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Everything posted by Yamamura

  1. There is PvP and PvE. If you can name another part of the game that makes PvP 20%, be my guess. Until then, I'll play the half of the game they actually care about fixing.
  2. @JessieChan The rule was made before my and many others posts. I understand you are in charge of order on this website and I respect that. However, that still doesn't make me happy. This post was never intended at one specific event and not pointing at a specific girl. It's about the future and what my opinions are related to the legendarys. If you can be so kind in pointing me in the direction on what forum is similar to the points I've made, I'll be happy to post there. Because before I posted, I did try and look for one that is from this, or last month. Go too far and it's necro posting, right? I feel this rule needs more explaining for the community. True that General needs to be slim down, but adding a not flesh out rule will just cause more confusion.
  3. It was fitting in General. Everything I've posted, I know for a fact none of it would possibly cross the Devs mind to implement into the game. That being said, it's definitely not "Supported" in any way. If anything in the post considered a "Bug," I would love to know!
  4. If and when Charm goes against a legendary, which at high rank, I at the very least, see too often. The other classes had a chance given to them. If you didn't get one, you'll be in the same boat as Charm. On the other hand it seems that Noruo is dropping better than Levitya. This is great news, don't get me wrong, but this also hurts Charms again. Noruo is even more of counter to deal with. Do to the changes in V2 that nobody can prepare for, legendarys in general will just destroy what left we have as a PvP mode. It will be a complete joke again. Only thing people can do is gambling Kobans during an event and hoping it NOT land on many of the boss girls, or the other many filler girls. All in for the "fake legendarys."
  5. @Sombre I'm sick of arguing with you. PvP is shit! Yeah, we get it and they are very SLOWLY fixing it. I am playing two games at the moment that do test my skills in PvP, but that's STILL not the point. The point you seem to not see is weather you like it, or not stats are in the game because of PvP. PvP is half the games content. If you want to make the most of leveling your girls you need to win in PvP for more cash. What do you need to win in PvP again? That's right, stats, all of which the legendary girls have. Go find a good hentai game where there isn't PvP and eat your heart out.
  6. Just about everything in this game is about luck, so making that point is completely irrelevant. If you would like the play the other half of the game, being PvP, stats do matter. More stats in PvP equals less luck you need to put up with. Just because you don't care enough about PvP, doesn't give you the right to talk for others. There are plenty of people that care about the stats. This is one of the many reason why I and probably a lot of others are mad about not having the legendary. I greatly feel like I'll be lossing too much because of the fact I don't have the appropriate legendary for my team.
  7. Charm might have the advantage in stats because of the 5* they have, but that won't be the case when V2 comes along. The legendary are two tiers above what they are currently using. Meaning that the other classes will be not only better, but Charm will be leagues behind them. There has also been talk about Charm having the worst Harmony. If this is true, or not remain up to debate. Most of this can be avoided if V2 release AFTER Charm gets their legendary, but that will not happen. This is why Charms should feel "alienated." This all matters a lot if you actually care about the othe half of the game, being PvP.
  8. Can we keep this post about the idea and/or system of the legendary girls? We have enough threads about the drop rate and not acquiring a girl. By this point it's a plague and would like none of that here.
  9. @Some other guy Basically you save enough Kobans for two rolls on the 10x Epic Panhinko, isn't that a bit much? To avoid as much RNG as possible, people, myself including, will not touch Panhinko untill we have a good number of boss girls. Now that the stats will be based off of rarity instead of Stars, many people now have basic, low stated girls as soon as the V2 hits. Having those that gambled not getting a boss girl in Panhinko and those that have the new legendarys are way better off then Charm. I guess I'll just keep lossing rank in PvP until I finally get Charm's legendary...
  10. I'm upset to say the least about this whole legendary girl things going on. So I'm going to try to remain calm and collected, bare with me. Having a once in a life time limited event show up for less than a week, sure I can get behind that. It shows the game rewards me for logging everyday and playing it. The girls look amazing and the stats are higher than anything else I can get normally. I feel special when I get to show off something that was earned where not many people have. There's many problems with what I was talking about, this isn't like that at all. What we got instead was everything not to do for a event like we have. Sure, I have zero experience on creating ideas that would be great for video games. However, I do know how other games handled ideas and if it was a success, or not. If the legendary girls are supposed to be something exciting and look forward to get, why do we need pray for RNGesus to spin the wheel the right way? Is there a way in which we were to earn such a prize and not encounter the man with the endless supply of dice. I don't know the answer, but I believe I know the way. Do you know if there was a time in a game where giving the player AND having them keep the most powerful weapon right from the start was a good idea? I hardly doubt you would say yes to that if you enjoy actual games. That is exactly what legendary girls are, over stated weapons given to new players because (enter good reason here). If we were to move legendarys to a place where they aren't given to the kids like candy and move them where "end game" players can make use of them. Give them a way to earn them, a challenge! People are capable of beating all the bosses just fine with the worst team, all different classes and them all level one (I have tested this on second account). The legendary is there for PvP, simple as that. So yeah, of course those that don't care about PvP wouldn't be as mad as others that do care. Bringing me to the other topic at hand, HH.V2. If this patch releases before Charm gets their legendary, then all those players are now at a disadvantage. "But you can change you class. But you can level up other girls." Yeah sure, sounds great that because of the Devs problem all Charms must spend Kobans to change classes, then level up girls for said class, all at the same time wasting money you have been saving up for gear that also stated for the class. That isn't something a lot of people can willing do. The legendary girl changing class at this point doesn't matter, it would been the same outcome for Know How. If you don't care about what I have to say, at least know I'm not the only one who feels this way. We have other ways to get girls at any level. We have enough events already. Just slow down and breathe. I'm excited for them too, I just want legendary girls to feel legendary.
  11. Are we playing the same game? I would love to have that event!
  12. Are you saying that we weren't supposed to get Norou, but a different Girl and just had to go along with it? We didn't know about Norou until the last day. What would be the harm in just swapping the Girls out? If the Legendarys aren't ready, then they shouldn't have a list on how many and on what month. It already seems there are more than a few who are angry with the lack of communication we are getting. Who knows if HHV2 will drop before, or after Charm gets their Legendary. Too many questions and more paches in, the more questions pile on.
  13. Great to see the Avatar picture being worked on now. I was wanting to play on Nutaku for this reason. Hopefully more will be available soon.
  14. What they are doing makes no sense! Unless someone can put the pieces together, the change from Charm to Know How is just asking for more aggressive posting (like this one now that I think of it). I might be a Charm player, but don't think for a second that's the reason I'm mad. They give us not even a week to actually see what the Legendary Girl looks like. So what is the harm in just balancing how many each class gets ahead of time? Is there a reason why there are so many Charm Legendarys? The Girls don't have the classes stamped on their head for "lore reasons" that's for sure! If it took the Devs to see the problem of the release dates of Legendarys this long... What the hell is going on? I know I'll get my Legendary Charm Girl at least once this year. I have tons of chances thanks to the poor decisions making going on. On a serious note though, please give Hard Core more to work with. They need it 😔
  15. Can you search yourself up? If it's ourselves we can't see, that's still a problem.
  16. So I tryed searching for my name on the leaderboards and the game was telling me that nobody has that name. Yes, I know how to spell my name and I know it was working in the past. Anyone got any ideas, or is this a bug?
  17. Yamamura

    Ideas Main

    Never said it was a problem. I've been playing just about the same time too. I just see it a bit odd how an event mission (something that's important to do) be the third one down. Don't you find it odd at least?
  18. Yamamura

    Ideas Main

    I just had a thought and wondered why nobody mentioned this before, or at least not what I've seen. Why is the Event Missions always the third one down and not the first? Is this a hard fix, or was it overlooked? Now that I see it, it cannot be unseen 😵
  19. The Harmony stat goes up by .5, instead of the normal 1 for every other stat. So it might be a rounding issue of sorts.
  20. I'm just wondering if this is going to be pinned for a short while, or forever? Making this "victory" topic is one thing, but having it pinned just feels like you are kicking him while he's down. I can care less about whatever this is about. I just don't want some drama topic staying with the important stuff.
  21. I would like to recommend a system where the event armor/clothing are stored in a "collections tab." I do not think that a high level will ever make use of more than one piece of the event set anyways. Correct me if I'm wrong, but those that get the set will sell it, or let it sit there. I'm one of those people that let the set sit there and would like it to be separated from the gear I'm actually using. The art team is creating different pictures from the gear we usually see and I feel a bit sad that it's not being used.
  22. I thought it would be fun to try and count how many eggs were hidden within the Town. I found a total of 39 eggs, that is counting both striped and single color. How many eggs did you find?
  23. Wasn't lossing in a Batte supposed to give you XP and Affection, or did I read it wrong? If it does give XP and Affection for losses, why does it not show after the Batte? This was a while ago I know, but I'm just now noticing.
  24. This is a greatly put together thought that I believe a lot of us feel that way as well. Thank you for taking the time to type this all out and I hope the Devs hear from this.
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