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Everything posted by Zanko

  1. Uggghhh as a 'Veteran' that still has not yet pulled out their wallet to make themselves happy with girl collecting here. I'll stick to collecting, but I think I'll be in deep water as there are too many girls I've yet to level up and been saving them up for Legendary Contests and the like.
  2. I'm happy to have gotten Cheshire Kelina, always enjoying my chocolate babes... but I am a bit miffed that Jabberwock Maleva is behind the Pachinko Chances... Well I just gotta be patient for now.
  3. Hmmmm seems I will not be able to finish the last two tasks in time. No matter. I was not giving this one my all anyway due to using most of my combat resources for the Legendary Contest to get the girl. Getting at least 1 of the two in the free path is acceptable and I was not as gun ho for these girls anyway.
  4. Hmmmm these girls don't tickle my fancy one bit. I'll work on the free path but beyond that, not going to attempt the koban one.
  5. Dang level 154 or more in less than 4 days? I dunno whether I should be impress or doubtful. Though good job on the catch either way.
  6. Rough competition here on this end of the upper level brackets.
  7. Dang it. I was hoping to pass this legendary contest till I saw the girl. Both a KH and a reference to Holo from Spice and Wolf. I cannot pass her up. Time to buckle down and grind hard for her!
  8. Well I must say. I am Impressed by how turned off I am of an event starting off with this month. Seriously I did not think it was possible, but I be wrong or corrected. The new season girls were the only ones to catch my eye. Heh maybe I might try the mythic event since I do not see myself going all in for the boss girls... maybe.
  9. Now, thankfully for saving up on Kobans. I got the second tier/bonus awards and managed to get Revy just recently. Dang I like her legs and heels... or is it the thighs? Can't say for sure.
  10. So I only recognize Revy and thankfully she is free... curious of the others, they look familiar. No, I don't know who they are a parody to. Edited: The second girl next to Ariana (Revy), the cat looking one Portia. She is reminding me of Asia Clan-Clan from Outlaw Star... I could be heavily mistaken though so if someone knows, please correct me.
  11. I put minimum effort and only landed at 34 shards with her. I do not know why HH decided to add this extra event to the already stress building of other events and competitive stuff like the Mythic and Legendary Contests... both of those are just nerve wracking to anyone that wants to collect on those. I'll play the patient game as always.
  12. I have no chance of beating those guys... going to attempt for 4th place hopefully.
  13. Grrrrr she may not be a Know How, but damn do I want her... *grumbles* I still dislike Legendary Contests as always, but I'll commit to getting her. Rather tough crowd I'm dealing with in my block sadly...
  14. While I play Clickers occasionally, am surprise to see her again here in Heroes. No I did not get her in Clickers. Though yeah, just a 2 day event? Not going to stress myself out to obtain her.
  15. Heh so I was in the same bracket with you @Slyniathough I was temporary at 2nd place till I was sniped down to 8th place.
  16. Nope got the 500 internal system error still. Is it due to the over flux of players competing for the Legendary Contests?
  17. Yeah, with the incoming mythic on the way, I decided to go for quantity with simplicity of solo running over quality with a major headache competing with the rest of the people. I'll save competing with other players in legendary contests if I feel like participating in them. As for the event's girls... oh boi. They all look deliciously good.
  18. Same here, even with my changing the star rating lower.
  19. Something must be wrong with me. I feel utterly nothing of excitement when looking at these girls... hmmmm just going to be play lazily this PoA time around.
  20. i was willing to fork over the saved up Kobans for them. I don't regret it, even if I could used that for the Mythic Days one. Meh I like my more favorite looking ones.
  21. Ah jeez. As much as I want her. For both being a KH and just tickling my fancy. I'm a tad annoyed by the timing, as usual, as i'm focus on getting the other girls from the classic event. Well choices, choices. I made mine already and sadly I'll not be hunting for mythics.
  22. I'll probably go for Cleo. It seems I already have Katsumi and Lapsey already. Not sure I really want to go crazy in attempting all the girls. Probably just Cleo for now.
  23. Nope, even if she was a Know How... still wouldn't bother with getting her. Though damn she is tempting to look at... but I'm focus on the classic event so my attention span is limited.
  24. Huh... not really feeling these girls. I'll just do the normal FREE PoA mode and save up the rest of my resources.
  25. Managed to get Keiko, Jordan, Xmas Lupa, and of course Xmas Bunny's Mother. Slightly bummed I couldn't get a shard for either Xmas Ankyo or Xmas Hari. But there is always next time around. A good haul. Now to wait patiently and gather more resources.
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