after the update" in this forum: 

    And there is another duplicate bug report from 123234 here: 

    Maybe we could all use the existing bug reports instead of creating new ones?  ;)


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  7. Yes they should fix these obscure abbreviations in the skill tree, or at least display some explanations in a legend somewhere on that page.

    The funny thing is that these abbreviation like SC and Exc seem to be the names that the developers use internally when developing the game. They were already visible in the previous version of the game because when some images or other resources could not be loaded correctly, their names were displayed in the game window and especially in the list of crafts or in the shop, where it was possible to see the internal names for all bonuses like foo_SC_bar or foo_Exc_bar and others.  "Exc" stands for "Excitement".  The "C" could stand for "currency", so if Ryos (previously Kobans) are the main/primary currency, then Ymens could be the secondary currency "SC".

  8. 2 hours ago, Loupy said:

    Has anyone gotten the chapter one level 800 girl? I'm aware the others are all chance-based, and I've gotten all of them, but I've maxed out my remaxes on chapter one (gotten the max possible shards from remaxes I mean, as far as I know there isn't actually a "max" number of times you can remax), and STILL no girl from level 800. I'm thinking that girl in particular may be bugged, unless anyone can confirm actually receiving her?

    I got her on the first attempt, so I do not think that there is a bug there.  On the other hand, it took me 39 or 40 attempts to get Demetria (chapter 4 level 100).

    Note that you do not have to reset/remax every time.  Once your max level for a chapter has been increased a few times, it is much faster to switch to another chapter and then go back.  This will restart your progress at the first level without having to wait too long.  For example, for Demetria my 39 or 40 attempts were 14 remax + 25 or 26 changes of chapter.

    As I wrote in another topic, I am wondering why they added this randomness in the drops.  There is no real challenge because after each reset or chapter switch, you only have to wait until the game reaches the target level (if your account is optimized for idle bonuses and not for click, then you just have to wait without even having to click anything).  And if you do not get the girl, you can retry as often as you want.  This is not challenging, this is not exciting, this is just boring.  This randomness in the drops for the boss girls is a step backwards that makes the game less fun.  I do not understand why they did that, especially after they decided to add a gacha x7 that removes the annoying randomness in the gacha.

  9. It took me around 40 attempts to get Demetria (chapter 4 level 100): I used remax 14 times until I got the hint that it was much faster to switch chapters.  Then it took me another 25 or 26 attempts to finally unlock her.  I got all the other girls on the first attempt (Bella, Ruuza, Vaela, Ithori) except for Mala (chapter 4 level 400) that required a dozen attempts.

    The randomness in this new behavior is intentional, but I am wondering why. It just requires the same thing to be repeated several times without much challenge.  This is boring and does not make the game more fun nor more interesting.  I hope that the developers will reconsider this and make the girls drop on the first attempt, or at least introduce some kind of progress (like the shards in HH) that could bring some excitement back in the game instead of having the current all-or-nothing approach for these drops.

    • Thanks 1
  10. You can also click on the "Girl Info" button on the right to see the three bonuses.

    However, the problem with these solutions is that they only show the bonuses for one girl.  There is no quick overview of the bonuses provided by all girls as we had earlier in the harem page (which is now limited to 5 girls).  The disappearance of the overview is really annoying when you have to decide where to spend your affection points.  If you are done with one girl (you reached the stage that you wanted her to reach) and you have to decide where to spend your next affection points, it is now a rather tedious process to check all girls one by one and decide which one is the next best candidate.  And as there is no way to sort the girls in the harem and help you remember your priorities, this effort has to be renewed regularly.

    • Like 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, jay533 said:

    You're referring to the remax option in the forge, right? It doesn't seem to increase the max level for me from 501.

    Clear your cache and reload the game.  That bug was fixed a few minutes after the release, but you may still have that bug if you loaded the game too early.  I had the same issue and a reload solved it.

  12. It looks like there is a problem with Sabrina in this new version.  Other players have already reported some issues with the chat, but I also see some display issues in the harem:

    • Clicking on Sabrina's portrait in the harem does not replace the currently selected girl with Sabrina, but the list of stages disappears.
    • After that, clicking on any other girl in the harem displays that girl but then the list of stages is corrupted.  See an example below.
    • After selecting another girl, switching to the Office or Gacha and then switching back to the Harem fixes that display issue.
    • If I switch to the Office and then back to the Harem while Sabrina is selected (but not visible), then returning to the Harem does display Sabrina but dumps this error in the browser console:

    01:16:39.963 Uploading Crash Report
    01:16:39.963 UnityLoader.js?c=1600381020:4 ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    01:16:39.964 UnityLoader.js?c=1600381020:4 Parameter name: index
    01:16:39.965 UnityLoader.js?c=1600381020:4   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 
    01:16:39.966 UnityLoader.js?c=1600381020:4  
    01:16:39.966 UnityLoader.js?c=1600381020:4 (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1)



  13. Attention, il y a une différence entre la version anglophone et la version francophone du sondage !

    Dans la version anglophone, la sixième question demande :


    Do you think there are too many new girls to get during the Classic event?

    Dans la version francophone, cette même question devient :


    Pensez-vous qu'il y ait trop de filles lors d'un Événement Classique ? 

    Ce n'est pas du tout la même chose !  Un joueur qui a du mal à compléter son harem peut penser qu'un événement ne propose pas assez de filles mais trop de nouvelles filles, alors qu'un joueur qui a déjà un harem bien rempli et qui cherche les nouveautés peut penser qu'il y a trop peu de nouvelles filles et trop de filles au total (trop de filles inutiles qu'il possède déjà).

    J’espère que les réponses des différentes traductions du sondage ne vont pas être mises en commun, car leur signification est différente.


    D'autre part, ce sondage répète un problème présent dans la plupart des sondages précédents : il n'est pas possible de passer certaines questions ni de donner une réponse neutre.  Par exemple, on doit répondre si "Oui" ou "Non" il y a trop de filles, sans pouvoir passer la question ou rester neutre ("Non" n'est pas une réponse neutre).  De même lorsqu'il faut choisir un événement qu'on aime ou qu'on déteste.

    Cela veut dire qu'on a l'obligation d'influencer le résultat du sondage même si on n'a pas d'avis sur cette question.  C'est dommage car ceux qui n'ont pas d'avis sont obligés de faire pencher la balance d'un côté ou de l'autre.

    • Like 5
  14. Hmm... it looks like there is still a bug with the polls if the closing date/time is set.  I wanted to have this poll close automatically at the end of next month, but now I see that it closed immediately "Poll closed on 09/30/2020 at 01:00 PM".  Is there a way to re-open it?

    EDIT: Does anybody know how to re-open the poll?  Or should I re-create a new topic with a new poll without any end date and then ask a moderator to delete this one?

  15. The survey for World 13 is a bit better than some previous surveys but it still contains some mandatory questions that do not allow a "neutral" or "don't care" answer, or questions that only allow a very incomplete set of answers.  I picked three questions from the official survey and I added more choices (prefixed with "NEW:") for these questions that could not be skipped and for which the choices did not include a neutral option or the some of the feedback that had been posted here or on Discord since World 13 was released.

    Kinkoid surveys have the unfortunate habit of being slightly broken, with some questions requiring an answer but providing a limited set of choices from which none may be acceptable to some players.  An extreme exemple would be only offering two choices: "I love the pictures" or "I do not like the stories".  No way to skip the question, no way to answer "I do not care" or "I love the stories" or "I do not like the pictures".  Some of the old surveys had questions that were very close to this ridiculous exemple.  The recent survey for World 13 is not as bad as that and is better than some surveys from a few monts ago, but it still contains some broken questions.


    I picked three questions as an example of how the survey could have been greatly improved with a few simple changes:

    Did you enjoy World 13? *

    This question requires an answer ("*" next to the question) but does not allow a neutral choice. No way to say that it was okay without being exceptional. Also, as it allows multiple choices, it would have been nice to be able to answer simultaneously that this World 13 was very nice overall but that some parts of it were disappointing or even disgusting.  For example, as the different steps of the story were released, some players expressed strong opinions about the Spirimon (and the way they said "Dick-a Dick-a" or "Ball-a-suck"), about the fact that Blue was smoking all the time (which is a turn-off for non-smokers and even more for those who stopped smoking), or about the way Blue was behaving or treating others.

    Note that one could argue that some of the options that I added are also biased: there are three options for things that were disliked by some players (disliked Spirimon, or Blue smoking, or Blue's behavior) but the opposite options are missing (loved Spirimon, or depiction of tobacco products, or abusive behavior).  To avoid any bias, these opposite choices should also be present but the poll did not allow me to add more choices or more questions.  Ideally these should also have been in the survey, maybe split in multiple questions.

    What do you think about Neono? *

    Here the choices were rather good (with separate choices about physique and personality) except that it was not possible to skip that question and there was no neutral choice.  If I think that Neono was okay but not exceptional, I am forced to answer that I hate her or that I love her.  As a result, the answers will probably not represent correctly how the players feel about that character so it will not be possible to draw any good conclusions from that question.

    Do you want more lesbian stories? *

    Again, this question cannot be skipped but does not offer a neutral choice.  In addition, this question about lesbian stories has an option "yes, but only if the Hero participates" but not the opposite explicitly excluding the Hero.  This is not a true lesbian story if the male Hero participates, so there should have been a way for the players to pick such an option.


    This forum-based poll will probably be less representative than the official survey because far less players will answer it and because those who read the forum are not representative of the whole player base. However, the way these three questions were written in the survey will lead to forced answers that may not represent how the players really feel or what they really want.  As a result, it will be difficult for Kinkoid (and for us the players) to derive any useful conclusions from the answers to these questions.

    If someone from Kinkoid reads this, I hope that it can help improving the future surveys.  And anyway, I am curious to see how these three questions will be answered here in the forum and how this will be different from the survey results once they will be available.

  16. In the last messages from @Čamuga and @Chthugha, both sides are partially right (and wrong).  Quick summary of my conclusions before I explain the details:

    • The forums are not representative of the opinion of the players.
    • Many Kinkoid surveys are badly designed.  I do not believe in conspiracy theories so I do not think that the surveys are biased on purpose, but the way the questions are structured makes it unnecessarily difficult or sometimes impossible to conclude anything useful.

    Regarding the forums, I have not seen any statistics from Kinkoid, but other game companies have published some numbers in the past.  Regardless of the type of game, they usually show that only a small percentage of the players (< 10%) had opened the forums at least once during the last 6 months and an even smaller percentage of the players (< 1%) had ever posted anything during the entire lifetime of the game.  For many games, that last percentage is even lower than 0.1%.  In addition, among those who post to the forums, the distribution is far from uniform and there are always a few players who post much more frequently than the others, and often a few small groups of like-minded individuals who repeat each other's opinions.  As a result, reading the forums could provide a very distorted view of what most players think or want.

    The fact that the forums are not representative is even more true for HH because the players from Nutaku do not have access to the forums (the link to the forums is absent from the game menu).  I am not sure about the players from Eroges (now Erogames).

    Here are two links that are worth reading because they are relevant in this context: https://www.quora.com/Why-dont-video-game-companies-listen-to-their-customers-more -- Read the answer from Al Nelson, especially his points #3 "The unsolicited player feedback we get represents only .03% of our player base. The few, the loud, the extreme. (...)" and #4 "Players do not tell the truth in forums. (...) Features that the forums hate often increase player counts, sales and average time in game." Read also the last answer from Chris Bast: "(...) It doesn't matter what gamers actually say, it matters what they are willing to spend money on. (...)"  There is also the good old blog post from Jeff Vogel: http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2011/01/three-reasons-creators-should-never.html

    Game forums are great for getting the opinion of some players and for collecting some ideas of what could be improved in the game, but usually bad for deciding what should be improved.  These decisions should be based on other sources, such as surveys and statistics about the evolution of player behavior and spending.

    Unfortunately, many Kinkoid surveys have been badly designed.  I am not only saying that as a player, but also as a (part-time) data scientist.  These surveys have been victim of several deadly survey sins, such as mixing several unrelated or partially related aspects in a single question, or asking about how the respondents feel about several factors without also asking about their importance.  I do not believe that the surveys have been biased on purpose (or at least I hope so) but they have been badly designed, which means that the responses cannot be used to take meaningful decisions.

    As an example of the first "survey sin" (mixing several unrelated aspects in a single question), most HH events have been followed by a survey asking to rate each event girl. However, I can like or dislike a girl because because of her design, her affection scenes, her stats (too weak or too powerful), her story, the fetishes that she represents, etc.  The surveys would be much better if at least some these aspects could be rated separately instead of having only a single rating per girl (or having to sort the girls by order of preference, as happened in some surveys for HH or HC).  For example, if I see that a new girl has some nice combat stats but her poses look really bad, should I answer that I like her and risk getting more bad-looking girls in the future independently of their stats, or should I answer that I dislike her and risk getting even worse drawings but maybe with overpowered stats that ruin the balance of the game?  Or if I love the nicely drawn poses of a girl but I dislike how some affection scenes have been drawn too quickly with a hero that is barely recognizable, should I answer that I like her or not?  Mixing several aspects in a single question can result in the responses being interpreted in exactly the opposite way as the respondents intended.  Note that these two examples were not taken at random: they have been discussed here during previous events, with several suggestions to split the different aspects in the survey.  With questions mixing several aspects, it is very difficult for the developers to know if they should focus their efforts on the drawings or on the balance of the game.

    An example of the second "survey sin" is that many questions ask if we like something or not, without asking how important that is for us. Some surveys allow some questions to be skipped, but others require an answer to all questions including those that do not have a "don't care" choice.  For example, the surveys about the Path of Attraction or the Legendary Contests had some parts that I liked or disliked but that I really did not care much about.  Being forced to answer in a positive or negative way means that my answer could inflate the results of a question that is not important for me, and this could cause the developers to think that they have to do something about it.  I would like to be able to say that I did not enjoy the custom background for an event but that I do not want the developers to try and improve it, or to be able to say that I did not find any of the references for the poses or names of some new girls but that it is perfectly fine for me.

    Suggestions for the Kinkoid developers (if @Noacc reads this):

    • The forums are not representative of the majority of the players, so please do not be distracted and keep on focusing on your own statistics and survey results for taking your decisions. ;)
    • In the surveys, avoid mixing several aspects in a single question.  For example, when asking how much we liked some new girls, include for each girl separate questions about her art/design and her stats (or even better, have four separate questions for each girl about her poses, her affection scenes, her stats and her story/description).  This also applies to the questions about new game features or new types of events: in a multiple-choice question asking to select things that we like or dislike, have separate questions or groups of questions for things related to art/design and things affecting the balance of the game.
    • When asking if we like or dislike something, ask how important this thing is for us (e.g., not important, neutral, important, very important) and use that importance in a weighted average for that feature.  This is especially useful for the questions asking about new features or new types of events: there may be things that I dislike but that are not important for me, and others that I love and that I consider as very important, or vice-versa.  As a minimum fallback solution, always include a "no answer" or "don't care" option for all multiple-choice questions -- Note that this is different from having none of the choices selected by default, because if I click on one of the choices by accident it may not be possible to deselect all choices.

    Thanks for reading this long rant. ;)


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  17. Le malheur des uns fait le bonheur des autres, puisque les cadeaux sont quand meme gagnés mais par d'autres joueurs.

    J'ai eu le même souci : quelques minutes avant la fin de la compet' légendaire, le serveur est devenu de plus en plus lent jusqu’à générer des erreurs 503.  J'avais acheté une recharge de combativité mais je n'ai pu faire qu'une partie des combats avant que le serveur devienne totalement inaccessible.  Quelques minutes plus tard, la compet' était terminée et les problèmes de ralentissement ont disparu assez rapidement.  J'ai alors pu constater que j'ai eu de la chance de ne pas me faire dépasser en dernière minute mais il s'en est fallu de peu.  Et j'ai pu terminer les combats achetés, qui étaient bien moins utiles après la fin de la compet'.

    Vu que tout le monde semble attendre la dernière minute pour combattre, je pense qu'une surcharge des serveurs est difficilement évitable.  Doubler la capacité des serveurs entraînerait probablement aussi un doublement du nombre de joueurs qui se précipitent en dernière minute pour tenter de gagner des places au classement.  La situation actuelle est frustrante et stressante pour les joueurs comme moi, mais je doute que cela puisse être résolu facilement et d'une manière qui reste rentable pour Kinkoid.

  18. 2 hours ago, niemandniemand said:

    Notification Banner: superfluous and irritating!

    2 errors

    With DST its UTC+2. 

    1PM Server time = Paris time = CEST or MEST (MESZ in deutsch) Central Europe , not West . West Europe (GMT w.o. DST) is London, Lisboa, Ireland, Island ...

    not important but it bothers me everytime i read this wrong UTC+1

    when i write this it's 14:07 UTC, 16:07 CEST (Paris, Berlin)

    Maybe the following map of the European time zones will help (modified image from Wikipedia, with overlays added):


    When summer time is active, the Hentai Heroes server is in the CEST time zone (UTC+2, not UTC+1).

    Summer time in Europe starts on the last Sunday in March and ends on the last Sunday in October.  We are currently in summer time.  All recent announcements mentioning UTC+1 are wrong.


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  19. Comme je l'ai dit ailleurs, je pense que les notifications sont une bonne idée mais mal réalisée. Le bandeau prend beaucoup de place, bloque des éléments de l'interface (ce qui ralentit le jeu quand on veut enchaîner des actions rapidement) et ne contient pas assez d'informations vraiment utiles.

    Pour le Chemin d'Affection, les notifications sont utiles mais il faudrait ajouter dans chaque notification le nombre de points manquants pour terminer l’étape, ou bien quelque chose comme "Synergie des corps et des esprits +80 points, total : 460/500"

    Pour les Compet' les informations actuelles sont peu utiles car généralement on sait ce que l'on fait.  Cela pourrait être amélioré en ajoutant notre position actuelle dans le classement de la compétition et encore mieux en donnant le nombre de points manquants pour atteindre la position suivante du classement (ou quand on est premier, pour montrer l'avance qu'on a sur le second).

    Mais surtout, il faudrait que les notifications:

    • ne se superposent à aucun element important de l'interface du jeu, afin de ne pas ralentir le jeu (il faudrait certainement qu'elles prennent beaucoup moins de place);
    • restent visibles un peu plus longtemps pour qu'on ait le temps de tout lire;
    • soient optionnelles (si possible avec quatre possibilités: aucune notification, seulement le Chemin d'Affection, seulement les Compet', ou toutes les notifications)
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