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  1. Oh Damn. Sorry. Thought PoA would be named PoA. Thanks Though!
  2. Was Pet Play PoA by any chance? If yeah then sorry. If not, could I know how long PoA lasts?
  3. For example if you want to access PoP, you go to Activities and then click on the PoP thing on top. Could you tell me how to access PoA in the same manner? Thing is I've been playing for over a month but still don't have access to PoA. Am I making a mistake, or do I need to do something to unlock PoA? Thanks!
  4. Ok so PoA is just another event like Legendary Contests that comes once a month right? Because if not, I don't have access to it.
  5. Yep, I get how the blessings can really help me out. And like you said, 5 stars have more potential use. But as in Legendary contests, do you mean legendary days? If not, It's something I am yet to unlock. I've got the four starter girls at max affection as well as another common girl at 4 stars. Then there's two Legendaries at 1 star affection, and all my commons are at one star. But since I recently 2 of the starter girls to max affection, I've lost quite some money. I've been able to get money at a steady rate, so that even though I empty my market as many times as I can (Ofc I don't buy equipment or the boosters) I'll be back at the same amount of money as I was before. But just as how @Kenrae said it, cash should be a cheap resource in the future and I can see that because unlike before, my income has increased. Btw, could I know how to unlock PoA, because I though I'd unlock it If I maxed out PoP. Maybe It's because I have only maxed out the Goblin one, since I haven't unlocked the other two, but I had gotten my hopes up. About the legendary contests, If you do not mean it as in Legendary days, could I know when I could unlock it? Thanks!
  6. LC? D3? Bonus path? Sorry but I've never heard of these terms before. I guess you get them unlocked if you max out the Places of power first. Damn I'm new😅. But it seems like the best investment of kobans in the game. Of course I don't expect to be able to level up girls or increase their attraction really quick. It would take months and months of dedicated playing and leveling up to be able to do so. But I'd like to unlock girls that I'm sure I'd use in my harem. For example, If I upgrade my 3 star legendaries, It feels wrong, knowing that I'm gonna switch her out later and the fact that she just ate up 1/4 of my entire cash just to increase her affection once (Yeah, I'm that poor rn). And that's just for 1 star on 1 legendary girl. (Imagine me with a mythic girl😂). If I had a 5 star girl, who I'm sure I'd use, I'd be okay giving her affection, upgrading her and all. It'd give me something to work on. Sure I'd only get to 2 or 3 stars on a legendary girl right now, but I'm sure I'll be able to get her up sooner or later. This is not related to the above, but I read the thing when you scroll down on a girl under bunny. It says ' When she plays with her 5 chaos sex toys she becomes "Golden Bunny" '. Is it possible for me to get golden bunny by giving her something on doing something? I don't expect much but anyways, Thanks!
  7. Is the pachinko not worth spending kobans in even in orgy days? If it isn't worth it in the Pachinko, could you tell me where it would be be worth spending kobans? Thing is I'm looking for 5 star legendary girls (If possible, mythic girls as well). I'd like to use my kobans in the best way possible to get 5 star legendary girls. If it's alright to wait till the next mythic days or something, and use my kobans to get the mythic or legendary by buying punches, I'd rather do that. But if possible to get a 5 star legendary right now, please recommend the best option for me. Thanks!
  8. Thanks a lot. Are 5 day events always Orgy days? And how often does orgy days happen? Every month or...?
  9. Haha, u and George seem to have some history. While I'm at it, could I know when the next orgy days will come?
  10. Haha, *HIGH CHANCE* Indeed. Thanks a lot man. U just saved my kobans.
  11. The event pachinko says that it gives a high chance for a girl. Many girls are legendary and if I get super lucky, I'd get a 5 star legendary. But there's a chance to get no girl at all. Could I know the percentage chance to get a girl vs to not get one. And I'd also like to know if it really is worth buying and how long the event pachinko last. Thanks!
  12. Haha, Thanks! You're definitely not a newbie though. I think maybe I didn't make it clear in my question, but is it worth buying a 20000xp book for 60 kobans? I'd also like to know how much xp a girl at lv 250 is at. My girls are mostly around a 1000xp or somewhere there, so I'd like to know what xp girls around lv300 or something are. Thanks!
  13. I already have 15 girls. Thanks for the warning, but yeah, I am not in a rush to get new girls. I have maxed out about 11 of them and the rest are all above level 80. Aside from an epic and a legendary, I have all of them with a star of affection (Including Legendaries). Everytime I level up, I make sure to empty the market, but this time I have a 20000xp mythic book for 60 kobans. I'm not sure if I should buy it, so please comment. I think I do understand how the game works, and while going through this site, I read about people spending kobans in the pachinko. But I just wanted to make sure if there was anywhere better to spend the kobans. Pelinor, thanks, but I think I'll go with Edward's thought as I believe that would be better for me. And Edward, thanks since I didn't know about the orgy days and the rest of the stuff, so I will save my equipment from now since I was selling them as I was pretty sure if I wouldn't use them. Thanks Y'all.
  14. I was wondering what was the best way to spend kobans. I'm a newbie, just started like 10 days ago, and am at lv 103. Should I spend my kobans in the event pachinko or in places of power to level up (I personally don't feel it's worth leveling up in places of power). Or should I just spend them somewhere else? Or should I just save them? Thanks in advance!
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