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Everything posted by Raggie

  1. Thanks for the advice, I will see if we can get our leader changed firstly... but that is handy to know, I play everyday but not quite strong enough for your club as of yet haha
  2. Unfortunately our club leader doesn't play anymore, so we are a bit screwed on that
  3. It is annoying that once a player has joined a club they stay in the club, even if they stop playing the game and just take up a space for others. I have heavily invested (48k contribution) in a club I am in but we got 26 members currently and only 6 active members, the rest are all players that don't play anymore, and there is nothing we can do to free up space. Is there something going to come that if you haven't been active, say a couple of months of inactive or better the contribution things reduces to 0 you have to pay a nominal amount to stay or get to the minimum contribution for the month, if you don't you are kicked from the club
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