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Everything posted by Asthir

  1. 'Ello. As the title says, the page keeps dangling its carrot in front of me, even after clearing the cache. This is happening with all related sub windows: daily rewards, Kobans purchases etc. Windows 10 Pro - version 10.0.19044 / latest Firefox version
  2. Hello. I'm not entirely sure what the animation setting blocks, but it could use an upgrade if you ask me. 4 things that are pure murder on older systems come to mind off the top of my head: - the sparkly stars when something gets modified (girls, resources etc.) - the counter animation on resources (particularly money) - the money animation on the Harem page (takes whole minutes sometimes) - entire pages reloading instead of clicked buttons only - such as the reward claim button everywhere Last one isn't animation related I guess, but it's still taking a toll on older processors.. Anyway, just my 2 cents. Later.
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