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Posts posted by Perez123

  1. On 6/7/2023 at 10:33 PM, OmerB said:

    I think that you'll beat it with three Injectors (boosters) and the Mythic booster.

    Your team looks good, but I don't know your max girls level. You may beat it with three injectors without the Mythic boosters, depending on your girls levels.

    Anyway, you will probably be stuck on temple 1500 for some time, for that one you'll need the Mythic booster.

    Thanks for the response. I was actually able to beat them, with 3 injectors and some luck on the crits.

    Btw, currently girls are at 700. From your experience, will I have any chance on beating temple 1500 with girls at 700?

    Or, from your opinion, there's no point in wasting a mythic booster before they're at 750?



  2. Hey all,


    I'm currently at Pantheon's Stairway 1399 completed. 

    I'm fighting for my life to beat the girls at the 1400 gate, but unsuccessful so far. Haven't tried the booster yet (the one that gives 15% more atk power on Pantheon and Villians), but I feel that it won't be enough, considering the power differences, as you can see on the print bellow.

    Anywayyyy... Any tips on how to defeat them? Thanks!



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  3. Hey everyone,

    A new question from me. What are the chances for Seasonal Event Girls to return and be obtainable?

    I'm not sure of the term is correct, but when I say Seasonal Event Girls, I mean girls like Anniversary Marid, Darkling Vamp or XMF Super Santa. The ones obtainable on those quarterly events (like the current Spring Delight)

    Based on the history on HH, will these girls ever return? In what type of event?


  4. Hey everyone,

    I know somewhere in this forum there's a topic where someone wrote a detailed guide on tips to get the best performance out of leagues.

    Probably in HH, but perfectly adaptable to CH. It said stuff like recommended elements and whatnot

    Anyway.... does anyone know where said topic is? I've been searching a lot on the forum, with no results :(


  5. Hey all,

    On the Sex Friends section, there's several rewards for checking Kinkoid other games.

    One of those rewards is a supposed heroine as seen on the image bellow.

    So, first question: Who exactly is this heroine? I've checked all heroines and couldn't find any with this portrait?

    2nd question: I've already registered on Hentai Heroes, but didn't got the reward. Could this be some bug? Or am I misunderstading the reward here? 





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  6. On 11/5/2022 at 7:38 PM, OmerB said:

    There's Zoopokemon data spreadsheet. For every girl on CxH, it's written who's she a parody of.

    For Vorr, it's written that she's a parody of Etrigan the demon (from DC).

    Samantha Vorr Riley is Jason Blood (from DC).

    Hey! Just out of curiosity.. where can I find this spreadsheet? I've searched on Zoopokemon profile and didn't find it.

  7. Hey Jelom. A question from my side, because you seem a knowledged guy on this game.

    Do you happen to know the schedules for all types of events? Any post somewhere in this forum with that info?


  8. Hi all,

    Having the option to chat individually with club members would be a great addition. 

    Currently we can only speak in a group chat, and while that's awesome, the option to speak individually with members would be also valuable.

    In particular to understand why some members contribute so little, and I would like a little chat to understand their reasons, before deciding if I will kick them from the club or not.


  9. Hi Jelom. Thanks for the responses, perfectly clear!

    But in the meanwhile another question popped up: 

         4. What happens when I get all the PoP Girls, and I'm still waiting for more to be added? The permanent quests remains? And if so, do they only give 3 prizes? Or a new kind of 4th prize is also given, in replace of the champions shards?


  10. Hi all. Question regarding the mechanics of Places of Power level-ups.

    I have 2 questions regarding "Permanent" Places of Power/Missions.

    Currently I have the quest "Spark me hard" to obtain Agent 69, at level 2/10. 

    1. After I get 100 attraction, the quest will change to obtain another heroine, such as Vestal or Spurt, correct?
    2. Assuming that the answer to the first question is a yes, will that quest start at level 2/10, or resets back to level 1/10?

    Regarding "Temporary" Places of Power/Missions.

          3. How exactly do they level-up? Number of Girls? Level of Girls? Hero's level?

    That's it, thanks


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