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Everything posted by Zanko

  1. In my case, I ran out of saved up Kobans and had Valentina exactly at the 90s... but time ran out . Otherwise she currently the only one I'm really saving any Kobans up for after this event. Unless another girl strikes my fancy hahahahaha.
  2. Not offended at all, I just suddenly had this rush of insanity burst through me... plus I'm usually the type that wants certain girls because they're parodies of certain characters. Like Valentina being Tifa of Final Fantasy 7 or Darla being Misty from Pokemon. This girl reminds me of Triss Marigold from the Witcher series.
  3. 404. Also I am 100% certain I'm going to drop below top 4 soon. The others have begun to climb the points now.
  4. Well... you maybe right... But this was 3k koban savings for Valentina, but my pride and ego is telling me this may not be worth it. Chugged in those save up boosters and went all in... Literally ALL IN
  5. We may as well unleash our maximum power against the tsunami wave and hope for the best!
  6. Nope, I''m 404 and I've yet to put in a single dollar into this... yet in comparison to the MONSTER WHALES. I'm just a minnow, Edited: Though in comparison... jeez these guys are going at it and I know I'm in the lower tier bracket of the 400 plus people.
  7. Oh geez, this is why I was not keen on competing with other players. No way in hell a Free to Play player like myself will ever beat a whale.
  8. Ugh does this mean I actually have to compete with other players? Crap... I just leveled up into 404. I really like this new girl and am tempted to go all out for her... reminds me a little bit of Triss Marigold from the Witcher series a bit.
  9. Guess I'll aim for Revenge. Though I have 2 of the others from previous events. Yeah will focus a bit of my lazy energy and go for Revenge.
  10. Feels way too soon for an event after PoA... then again I like Kelina. I'll put the effort for her.
  11. Well I got to the 3rd? last of the path of attraction, only issue I found here is that despite weakening my offensive traits enough. I still TKO One Round the first three, now four, champions too quickly. I think I maybe able to complete the first path, not enough Kobans saved for the other path. Though I'm mostly saving for the return of Valentina.
  12. Yeah, not going to go out on a limb here. Seeing as how my slow progress is going and I did blow most of my load into getting Darla. Nah I'm okay with attempting to get these ladies through Mystic Pachinko if possible... ever... meh.
  13. I probably could go for that extra route for Salem and the other girl, but I spent a bit of Kobans to get Darla... so... again with my previous. I'm burnt out and now just trying to save up my Kobans for the next legendary girl that may come about. Hopefully Valentina. Was literally at 99 shards with her before the event ran out of time.
  14. Ugh. I think I'll take a hard pass on this event. A little burnt out with the previous ones and while I would definitely want Salem for my collection... Just don't have that burning drive at the moment. I'll just go at it slowly and see where I end up at.
  15. Oh the time schedule change? I didn't notice, I live in North America EST, and kept going on with playing the game as usual. Finally got my hands on Darla... the extended time shift actually went to my favor I think.
  16. Well seems I only need to focus on Finalmecha to get Bella... *rolls up sleeves* time to get to work.
  17. Of the girls, I like The Morrigan most. Nice hooters for sure!
  18. 👍Val Kelina Definitely a favorite of the chocolate lovely ladies out there. Edited: Ah almost forgot to put in my ID from Hentai Heroes ID: 240917 Hentai Heroes.
  19. Curious but are the three girls accurate in their stats or types? I look at The Morrigan and while she is seen as a Romance type, her stats show her to be more Hardcore.
  20. Yeah as much as I would really want Lupa's Mother... I'll have to make a hard pass of no since even as a Veteran player of 3 years roughly... just getting all those PvP wins is going to be a hard slap knock battle, even if winning in the top 15 of the leagues would grant me a lot of kobans now. I'll focus on saving my kobans for legendary days and grab the girls I'll need to improve my team and my gear.
  21. Okay I realize an error on my part. I didn't realize the PvP fights also included the league matches. Points deducted from me for not reading the fine print. After grabbing some of the rewards and selling off the books and gifts I've been hoarding. Managed to get up to the fighting the champions... and thankfully I have indeed hoard those tickets because I had long since collected the girls from them. So I was wrong. It is doable, you just have to plan out the path of attack.
  22. True the selling and buying items is what appears annoying to me mostly. Well guess I'll just plan my method of attack then.
  23. Well thankfully I got Lima and some other random girls in the pachiko with the orbs... so I am content with what I have. Still need to work on the villain girls though.
  24. Hmmmm all these tasks to be down in order of the path... in four to five days? That looks like too much trouble for me, if I am understanding this right...
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