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  1. It actually does add up to what meraginasu said; Static drop rate means that you'll have the same chance per fight. So it doesn't matter how many times you fight, the chance remains the same. If the precise droprate were to be known, you'd be able to say that statistically you should've already received the girl (or not), but we don't have that information. Sadly, I'm one of those who's also lacking luck, as I'm roughly at 350-450 attempts by now with no Halloween Juliette. Dynamically, your chance would be greatly increased.
  2. Didn't know that, thanks for the info!
  3. Greetings, In another topic (discussion section) I asked wether someone knew the droprates for new girls (obtainable from boss-fights). I've heard somewhere that "event-boss-girls" had a higher chance of dropping than regular "boss-girls", but I've seen no figures. I then wondered wether those chances of dropping (~droprates) were static or dynamic and got this as a reply; Hence this topic, might it be a good idea to change the droprates from static to dynamic? In a sense of; Static droprate (~5%) -> Dynamic droprate (~5% + 0.01% per battle) So after 500 battles, the droprate for the next boss-girl of that (and only that) boss will be ~10% And once a girl has dropped, the figure would revert to it's original (~5%).
  4. The Pachinko cost is based on your level -> higher level, higher cost. Great Pachinko (10x) gives one rare (green) item garanteed
  5. As I believe the entire story-arc to be based on Bleach, I'd say "hollow" is the way to go.
  6. Or you could point any typo's or mistakes you happen to come by? As this one I've just come across in the activities;
  7. Dark Lord, Ninja Spy & Gruntt work for me. Edwarda and further don't. My guess is that they're currently fixing it.
  8. Yes, my combativity increased from 15 to 20. And I too am currently unable to fight any adventure boss - arena and towerbattles do work though. I'll guess they're currently working on it, as I only just now received the +5 bonus.
  9. ThisLad

    Ideas Main

    So with the rebalance came an entirely new economic system. This system has however, completely rendered rare or higher books/gifts utterly useless. Why you ask? The cost of purchasing a book or gift is directly dependent of the amount of xp/aff it provides. Take a Common Magazine (+4xp, $949), a Common Spell Book (+40xp, $9490), a Rare Magazine (+80xp, $18980) or a Rare Encyclopedia (+120xp, $28470). Even in a glance you'll see the direct depency. The cost is $237.25/xp. The same goes for gifts, where the cost is $417/aff. Hence, the only benefit a Rare/Epic/Legendary book/gift has in comparison to a lower tier, is that it requires less 'clicking of items' to get a girl to the desired level. In my personal opinion, this renders the rarity of books and gifts practically obsolete. My idea therefore is to slightly up the values of these items in accordance to their rarity. Perhaps a 5% increase in value / 5% decrease in cost per rarity level? If you'll keep the item-xp / item-aff at the same value, the cost should then be; Book: 237.35/xp (Common), 225.3875/xp (Rare), 213.525/xp (Epic), 201.6625/xp (Legendary). Gift: 417/aff (Common), 396.15/aff (Rare), 375.3/aff (Epic), 354.45/aff (Legendary). Love to hear everyones thoughts on this!
  10. Question: Why do the item-values displayed in the pachinko vary so much in comparison to the selling price in the market? Answer: All item-values (and in fact the entire economy system) changed with the rebalance. Items now sell for 1/6 (previously 1/2) of the purchase price.
  11. Ah, didn't notice/know that. But as you mentioned it, it seems to be the case. I recon it'll only be a matter of time before more girls will get 5th levels then. Side-note, server issues appear to be fixed! At least, on my end. Quickly done!
  12. So the new patch has rolled out and it seems to be a hard one for the servers I immediately noticed my "Combativity" had been increased from 9 to 15 (level 34), which I really like a lot! Another obvious and hard to miss change is the revamped economy system. Also hard to miss is that some of my girls can now be upgraded 5 times instead of 3. The experience cost and affection cost for each girl have been totally reworked. And all items have been drastically changed. Lastly for this short summary, the activities have increased in number and greatly reduced in duration (short normal ones went from ~10 minutes to ~1 minute and epic ones from ~90 minutes to ~15 minutes). Over all, a huge patch and some major changes - nice job putting so much work into it! I'd just like to inquire to some of the changes made; As of now I only have 2 girls that can get 5 upgrades. Bunny for instance had to grow to 915 affection to reach the 4th level/star. However, Bonny had to attain 2000+ affection to reach her max 3rd star. Does this mean that only a certain number of girls will be able to grow to the 5th level? And are the quite large differences in affection-required-growth because of this? Whilst I was boosting Bunny and Bonny to max affection, I used a bunch of the items I still had left. I also noticed that their respective prices have skyrocketed in comparison to pre-patch. I have yet to experience how much more money you'll get (much-much more from battles and activities, whilst the money from your girls has also been updated), but the price being easily more than a tenfold was a bit of a scare. As of now I'd say there a bit disproportional, but as mentioned, I've yet to experience the influx. The items have gained levels and changed in their prices. My gear (2 epics & 4 rares) had immediately become obsolete. The prices for them had also become laughable. A pilot shirt would sell for roughly 20k and now a measly 1250. I'm judging that this is due to all my items which I had equipped became level 1 items and the same items would sell for a higher price if higher level, right? (Anyhow, I did gain a legendary "super sexy electric guitar" at level 34, which kicks-ass. And I recon these changes were made in accordance with the new level-cap. So that people will have to keep changing gear until they reach the new cap and then try your luck at obtaining legendary items). A non patch question; I've got the "BFF" and the "Hydra of Lerna" items. The first gives you 12 charm and 82 know-how, the second gives you 158 endurance and 1 crit. However, when I equip the BFF, I've got more endurance than when I equip the Hydra? How can this be? Another non patch question; I noticed how some items have their stats in RED, whilst other items have them in BLUE. Is there any reason behind this? And finally a suggestion/tip; I've read somewhere on this forum that payment via for instance PayPal is not possible, due to adult content. I've also noticed how you advertise for other games, granting a 600 koban bonus for playing trough the tutorial. Those other games DO have the possibility to pay with PayPal, using an intermediate system "Epoch finance" or something among those lines. Maybe such a work-around might be a good option for you guys? As I can imagine a lot of people (like myself) who've got their finance in order, but have no use for a credit card and hence, have none. The only use for a credit card for a Dutchmen like myself would be for dealings/buying stuff from the USA. But most online purchasing nowadays offer alternative options. That all being I said, I like the new changes. Great work! And logically, I like the game
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